Pokemon Which animals missing??

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OK...Rickraptor, not upto your usual self. You should know better to call man-moo and piloswine mammoths and zapdos a humming-bird.
Mammoths are ancient elephants. They did have compact fur and tusks like a piloswine/man-moo; but they also had a long "trunk" as elephants always have. Come-on you know better than me! So, its kindda obvious that piloswine/man-moo are derived from Yaks.
Again 'swine' sometimes means a pig. Also man-moo looks a lot like wild-boar. So, they may even be wild-pigs or boars; but of course not mammoths.
Zapdos a humming-bird...well, zapdos is not tiny! While humming-bird is the tiniest bird in the world.
delta gym leader said:
umn i think



There you go, delta-gym leader...i give you some pokemons! lol!!
I'm not sure why RR called Zapdos a humming bird, but I guess it had something to do with the long beak.

Racoon *shrugs*
okay, RR must have been confusing zapdos with another Pokémon...otherwise i'd say the knowledge of all those animals struck him in the head, and he went crazy * now goes crazy too*

piloswine= yak, nothing more to say about...
the other one, i cannot tell, 'cause i don't know the Pokémon in DP...

the psychotrainer
Well, I think its time to go more elaborate....we will cast our attention on a specific species, like for a start-bugs. We have these bugs in team-
Butterfree line/ Beautifly line- Butterfly
Beedrill line- Bee
Scyther- Mantis
Heracross- hercules beetle
Ledyba line- Ladybug
Spinarak line- Spider
Yanma line- Dragon-fly
Paras line- Coconut-crab
Pineco- Pinecone bug
Pinsir- Scarab
Venomoth/ Dustox-line- Moth
Masquerain line- Water-sprinter bug
Shuckle- A shell-bug
Shedinja/ Nincada line- Hornet/ Wasp
Volbeat/ Illuminse- Fire-fly
Armaldo- Desert-slug
Minomuchhi- Honey-bee
Koroboshi- Cricket

Ok, only bugs i can find at this momen are- grass-hopper, book-worm, wood-lice, mosquito and cockroach.
Name it if you find any....
how can Zapdos not be a Hummingbird???

ITs got the long beak & everythin; its just rly big...

Armaldo is the land for of an Anomolocaris(odd shrimp)
Its got a long beak and... nothing else :p I guess the way it flies in the 3D games is slightly like a humming bird, but it's wings don't go crazy enough.

Turkey XD
shakir said:
Well, I think its time to go more elaborate....we will cast our attention on a specific species, like for a start-bugs. We have these bugs in team-
Butterfree line/ Beautifly line- Butterfly
Beedrill line- Bee
Scyther- Mantis
Heracross- hercules beetle
Ledyba line- Ladybug
Spinarak line- Spider
Yanma line- Dragon-fly
Paras line- Coconut-crab
Pineco- Pinecone bug
Pinsir- Scarab
Venomoth/ Dustox-line- Moth
Masquerain line- Water-sprinter bug
Shuckle- A shell-bug
Shedinja/ Nincada line- Hornet/ Wasp
Volbeat/ Illuminse- Fire-fly
Armaldo- Desert-slug
Minomuchhi- Honey-bee
Koroboshi- Cricket

Ok, only bugs i can find at this momen are- grass-hopper, book-worm, wood-lice, mosquito and cockroach.
Name it if you find any....
What the heck is a shell-bug?
Tomokazu Komiya said:
What the heck is a shell-bug?
I dunno.....shuckle is a bug type, but i dunno what it resembles. So, i named it as a shell-bug.Its a made-up name. Can you tell me where it comes from??
I always thought shuckle looked a bit like the shell things you see in the mario games but with an animal inside. Though I have never seen a shell bug before.
The following is my own interpretation

001. Bulbasaur             =            Plant-Dinosaur
002. Ivysaur                =            Flower-Dinosaur
003. Venusaur             =            Flower-Dinosaur
004. Charmander          =            Lizard
005. Charmeleon          =             Chameleon
006. Charizard             =             Flying Reptile/Dragon
007. Squirtle                =             Tortoise
008. Wartortle             =             Tortoise
009. Blastoise              =             Big Tortoise
010. Caterpie             =             Caterpillar
011. Metapod            =              Cocoon
012. Butterfree          =              Butterfly
013. Weedle              =              Worm
014. Kakuna              =              Cocoon
015. Beedrill               =             Bee
016. Pidgey               =              Pigeon
017. Pidgeotto           =              Hawk
018. Pidgeot              =              Hawk/Eagle
019. Rattata              =              Rat
020. Raticate             =              Rat
021. Spearow             =             Sparrow
022. Fearow              =              Big Sparrow
023. Ekans                =              Snake
024. Arbok                 =             Cobra
025. Pikachu              =              Mouse
026. Raichu               =              Mouse
027. Sandshrew          =             Armadillo
028. Sandslash           =             Porcupine/Hedgehog (Whatever)
029. Nidoran?             = Dinosaur
030. Nidorina              = Dinosaur
031. Nidoqueen            = Dinosaur
032. Nidoran?              = Dinosaur
033. Nidorino               = Dinosaur
034. Nidoking               = Dinosaur
035. Clefairy                =
036. Clefable                =
037. Vulpix                  =              Fox
038. Ninetales              =              Fox
039. Jigglypuff             =
040. Wigglytuff            =
041. Zubat                  =              Bat
042. Golbat                 =              Bat
043. Oddish                 =
044. Gloom                  =
045. Vileplume              =
046. Paras                  =               Bug
047. Parasect              =               Bug
048. Venonat               =              Bug
049. Venomoth             =              Moth
050. Diglett                 =               Mole
051. Dugtrio                 =              Three Moles
052. Meowth                =              Cat
053. Persian                 =              Cat
054. Psyduck                =              Duck
055. Golduck                =               Duck
056. Mankey                =               Monkey
057. Primeape               =               Ape
058. Growlithe              =               Dog
059. Arcanine               =               Dog/Wolf
060. Poliwag                 =               Tadpole
061. Poliwhirl                =               Frog
062. Poliwrath              =                Frog


I'm exhausted. Not going to do anymore. As you can see, I'm not going to put Vileplume as "walking plant" or Jigglypuff as "puffball" as they are not animals. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.......
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