Which is better: Magneboar or Reshiboar?

Which is better in your opinion?

  • Magneboar

    Votes: 35 60.3%
  • Reshiboar

    Votes: 23 39.7%

  • Total voters
^I'm confused. You said earlier Magnzeone was better.

Jahikoi said:



Magnezone wins.

Everyone also has to keep in mind that the format will be slower next format, so Magnezone will have a chance to set-up, especially with 2 Cleffas.
once you get a magnezone set up (T2 usually with 4-4-4 line and 4 candy) you can magnetic draw for so much that you nearly deck out. its usually a race to see who get emboar out first. but when it comes down to damage magneboar>reshiboar

magneboar is better...and thats not just because im running it :p
Why is it that i can't see Typhlosion/Reshirams in here much? In that case very underrated deck which even beats reshiboar, i've tried it alot already. Haven't tried it against Magneboar yet cus most in finland that play it are on vacation currently. But it is in metagame listing on finnish pokemon forum. :)
^eh that damage counter would come back to bite you especially in mirror. instead of surviving a blow you lose to it...
Yoshidude10 said:
@Everyone: The thing with Reshiboar is that it is the only thing that gives Magneboar trouble, but Magneboar has great matchups (other than Donchamp)

With RDL as a tech, even Donchamp can be overcome well enough. Just make sure you set up RDL with reasonable speed and Ozone Buster a couple of Donchamp's pokemon for an easy four prize cards. Zone's lost burn can easily mop up after the fact, even if you need four energy. Even then, Donphan can't even OHKO Magnezone anymore with Expert Belt getting rotated.
Zhaituki said:
Why is it that i can't see Typhlosion/Reshirams in here much? In that case very underrated deck which even beats reshiboar, i've tried it alot already. Haven't tried it against Magneboar yet cus most in finland that play it are on vacation currently. But it is in metagame listing on finnish pokemon forum. :)

If two decks met head on, typhlosion vs emboar (both with reshiram), emboar will win.

If typhlosion's list is much better...

... then obviously it will win.
This is tough because magneboar has much more to set up, but it has draw power to due so. Meanwhile Reshiboar has much less to set up, and only needs a resharim to keep going, as opposed to attacking with a stage 2.
I might just stick to Reshiboar after this, because I don't want to spend up to 75 dollars buying 3 Magnezone. I'm perfecting my Reshiboar right now, but if I come across some Magnezones in the future, I'll definitely build Magneboar.

@Zhaituki: The thing with Embophlosion(or Typhloboar) is that there is no need to use Afterburner if you already play Retrieval. You'd need 2 Ninetales set-up, an Emboar, and at least 2 Typhlosion on the field to be consistent. Also, the damage output is pretty low in Typholsion/Emboar, while Reshiram can OHKO with a Pluspower, and can use Revives to get recovered pretty quick.
I changed my mind. I think the best deck is a mix of those two. Because you use Reshiram as early game attacker, Magnezone for mid game and RDL to finish. It's simple and consistent.
^now to decide when its mid/late game :p people over complicate it. just stick with emboar/magnezone and your fine...
Personally, I'd stick with Reshiboar because you can reuse the Fire Energy over and over again. Once they're in the Lost Zone, they're kinda stuck there. Plus you won't need to worry about digging for Lightning Energy either. No Evolution for your main attacker, you've got it. And you can search for Reshiram with Collector. On the other hand, you have Magnetic Draw with MagneBoar. But it's worth it when you're up and running later game. Which can be anywhere from the third or fourth turn onward, provided you have a decent hand.
I agree magneboar is probably the single most expensive deck in format especially with RDL. that's like 160 dollars for 5 cards. Heaven forbid you run 2-2 RDL.
^well megazone with pachi techs can give magneboar a run for it money literally. Having 2 of the most expensive cards and a semi expensive card + staples makes one expensive deck.

I suggest going with Typhloram instead of either, better matchups with other decks, but these 2 do beat Typhloram quite... but still typhloram has better matchup against other decks, especially stalling ones. When played correctly, and list is good.
^^Last I heard magne zone and yanmega were going for around 50-65 each and pachirisu was going for around 10-15. So I do think that mega zone is the most expensive deck in the current format.

^technically if played correctly and the list is optimal a lot of things can do well in the meta game, even against other optimal lists.

well my magneboar just plays 3 reshiram and some energy retrievals to use reshiram until i can get a magnezone out

what source? i thought T&T had yanmegas at like 19 and change? ill go look. if youre right im sitting on some serious dough hahaha
i played a reshiboar once and he started with a decent hand and blue flared back to back with 2 typhs on the bench and a ninetails. its pretty solid

just looked holy cow you werent kidding, i had no idea. i pulled 3 yanmega the other day and like 9 throughout triumphants existence. onl one zone :(
I preffer MagneBoar, it hits harder and doesn't have to use ninetails for draw power. You have to run more energy because you can't re-use them, but ReshiBoar usually runs around 4 cards to recover anyway.
Magneboar hits much harder than Reshiboar.

+ Actually Emboar (ability) itself is not needed to fight
+ Emboar loads energies to Magnezone
+ Magnezone's Power (always gets good hand)
+ very good piece in fast match-ups
- The game is over when all energies were send into Lost Zone

But Reshiboar

+ Emboar loads energies to Reshiram, so you can usually hit Blue Flare
- When you are out of energies, sometimes you have no time to get them back with Fisherman
- very slow deck (if is badly built)