Pokemon Which animals missing??

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lol no dratini and dragonair are dragons :p
very easy :p
look at their names: DRAtini, DRAGONair...no, we then barboach comes closer to it...
when tinking about it, dratini doesn't look like an eel to...nor is dragonair...they can fly you know:p eels cannot fly :d:p

the psychotrainer
shakir said:
OK Rickrtaptor...looks like u have definitely done some digging here.Now, some animals u mentioned have already been taken.See,
Electric eel-barboach
And i believe we have enough turtle pokemons to go on with.
How is Barboach an eel??? its a Catfish duh...Altaria is a form of bird & soo dosent look like an ostrich...quilava is mor of an echidna(the monetreme spiny anteater)
Trapinch is a type of insect know as an ant lion, which is actually a speices of burrowing preditory beetle...which eats ants;)
BTW surskit isnt even close to a mosquito larva...it is based on the water-strider(an insect that uses fine hairs on it legs to glide on the water's surface due to surface tension)

As for penguins yes we do have them~see Poochama.

& If there was going to be a dolphin it would be Water/Psychic due their large brains & use of ecolocaition;)

& it would be very social,therefore having a high happiness raiting;)
i think so too...
hmm, i don't know what Pokémon are in DP, so excuse me for not knowing there is a penguin Pokémon...
about the dolphin: i guess u r correct, and it would make me happy if it was:p 'cause i love psycho Pokémon, and this one would surely go into my team :d:d
or at least be a wanted Pokémon for me :p

and it seems there is a little discussion whether we have or don't have an eel in the Pokémon...i personally don't think so...'cause barboach is a catfish indeed, like stated by rickraptor...
and dratini/dragonair/dragonite is a dragon, obviously....
we have found our second species: the eel, together with the dolphin :d:d

the psychotrainer
With the addition of Diamond and Pearl, there are only two animals which I think should be added to the list Pokemon which are not there already. The first is a jellyfish Pokemon. Tentacool and Tentacreul arn't bad, but they just don't seem like jellyfish Pokemon. Therefore, they don't count as one in my eyes. If one is made, it should be more realistic, yet still retaining Pokemon-like features.

The second, would be a sphinx Pokemon. It may not be an actual animal, but the creators should have more diverse legendary Pokemon instead of cartoonish dragons or plain looking creatures. There are several ideas the creators of Pokemon can do with a sphinx Pokemon, and they should really create one, along with other mythical creatures.
Tentacool & Tentacreul r jellyfish, Doduo & Dodrio are freakisly large Roadrunners;)

a Sphinx poke could be good,a mermaid & Unicorn wpild also be nice;)
Tentacool & Tentacreul r jellyfish
As I said, they don't seem enough like real life jellyfishes for me to count them as jellyfish.
a Sphinx poke could be good,a mermaid & Unicorn wpild also be nice
I wouldn't mind a unicorn, just as long as it isn't the generic looking horse with a horn and wings.
Rapidash is a unicorn.Look at the horn on its head and for the eels,I think Huntail fits into the category
Yes, huntail has the look of an eel. Doduo/Dodrio can not be road-runners. Road-runners don't have hairless necks.

And hats-off to RICK-RAPTOR....you really know your animals, don't you?

For a dolphin i'm sure it would have cute-charm ability!!
To CRIOSPHINX, sorry, but tentacool really is a jelly-fish, i think. But, we could do with a 'squid' pokemon.
Sphinx is a nice idea. See, they already started doing things with egyptian mythological creatures. Lucario, for instance, i believe it comes from an 'Anubite'.
We dont have a gorilla-pokemon do we?
I have a feeling a Sphinx would be an uber legendary *shrugs*

They really should of made the fire starter into a gorilla, we've had two monkey lines already (aipom, mankey).

I would say peacock, but now I think about it Ho-oh looks an awful lot like one. Perhaps a Zebra.
shakir said:
Yes, huntail has the look of an eel. Doduo/Dodrio can not be road-runners. Road-runners don't have hairless necks.

And hats-off to RICK-RAPTOR....you really know your animals, don't you?
Thanx,i watch a lot of Animal Planet & the Discovery Channel. I aspire to become a paleontologist someday:D

Huntail is a gulper eel,not an electric eel;)

Doduo could be a long-necked kiwi(another flightless bird,not the fruit)

Dodrio is definetly a road-runner,because of the head feathers(ostriches & emus don't have crest feathers;))
lol rick raptor :d
nice work...
but aren't you guys forgeeting the brother eel kind of huntail...almost his opposite i'd say
why?: huntail has great atk and speed, but isn't to well equipped defencivly....(sry for bad spelling, i never used this word before)
GOREBYSS on the contrary swims at high depts, making his body strong like steel (it is a semi metal, semi psycho Pokémon) but lacks the attacking capability of huntail...(huntail is darkness-water) huntail has great atk, low defence ,great speed...a hunter...
gorebyss has very high def, low atk ,moderate to high spc atk...

as i said they are each others opposite...
that next to being the topic :d

what we need is:
a sphinx as a legendary(rock-ground type; or rock flying type(it has wings))
a dolphin (water psycho type)
jellyfish(or squid)=tentacool/cruel
an electrick eel perhaps? we don't have it yet, so says rick raptor
a gorilla is not yet in the game indeed...hadn't thought about it...
are there others i forgot? add them to the list by copying this piece of text :d

the psychotrainer
Check out my list:
Rickraptor77 said:
a meerkat...would be nice...or an ostrich, a gorrila?; a Smilodon(saber-tooth), Archeopteryx(anscestor of modern birds)

Hadrosaur of some species

Ancient Animals:
Sea Turtle(Archelon)
Giant Millepide or Centipede(Arthropleura)

Other Animals:
Poler Bear
Electric Eel
Doduo and dodrio are dodos. Dodos are actually extint birds. See, even their names comes with the word Dodo...
DODuO and DODriO
psycho_trainer said:
lol rick raptor :d
nice work...
but aren't you guys forgeeting the brother eel kind of huntail...almost his opposite i'd say
why?: huntail has great atk and speed, but isn't to well equipped defencivly....(sry for bad spelling, i never used this word before)
GOREBYSS on the contrary swims at high depts, making his body strong like steel (it is a semi metal, semi psycho Pokémon) but lacks the attacking capability of huntail...(huntail is darkness-water) huntail has great atk, low defence ,great speed...a hunter...
gorebyss has very high def, low atk ,moderate to high spc atk...

as i said they are each others opposite...
that next to being the topic :d

what we need is:
a sphinx as a legendary(rock-ground type; or rock flying type(it has wings))
a dolphin (water psycho type)
jellyfish(or squid)=tentacool/cruel
an electrick eel perhaps? we don't have it yet, so says rick raptor
a gorilla is not yet in the game indeed...hadn't thought about it...
are there others i forgot? add them to the list by copying this piece of text :d

the psychotrainer

Rick Raptor
A Gorilla would be Slaking
bacon-boy said:
I would say peacock, but now I think about it Ho-oh looks an awful lot like one.

Well, Ho-Oh is not a peacock. Its a phoneix. The name 'Ho-Oh' is the japanese name for a phoneix, the legendary fire bird. Besides pea-nashville hot chicken has huge plummages and tail-feathers which ho-oh does not have.

Sphinx does not have wings, does it?
yooooo said:
Doduo and dodrio are dodos. Dodos are actually extint birds. See, even their names comes with the word Dodo...
DODuO and DODriO

No, they are not. I believe farfetched comes from dodos.It has got the look of a dodo, while doduo/dodrio has a very different look...and as rickraptor says may be that of a road-runner.
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