XY Which New Items and Poké Balls Would You Want in XY?


Aspiring Trainer
For a new hold item, I'd want a special equivalent of Rocky Helmet and maybe an item that boosts attack and special attack of Pokemon that aren't in any evolutionary line.

I would like a Poké Ball that will work well on very light Pokémon and another that could work best in bright sunlight.
I would also like some Poke Balls that work better in different weather conditions.

Sunny Ball - Works effectively in Sunlight
Rainy Ball - Works effectively in Rain
Sandy Ball - Works effectively in Sandstorms
Snowy Ball - Works effectively in Hail
Rainbow Ball - Not all Rainbow Balls are the same. It selects a randomized color, and it works better on Pokemon that has the same 'dex color as the randomized Rainbow Ball texture.
Cloud Ball - Works well on Dragon and Flying type Pokemon.

As for items..

Confuse Heal - Heals confusion
Infatuation Heal - Heals the infatuation condition
Moo-Moo Milkshake - Heals 140 HP
Boxing Glove - 'Punching moves do 20% more damage.
.Towelette said:
I would also like some Poke Balls that work better in different weather conditions.

Sunny Ball - Works effectively in Sunlight
Rainy Ball - Works effectively in Rain
Sandy Ball - Works effectively in Sandstorms
Snowy Ball - Works effectively in Hail
Rainbow Ball - Not all Rainbow Balls are the same. It selects a randomized color, and it works better on Pokemon that has the same 'dex color as the randomized Rainbow Ball texture.
Cloud Ball - Works well on Dragon and Flying type Pokemon.

As for items..

Confuse Heal - Heals confusion
Infatuation Heal - Heals the infatuation condition
Moo-Moo Milkshake - Heals 140 HP
Boxing Glove - 'Punching moves do 20% more damage.

Cloud Ball must act like a Master Ball for Altaria...
Solar Ball: x4 catch rate during Strong Sunlight. x1 catch rate when not.
Blizzard Ball: x4 catch rate against Ice-type Pokemon. 1x catch rate against anything else.
Comfort Ball: x4 catch rate against Normal type and baby Pokemon. x1 catch rate against anything else.

Live coal: When given to certain Pokemon boosts fire attacks and speed. (By 20%) works on (Torkoal, Magby, Magmar, Magmortar, Numel, Camerupt.)
Healing water: Any Water-type Pokemon holding this is given the ability "Natural Cure". (Don't know if I want it to be a perma item or one time use)
Parasol: When a Pokemon holding this is brought into battle all weather effects are cleared. (One time use)
Putrid Sludge: A Poison type Pokemon may hold this, all Poison type moves have a greater chance to inflict a poisoned status.

That's all I got right now. I will think of more and I look forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with. :)
Heat and Cold Ball (for hot and cold areas. 3x)
Flight Ball (for pokemon in the Flying egg-group 3x)
Power Ball (doubles Effort points gain 1x)
Kin Ball (works better for pokemon of same egg-group 4x)
Electromagnetic ball (or EMP ball): easier to catch electric and steel types x2. Also works on Pokemon like Porygon.

As for items: MindReader (or some better name, hopefully)-same effect as the ability Telepathy, only as a held item. However, it only works 85% of the time. If it fails, this message is displayed: [Pokemon]'s MindReader malfunctioned! If it is successful, it displays the same text as Telepathy.
???(can't think of a name)-allows gender ratio of a Pokemon to be modified. Works like this- it's a key item that can only be used once a day. You select a gender, then it lets all the wild Pokemon be one gender (if it can have genders) for the next 3 minutes. In breeding, what ever parent holds it, the offspring will be the parent's gender (i.e. if the mother holds it, the offspring will be female, even if it something that has a weird gender ratio, like the starters or fossils) also works once a day as well.
Geo Ball: easier to catch Ground, Rock and Steel types x2
Mature Ball: easier to catch evolved Pokemon. x2 for first stage, x3 for second stage
Youth Ball: easier to catch unevolved Pokemon x2
Spectre Ball: easier to catch Dark and Ghost types x2
Heart Ball: easier to catch Fighting and Psychic types x2
Changer Ball: easier to catch Pokemon who can change form(e)s x2 (works on all Pokemon of a species if it requires an ability to change, e.g. it would work as well on a Sheer Force Darmanitan as it would a Zen Mode Darmanitan)
Myth Ball: easier to catch Legendary Pokemon x2

Eviottack (worst name ever, feel free to come up with a better one): doubles Atk/SpA are multiplied by 1.5 (thanks KA :])of an unevolved Pokemon
Kicking Shoes: kicking moves increase in power by 20%
Bullseye: all attacks have 75% more accuracy (excluding 1HKO moves for obvious reasons)
Rainy Orb: when hit with a physical attack, the orb will summon Rain for 5 turns, one time use
Sandy Orb: ^see above but with Sand
Sunny Orb: ^same again but with Sun
Hail Orb: ^same again but with Hail
Eviottack (worst name ever, feel free to come up with a better one): doubles Atk/SpA of an unevolved Pokemon.

That would be way over powered. Scyther would become a new staple on teams for starters. Electabuzz and Magmar would actually be very powerful as well with that item. A 1.5 multiplier would be less game-breaking.
My bad, I thought Eviolite doubled the defenses of Pokemon, the item of course being an version of Eviolite which raises attack stats.
how about a pokeball that works on shinies? The Gem Ball?
Why not also make the Net Ball work on flying-types?
And why not an EMP Ball for Steel and Electric?
and why not 6 different expensive Pokeballs used to increase EV's by double the normal amount recieved?
like, really good TM kind of expensive, or more.
Hopefully we get Swimming Goggles this gen. Kudos if you even know what those are.

I don't really care what new items we get as long as some of them are useful. The only good ones we got in gen five were the gems, Air Balloon, and Eviolite, maybe even Rocky Helmet if you're into that kind of thing. I'd like to see more items that affect the defensive aspects of things next gen.
I was just catching a legendary.... a Ball with higher chance on paralyzed pokemon pls.
Mitja said:
I was just catching a legendary.... a Ball with higher chance on paralyzed pokemon pls.

Some kind of Ball that has a higher catch rate if the wild Pokemon has a status condition?

I can see that going down very well with fans. It would definitely help catching legendaries.
P.DelSlayer said:
Mitja said:
I was just catching a legendary.... a Ball with higher chance on paralyzed pokemon pls.

Some kind of Ball that has a higher catch rate if the wild Pokemon has a status condition?

I can see that going down very well with fans. It would definitely help catching legendaries.

I thought it would be too broken on ALL status condition perhaps (or it'll be rare and expensive), hence why I took specifically paralysis for one example. Then Burn ball etc perhaps xD
If the fairy rumours turn out to be true I'd imagine we'll get a bunch of fairy based items.

I think anybody who has been in an excruciatingly long capture attempt (shadow metagross in pokemon coluseum) will tell you that a ball that works better on pokemon with statuses would be much appreciated.

I'd like to see more environmentally based balls a la dusk ball. E.g in forest, deserts factories...

And i really want to see an item for confusion. I hate being confused
I really hope they re add pokeball customization, that was actually really fun, though they would obviously have to make it better.

Other then that, maybe a hold item that increases a pokeball's chance of success?
An item that simulates Color Change? Gimmicky but would be fun at least
Some kind of mask item that simulates the Illusion ability (wouldn't stack with Pokemon that already have Illusion)
A Ball that works on higher-level Pokemon
And it's not exactly new, but I want them to bring back the functional glass flutes, at least the ones that had in-battle effects. In case you forgot,

Blue Flute: Wakes up a sleeping Pokemon. Infinite-use.
Yellow Flute: Cures confusion. Infinite-use.
Red Flute: Cures infatuation. Infinite-use.

I actually used these quite a lot in R/S/E and didn't mind having to save up ashes for them.
I want a green Pokéball like that one from the first episode of the animé. I remember loving it as a toddler. ;u;