Which Lv.X is the hardest to pull in MD

My freind has seen 2 Garchomp X's pulled and it was by him and someone in his league and he hasnt seen any other X's pulled yet.
Garchomp X and Porygon Z X are what i think are the easiest, next is the eeveelutions. Those are just my studies at my perelease. Nearly 1/10 of the people got a Garchomp or Porygon z, even I pulled a Garchomp.
Okay, time to (hopefully) settle this debate.

You have the exact same chance of getting any MD Lv.X as you are any others. Commons are the most common card, Uncommons are rarer than that, Rares are Rarer still, etc. No card is rarer than another card in its rarity category. So, in other words, you're just as likely to get Glaceon Lv.X as you are Porygon Lv.X, it has nothing to do with demand.

Please, stop making a fool of yourselves, people.
I've noticed the prices for the lv. x's from MD vary among them, but this doesn't mean any are easier or harder to get than any other, only that they are more in demand. Garchomp sell at the highest usually, around 39$ on average. Leafeon and glaceon around 35$, and porygon-z the lowest around 29$ or less.

Personally i've pulled 4 leafon, 2 pory-z, 1 glaceon and no garchomp. Just goes to show you how random it can really be. Now i have to trade for the 2 garchomp i want to use, which may be difficult since they are currently the most sought after.
Indeed. You will find the prices change on demand, and of course that happens. It's happened with every set ever to come out where some cards in their respective rarity groups have been cheaper or more expensive than others.
Exactly. As you can see by all these posts, everyone seems to have a different answer.

For GE, I saw more Cressy than anything else.

Prices are normally determined by how good/rare a card is, but hype does play a role in it. (coughDarkrai Lv. Xcough)
Ariadosguy said:
Okay, time to (hopefully) settle this debate.

You have the exact same chance of getting any MD Lv.X as you are any others. Commons are the most common card, Uncommons are rarer than that, Rares are Rarer still, etc. No card is rarer than another card in its rarity category. So, in other words, you're just as likely to get Glaceon Lv.X as you are Porygon Lv.X, it has nothing to do with demand.

Please, stop making a fool of yourselves, people.

I think you are wrong. in some areas, there are cards rarer than others, simply because the boxes contained more of an specific pokemon. if you speak about ALL boxes so yeah, same chance. but in some areas there are definetly easier pokemon to get than others.
they are the eeveelution x's because i know like 5 or 6 people who opened a box and didn't get any of the eveelution x's
Eh. Seen 2 Garchomp, and 1 of each of the other three.

What's funny is that I pulled a Garchomp Lv X at a prerelease, traded it for a Glaceon Lv X, then recieved my 4 booster boxes once MD was released, and pulled Leafeon Lv X, Garchomp, Lv X, and Porygon-Z Lv X. So I basically have the full MD set. lol

But yeah... It's been pretty equal from my perspective (I would've rather had 2 Leafeon Lv Xs rather than just 1 with a Porygon-Z Lv X, though. x.x).
After BR in New Berlin I pulled a Porygon-Z LV.X (2nd Place-Split Packs though, 6 Each)
I have seen more Glaceon then anything. This would have to be the order from most to barely seen.

1. Glaceon, Porygon-Z, Garchomp, then Leafeon.
I think they are all equal. I'm not certain, but from what I've seen, one doesn't seem more rare than another.
porygon-z is the easiest - my friend got it at the prerelease
garchomp = evilly concealed - my friend has like every card in dp sets except for garchomp LV. X
At my prerelease, there were only 3 lv.Xs pulled. 2 of them were porygon-z, and they both belonged to the same person. That person pulled one when they gave out the packs, and the other when they gave the 2 extra packs out.

However, they all have the exact same rarity.