Pokemon Which animals missing??

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the weird animal from Australia which has a duck peck

You mean a platypuss? If so, Psyduck technically counts as one.

Tazmanian devil

That's a good one, especially if it's one that can know Rapid Spin and slobbers :D!

*Imitates the Tazmanian Devil from Looney Tunes*
See! Somebody else who thinks psyduck is a platypus! Just look at Misty's psyduck card from one of the gym sets (can't remember exact card). But unlike before, I admit there is a duck- farfetch'd. Just look at farfetch'd from fr/lg seeing as most the scans are on here now...
A tazmanian devil would be cool. Seeing as somebody mentioned spiders recently, I reckon there should be another spider pokemon of a black widow. It could be dark type maybe.
really, we should dig into the different species of animals, and to focus more on insects and other invertebrates...

are there Pokes like earthworms*? or centipedes? I don't even recall a scorpion... there's a kind of meat-eating plant** called Venus flytrap, and then there are birds called toucans which are brightly coloured and have a very large beak, and climbers (sort of parasite) called lianas that wrap around trees...

* what exactly is a diglett? I doubt it's an earthworm.
** though nintendo had already made pitcher plants as in Victreebel
a Badger( Normal/Ground )
a lemer( Fighting/Dark )
a moose or Reindeer for a Stantler evo( Normal/Ice )
a porcupine( Normal/Dark )
a Ostrich or other large flightless bird( Flying/Fighting )
a gorilla,slaking doesn't count, its a very large sloth ( Fighting/Normal )
a centipede or millepede,arthopluera,a giant 4 meter long prehistoric centipede ( Bug/Dark )
a Dolphin/Porpoise/Orca ( Water/Psychic )
a Zebra ( Normal/Dark )
a polar bear ( Dark/Ice )
a wolverine( Dark/Fighting )
an anteater( Dark/Ground )
a panda bear ( Grass/Fighting )
an ant ( Bug )
an orangutan ( Grass/Psychic )

Velociraptor( Fire/Fighting )
Dilophosaur( Poison/Dark )
Hadrosaur of some species,prefbly Parasaurolophus ( Fighting/Water )
Stegosaur ( Grass/Poison )
Ankylosaur ( Steel/Ground )
Spinosaurus ( Dark/Water )

Prehistoric animals:
Saber-Toothed Cat, Smilodon ( Dark )
Archeopteryx a.k.a anscestor of modern birds ( Dragon/Flying )
Archelon a giant ancient sea turtle ( Water )
Pterosaur of some sort( Dark/Flying )
Plesiosaur, a long-necked marine reptile ( Water/Dragon )

Thaz all i can think of at the moment...
well i updated my list and i hope you enjoy it... we should all make a master list including everything from mine as well as others' ideas.
Nice work Rickraptor...iwill add some:
a sea-cucumber(grass/water)
A cockroach(poison/bug)
a squid(water/poison)
a swordfish(water/fighting)
a koala(normal)
a vulture(fying/dark)
a guinea-pig/hamster(normal)

Pre-historic: mammoth(ice/ground)
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