Which Is Better: Gold Potion vs Computer Search

RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

Zarco said:
Roronoa Zoro said:
Do you play a Stage 1 or Stage 2? Use Computer Search.

Do you play DCE? Use Computer Search.

Do you focus on attacking T1/T2? Use Computer Search

Do you play basics only, your deck needs healing and you don't use DCE? Play Gold Potion.

DCE, or any other special energy; basically every deck then falls in this category, aside from maybe some Landorus/Fighting types variants.

That's the point. Almost every deck uses Computer Search. Only those Landorus variants and maybe Darkrai/Landorus (or straight Darkrai) use Gold Potion.
RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

Don't those Landorus variants and Straight Darkrai decks usually try to attack T1/T2 (respectively of course)? That's kind of contradictory.

One of the Landorus variants that was prominent in my metagame also played multiple Special Energy (including DCE), so I don't think those questions are really guidelines that one should use lol.

dmaster out.
RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

Gold Potion and Computer search are both great cards. Gold Potion is great because it can help you avoid EX no' s and Turn two shots into three shots by then unless they have some sort of healing Eviolite, or Aspertia you should be able to ko them.Computer Search is great because it can get you any card you need out of your deck for only two cards.(It's fairly easy to get two cards in hand along with computer search.) Both cards do have a situational aspect to them. Gold Potion requires the damaged pokemon to be active, You to draw the card in time to counteract the damage and this only usually happens late to mid game. Computer Search however only requires you to have two other cards in your hand and can be used any time during the game. Comparing Computer Search to Gold Potion is like comparing Toaster Strudels to Poptarts they're both good and Either way you still get yummy food(Ace Spec.) In my personal opinion due to Computer Search being less situational and boosting consistency, It is the safest play.However Gold Potion can really offer something as well healing 90 damage usually allows for you to no them instead of them Koing you or it can be used to stall until you get a decent top deck that would get you the Ko. In my opinion Computer Search is the better Ace Spec however some decks can use the extra turn and chance to Knock out the opposing pokemon more than a consistency boost and the trick is finding out which works better in any given deck.

I always test Computer Search out in my decks before I switch to Gold Potion. Always even if I'm playing Landorus....
My testing system is trying 10 games with Gold Potion and 10 Games with Computer Search and whichever deck wins the most often is usually the one I stick to in that particular deck.
RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

dmaster said:
Don't those Landorus variants and Straight Darkrai decks usually try to attack T1/T2 (respectively of course)? That's kind of contradictory.

One of the Landorus variants that was prominent in my metagame also played multiple Special Energy (including DCE), so I don't think those questions are really guidelines that one should use lol.

dmaster out.

My point is that unless your deck really needs that extra healing to win any game, you should play Computer Search. Also edited the questions from Special Energy to DCE only.
RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

Bisharp37 said:
Gold Potion and Computer search are both great cards. Gold Potion is great because it can help you avoid EX no' s and Turn two shots into three shots by then unless they have some sort of healing Eviolite, or Aspertia you should be able to ko them.Computer Search is great because it can get you any card you need out of your deck for only two cards.(It's fairly easy to get two cards in hand along with computer search.) Both cards do have a situational aspect to them. Gold Potion requires the damaged pokemon to be active, You to draw the card in time to counteract the damage and this only usually happens late to mid game. Computer Search however only requires you to have two other cards in your hand and can be used any time during the game. Comparing Computer Search to Gold Potion is like comparing Toaster Strudels to Poptarts they're both good and Either way you still get yummy food(Ace Spec.) In my personal opinion due to Computer Search being less situational and boosting consistency, It is the safest play.However Gold Potion can really offer something as well healing 90 damage usually allows for you to no them instead of them Koing you or it can be used to stall until you get a decent top deck that would get you the Ko. In my opinion Computer Search is the better Ace Spec however some decks can use the extra turn and chance to Knock out the opposing pokemon more than a consistency boost and the trick is finding out which works better in any given deck.

I do not believe Computer Search can be used "any time in the game". It is effectively useless in the late game.
On the flip side, Gold Potion is useless in the early game, so pick one. Gold Potion is definitely trickier to work around, but it has a bigger payoff (imo) than Computer Search, which just grants you a faster payoff.
RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

Computer Search isn't useless late game it just loses a lot of it's power. Mainly because there isn't anything left to get out by then because you've either used or discarded it all. Computer Search can still get you a card but it's probably not going to be as useful. Regardless Computer Search is still more flexible than Gold Potion, don't get me wrong Gold Potion has it's uses and is definitely a solid card but it is situational and will take time to give you what you want some decks just need that extra boost early game those decks should use Computer Search other decks with bulkier pokemon should probably be running Gold Potion.Gold Potion is a great card it's just doesn't fit seamlessly into every deck like Computer Search does.
RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

Computer Search isn't useless late game it just loses a lot of it's power. Mainly because there isn't anything left to get out by then because you've either used or discarded it all.
I said effectively useless.
RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

Because grabbing your last Catcher/DCE/etc. is not any good late-game... Obviously being able to get the card you need to win late-game is effectively useless. Seriously, though, early game you need lots of cards but in the end game you just need to get specific ones, and you can't always hit what you need off a Juniper even if your deck is thin, so Comp Search is really pretty good late-game. I only give Landorus decks the benefit of the doubt with Gold Potion because they don't need any setup (including few energy) and don't need special energies. Comp Search is generally just the better card, and even when it might be acceptable to play Gold Potion in a deck, it's still really a tossup between the two.
RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

...Huh. Valid point.
I've just noticed in most scenarios that, when Computer Search is played late-game, its scope ends up being severely crippled, based on personal experience. But I can't deny that getting your last ______ is a bad thing...although most people use Skyla for stuff like that. (Unless it's DCE.)
RE: Gold potion vs Computer search

Well, say you need one card left in your deck with under 20 to go. You pop the Juniper, and Comp Search is essential one more of whatever card you're looking for. Skyla doesn't do the same thing because its a supporter and can't be played that turn, which may well be your final chance, and it can't get non-trainers (sometimes you're looking for a pokemon too late game, like sableye or shaymin).