Why is Arceus having success at BR's

Odds are you'll start with another search card as well. Let's suppose it's an SP Radar with a collector. Pretty much just burn off the cards in your hand, then SP Radar for a Crobat G. Collector for a Uxie, a Garchomp C, and a Skuntank G (or another Crobat. Depends on if you drew a stadium.) Set Up for a new hand and odds are you drew something that will let you get that extra damage counter.
With 2 Energy Exchanger, 4 DCE, and 4 Energy gain, you're likely to have seen a couple of each.
The odds are worse for them. They have a retreat cost to contend with, also.
If they go first, let's say they start with 2 Arceus. One is Ripple Swell. You'll have to use Call + Collector just to get enough Arceus to use Ripple Swell. Using Call = Turn Over. That leaves you open for Garchomp Snipe on the Ripple Swell you just got out.
Okay, Arceus uses call energy grab fire and colorless, DialgaChomp goes and can't snipe the colorless, Arceus goes uses Pokemon Collecter and uses Ripple Swell to start getting set up.
Arceus is not good, that is a fact. I am going to have a dozen people on here argue to no end with this but at the end of the day what can they show to back themselves up? That a couple Arceus decks that someone else played did good at a Battle Roads? Great job! I have battled against it and it was an easy game, I battled against it again and it was STILL an easy game. Arceus is not a good deck and can not be good in this format. End of story.
^I've gotten a lot of easy wins from Dialgachomp too. An inexpereinced player or some bad luck can sink any deck.
I agree with Alex(charm)ander. Arceus doesn't hold a match to the competitive decks of the format.
You guys believe what you what to believe. Arceus may not be metagame material, but it is still a good deck that can beat SPs.
Rikko145 said:
I agree with Alex(charm)ander. Arceus doesn't hold a match to the competitive decks of the format.

As far as I can tell, the only deck you think is competitive is dialgachomp. How droll.
Arceus may not be metagame material, but it is still a good deck that can beat SPs.

Exactly. Porygon-Z beats SP all the time. Is it really Metagame material? Not really. Not yet...

By no means is Arceus bad. In fact, it's rather a good deck. It's just not, as Afro-G stated, Metagame worthy.
I think many things are metagame material. Gengar, Gyarados (kinda), Kingdra, Donphan, Charizard, LuxChomp, BlazeRay, LuxApe, and more.
As an arceus player myself, I say it really comes down to the skill of the two people playing, I play high level decks all the time, Im based out of southern california one of the biggest tournament turnout areas, and in my local metagame alone there;s luxchomp, dialgachomp, vilegar, kinggar sablelock, donphan, the best of the best; and some of the things i've noticed are:

1. By no means is it a horrible deck like the rikko145 dialgachomp fangirl claims it is.
2. On the other hand his claim isn't totally wrong trainer lock totally wrecks arceus be it vilegar or dialgachomp the fact of the matter is that without uxie arceus uses trainers to speed through its deck with 4 pokedex and 4 beggining door and so on.
3. It CAN and it HAS beaten some of the metagame decks such as the aforementioned dialgachomp and luxchomp and yes in testing the easiest ways to win this match up is by either sniping the benched garchomp or leveling up the normal arceus and attack garchomp for weakness also fire arceus can oneshot dialga lv x even when it has 4 special metals, this is made specially easy by running switches and warp points in the deck.
4. Speed wise its lacking but it is made up for by running lots of draw power 4 Proffesor Oak's New Theory, Some Copy Cat's, and Some looker's Investigation for disruption
5. Lastly Arceus decks arent as reliant on ripple swell as you might think between rainbow and double colorless a lone arceus can use any attack the player thinks is right for the situation
6. It's early game is slow and easily disruptable by taking out a key arceus that is needed for said match up
7. It's mid-late game is really sturdy by using many different attacks and type advantage to find outs to situations
8. Even with all that said its a good deck but is it a tier 1 deck? No. Tier 2? Yes, and its the surprise factor that is most likely is giving it its wins at battle roads, people simply arent expecting it.

Hope this helps clear things up :) I was gonna post my list but this is already a long post lol!
I think many things are metagame material. Gengar, Gyarados (kinda), Kingdra, Donphan, Charizard, LuxChomp, BlazeRay, LuxApe, and more.

With all the information you've bestowed up on his in this thread as to how/why Arceus is just an all around bad deck, I'd love to hear your thoughts on why Gyarados is only "kinda" a metagame deck.
2.) Trainer lock basically kills it.
3.) Once? Maybe twice? *Only when Arceus gets a god start and DialgaChomp gets a bad one.*
4.) "Lacking" is an understatement. It watches tortoises fly by!
5.) Almost every time I face an Arceus deck energy is their downfall.
6.) Another understatement. Key Arceus? Consider them dead.
7.) Not when DGX has it locked.
8.) Teir 2? No. Teir 3? Doubtful.
9.) Redshark me. Make no changes to your Arceus deck. Bring it on!

It lost Felicity's. Some lost Claydol. I'm uncertain about it right now.
Felicity's isn't a big loss, and I've never seen a list run Claydol. The deck is more viable than you think, taking down the top contenders.