Pokemon Which animals missing??

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juz look at their sprites in G/S they look exactly like them. lugia is a chicken ho-oh even has that thing on his head
moltres is the pheonix
then they shouldn't have made 2 pheonixes. ho-oh is the most person, worst legendary of all time.
but i'll accept that it isn't a turkey.
It gets all confusing...wasps, bees, honey-bees....they are sort of alike, arent they?
Well, we have Ninjask which resembles a wasp anyway.
Mitsuhoney can be the honey-bee, shedinja a normal bee or beedrill can be that, i dunno...rickraptor!! knock! knock!
About bears.. Snorlax is supposed to be based on a bear >_>. A beer Pokemon would be... different, lol.

Anyways the first thing that popped into my head was...

A Komodo Dragon!

We need more frogs... I really don't consider the Poliwag line frogs. Poliwrath doesn't look anything like a frog, and Politoad is a TOAD ; ;. I got all excited when I saw Mudkip on R/S... I thought it was a frog at first and I named it Froggy.

Hmm, what else... A Starfish, a porcupine, a mole (No, Diglette doesn't count..he's a freaking worm..but we need one of those too), an armidillo? I can't think of anything else... I'd like to see another Shark honestly. Sharpedo was okay... he didn't even have a tailfin though, lol. A venus flytap? I saw something like that in D/P sprites, I wasn't sure if it was exactly that though. There's other things that we have somethings similar too, like we don't have a Lobster but we have Krabby. We do need a shrimp though!!


I just got the best idea! A WALKING STICK!!!
Well there is a frog and venus fly trap in new generation. Wouldn't staryu and starmie count as starfish?
I know beedrill is probably a bee like the name suggests but I think it looks more like a wasp. Beequeen would probably be a queen bee. Mitsuhoney is more like a piece of honeycomb than an actual bee so I guess we dont have a honey bee. I suppose we don't have a normal bee either.
man i just can't leave u ppl alone can i?

ok clearing up: Mistuhoney is a larva in a honeycomb,Beequeen & Beedrill Are bees!!!

There is no wasp pokemon,

Nincada, Shedinja & Ninjask are all cicadas.


Politoed is a treefrog, Gregguru & its evo are poison-dart frogs

snorlax isn't a bear!!!

Moltres & Ho-oh are both Pheonixs Ho-oh is the chinese version while moltres is the egyptian kind.


Sandshrew is an armadillo, Sandslash & Chermiu are hedgehogs & Diglett isn't a worm,it even says it is a mole!

Fukamaru,Gabito & Gablias are landsharks, while Sharpedo is sharks.
Hmm... I thought that Corphish was a Crayfish and Crawdaunt was a Lobster, since Corphish looks like a mini Lobster. (Crawdad look a bit less Lobser like, more Prawn/Shrimp like. Also. I think Corphish has a more Lobster like tail, where Crawdads have wider, Thinner tails, plus Crayfish have more fan-like Tails like Corphish (Corphish's tail curves more)). I'd also like to note that neither Corphish OR Crawdaunt have any Antenna while both Crayfish, Lobster and Crawdads do. (Though neither do Krabby/Kingler).

Edit number... 8? >_<
I would like to see a skeleton, correct me if I am wrong, but I have not seen a skeleton of anything...

Also, I don't mean that lame fossil you have to revive, also raptors FTW,that and a GIANT croc that walks on 4 legs...gatr was cool, but they could do better...

I also want a lizard, Gilla monster, blue bellied, Komodo, MONITORS, basalisk (the real kind), and I did nopt say geeko (treecko) or Kecilion (if you argue at me with this my next post will be like this: LOLLLLLLLLL.
A skeleton would be a bit weird. We don't have a full skeleton pokemon. Missingno is an error and is not really an official pokemon.
I've noticed that Houndour are more Wolf like than Mightyena. Houndour hunt in packs and comunicate through Barking/Howling.
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