Pokemon Which animals missing??

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~~~fanatic pmn artist~~~
Are not Karanakushi and Toritoidon pre-evolve forms of Lapras? I thought i heard so.....but now I am getting confused.
OK...now the real topic. Pokemons are always (or, i should say mostly) created from the idea of real animals. Like, rattata from rats, squirtle from turtles etc etc.
Now the thing is we have been arguing that the fourth gen. has lost originality. I have been thinking why it so appeared to so many of us. And I came up with the thought that may be because this gen. is less symbolising real animals...thats why.
Then again, I thought there are not really much unique species left to take ideas from. I had a brain-storm and i only found out ZEBRAs.
Can you people name any animals that are common to all but has not been turned into a pokemon?

Mosquito, I wouldn't like it, but it would of been better than another damn butterfly.

Polarbear would of been good too.
To Absol, We have Lanturn for dolphins and drowsy for ant-eaters.
To bac0n-boy, We have surskit-masquerains for mosquitos.
To Rickraptor, what are those things you are talking about? never heard about them!!
Lanturn are not dolphins, they are the underwater predatores that hunt for preys. Also, velociraptor and Dilophosaurus are dinos. Actually, tropius is Dilophosaurus-like.
no,not even close....Tropius is more of a Sauropod dino like Meganium.

the only poke close to a raptor is Gabito...

Sceptile is the only poke that looks like a Dilophosaur.
Erm... a duck? And before somebody tells me psyduck is a duck IMO it looks more like a platypus. I really cant think of anything right now...
beautiful-swablu said:
Erm... a duck? And before somebody tells me psyduck is a duck IMO it looks more like a platypus. I really cant think of anything right now...
Psyduck's missing the Platypus tail, which makes your theory fall apart, not to mention the "duck" in Psyduck/Golduck.

They haven't done a Lion yet, unless you count Arcanine, who is more of a dog anyway.
Giraffe, goat, squiral, aligator/crocidile (gatr is semi), hedehodges, pigs, koala bears. I haven't looked at DP yet, but I'm assuming none of these are in here.
RetroJape said:
beautiful-swablu said:
Erm... a duck? And before somebody tells me psyduck is a duck IMO it looks more like a platypus. I really cant think of anything right now...
Psyduck's missing the Platypus tail, which makes your theory fall apart, not to mention the "duck" in Psyduck/Golduck.

They haven't done a Lion yet, unless you count Arcanine, who is more of a dog anyway.
yes they did, D/P has a line of 3 electric lions

I tried, but I can't come up with any animals, so you can blame game freak for not being able to come up with new pokes :F

Papi/Manny said:
Giraffe (girafarig), goat, squiral(in D/P), aligator/crocidile (gatr is semi)(gatr IS an aligator, want it or not), hedehodges(sheimi in D/P), pigs(grumpig), koala bears. I haven't looked at DP yet, but I'm assuming none of these are in here.
koala bears and goats, well, aruseus is kinda a goat :F, yeah, those probably aren't pokes yet
Gatr is an Alligator!!!!!

Take what u said back>.<!!!!

Girafirig...Pachyrisu...shemi..grumpig these r eal pokes that resemble that animals u listed.

Yeah, sceppy is more of it.
I'm not sure what a meercat is, but I'm going to assume its a cat...meowth. Sloth=slowath ( I can't spell, but its from RS...slaking). Bat=zubat. As to what I said, girafarig is one short necked giaraffe....and I'm pretty sure giaraffes don't have 2 heads...gatr is more dino then gator...seems hard to think, but its true. Grumpig I will except...what about gini pigs then? I haven't seen the DP pokes yet, so I wouldn't know about those...Snails also comes to mind as an animal that hasn't been represented...
A meercat...is a type of mongoose..Gatr is a Gatr >.< ... Slugma is a slug... & Macargo iz a snail...geez

before coming up with a list of animals they haven't done...frist come up with a list that they have done;)
Rickraptor77 said:
A meercat...is a type of mongoose..Gatr is a Gatr >.< ... Slugma is a slug... & Macargo iz a snail...geez

before coming up with a list of animals they haven't done...frist come up with a list that they have done;)
Gatr is not a gator. Look at him, he looks more like an amormed dino then a alligator. I never really thought of a slugma as a slug...but I guess your right.
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