Pokemon Which animals missing??

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We are missing big cats (lion, tiger, leopard) And no, Entei and company are DOGS. Missing Wolf to stay nmed a wolf. I guess America is so scared of wolves that Poochena and Guarana had to be named as hyenas. Although Mightyena does look like a hyena, Poochena looks like a wolf cub. We are indeed still missing a Zebra. Also need a Polar Bear. Only bear was Teddiursa and Ursaring. Both are grizzly bear. I was hoping one would be included in DP for the snow area but no such luck. Do need a koala too. And a dolphin.

As for the looks of some of them, can't have them look exactly as they would for real, that would be too boring. Not to mention we don't know how real animals would change if they could handle elements like electricity or fire the way pokes do.
LadyWolf said:
We are missing big cats (lion, tiger, leopard) And no, Entei and company are DOGS.  Missing Wolf to stay nmed a wolf.  I guess America is so scared of wolves that Poochena and Guarana had to be named as hyenas.  Although Mightyena does look like a hyena, Poochena looks like a wolf cub.  We are indeed still missing  a Zebra.  Also need a Polar Bear.  Only bear was Teddiursa and Ursaring.  Both are grizzly bear.  I was hoping one would be included in DP for the snow area but no such luck.  Do need a koala too.  And a dolphin.  

As for the looks of some of them, can't have them look exactly as they would for real, that would be too boring.  Not to mention we don't know how real animals would change if they could handle elements like electricity or fire the way pokes do.

I didn't know that saber-toothed tigers were dogs :p- the polar bear could be a legendary. it's true that it would be boring if the pokes looked exactly like the animals that they represent.
many pages earlier said that pokemon needed orcas but what about kyogre?
Yeah they do look like dogs at least entei does and Raikou looks like a dog with the face of a cat sort of and suicue is hard to describe because I can't tell what his face looks like.:) We are missing an aligator pokemon and a crocodile pokemon.:)
xxashxx said:
Yeah they do look like dogs at least entei does and Raikou looks like a dog with the face of a cat sort of and suicue is hard to describe because I can't tell what his face looks like.:) We are missing an aligator pokemon and a crocodile pokemon.:)

3 words

Feraligatr, Croconaw & Tototdile
We already have bears (Teddiursa and Ursurang), but we don't have a PANDA bear. That would be cool.
I was started playing sapphire again today and I was in the area with the volcano ash. Anyhow I caught a spinda and I noticed that it said on the pokedex entry that its a panda. Spinda as a panda is a bit odd.
yeah...well...a real panda would be nice....

& how many times do i have to say it,all new posts to this thread must be made after looking at the first 27 pages!!!
Did rickraptar77 just say mosquito? we had a huge debate about mosquitos already, masqerain is one.
Maquerein is the adult form of a Water Strider While SURSKIT IS THE LARVA,(if u've seen the movie "The Tuxedo",u know wht i'm talking about)
Dolphins are obviously first and foremost. Hmm, maybe a polar bear too.
As far as mythical animals/beings go, I'd like to see an ogre and a centaur.
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