Why is Arceus having success at BR's

We are on topic. We're talking about how Arceus will do at Battle Roads. And it has shown just as much promise as last year. Very little.
konter, I've played just about every kind of Arceus deck I can find. I've played at least one at every tournament last season except for Nationals. I've played bad ones, yes, but I've also played some good ones.
I played one at last states. I ha sciz cherrim with a 1-1-1 machamp tech. He sniped my scizor instea of machop rofl. I won.
Lol, this thread has to be a joke. FIRST OFF, I have played arceus. I used it a regionals, played it at BRs etc. Now I have to say this: Luxchomp is a complete joke. It's is probably a free win guaranteed. I don't understand this 'omg guys luxray kos easy pokes and garchomp snipes all your other pokes for 6 easy prizes' Arceus can EASILY return any kos. In fact, Arceus CAN BE TECHED to your metagame. Dialgachomp? run 2-3 Fire Arceus. Luxchomp? already covered. You run colourless arceus revenge KOs AND snipes basic luxrays. Not enough? Attach an expert belt and OHKO with psychic bolt. This is honestly not surprising that Arceus would not be winning. 4 Beginning door is like 4 Luxury Balls. Who doesn't want that? A stadium only Arceus can use. It doesn't help the opponent! A Lv x that gives you an HP boost and lets you use any arceus' attack! A deck that doesn't rely on powers! So much for power spray. And please don't say that 'omg dialga g locks bodies and garchomp will kick your butt oh noes' Fire Arceus is amazing in this match. Got DGX out? Lv ups will be colourless so now you can ohko chomp. You get to abuse DCE!!! that right there is 4 easy kos (if it comes to that). Arceus is great. Either you guys play against bad players or their list isn't as good. I will admit though, Machamp just runs over this deck.

Sorry for the big paragraph, I'm kinda shocked that people say this deck is bad even though it can stad up to over 90% of the format.

tl;dr: This deck is amazing and shouldn't be underestimated.
@chanman45: Yay! someone who knows what they're talking about.:)

I played Arceus for the first time on redshark, and I beat sillykyle! (he was playing BlazeChomp). I think Arceus takes a least a little skill to play so I'd say that's a pretty good accomplishment.:)
Besides all the ranting, I have to agree :), but as i've stated before simply because i know the match ups, i've tested and i have experience with the deck trainer lock really hurts this deck :( but then again the same could be said about any sp variant :)
I don't know about trainer lock being a big problem for Arceus. I've played and beaten Vilegar variants before without much trouble. I guess it all depends on the number of Trainers in ones deck. Mine runs 6-8 Trainers total with heavy Supporter lines (Collector,Bebe,PONT,etc) to counteract it. Also, since you play no major Poke-Powers, Gengar will have a hard time damaging you for 60+ damage with Poltergeist. The only thing that really hurts is Gengar's Feinting Spell. Even though you can OHKO Gengar, if they spam heads on Feinting Spell, it could be a close one.

As chanman45 said, it may not be the best deck ever, but it's great and shouldn't be underestimate it.

Its a real dark horse this format.
@chanman45: Yay! finally someone who knows what they're talking about.:)

I made an Arceus deck today, on Redshark, and it's pretty good. I beat my friend (sillykyle!), and I gotta say it's challenging and fun to play.
Who let you guys out of the psycho ward again? All Arceus are in easy OHKO range of anything in an SP deck. Some have 90 HP. *Flash Bite* Remove Lost will murder you. Garchomp takes out key types. Any stadium will cripple you. I've said my peace.
You really need to calm down a bit Rikko. I don't think anyone in this thread (maybe one) is saying that Arceus is a BDIF. They've mostly all said that it's not a Tier 1 deck. All they are saying is that it's, as Obsidius said, a semi-dark horse this format. It can work, as evidenced by some of the BR's so far this year. Is it going to win the WC? Oh heck no. That being said, playing Luxchomp/Dialgachomp/etc can get kind of old after your 10,000th match with it.

Now, would you like to continue to throw out random insults, or would you like to actually discuss the merits and disadvantages of the deck?
Chanman: Hurray! Another person who realizes the deck's potential!
Afro-G: Revenge is sweet! (I just beat a different deck of his)
Rikko: Psycho ward? Come down man...
^Agreed. As for the 90 HP comment, if there is a non leveled up arceus after the 2-3 turn of the game, they're not playing it right, or they encountered some really bad luck.
There is a middle ground to what EVERYONE is saying. Rikko (and not to pick on you specifically) is being too drastic about how "bad" arceus is. Its not terrible, but its also not great. It CAN WIN. You just have to play it right, and a good part of playing arceus is the surprise factor.
minimidget94 said:
There is a middle ground to what EVERYONE is saying. Rikko (and not to pick on you specifically) is being too drastic about how "bad" arceus is. Its not terrible, but its also not great. It CAN WIN. You just have to play it right, and a good part of playing arceus is the surprise factor.


The surprise factor is really one of the biggest advantages this deck has going for it. It can definitely still win without it, but it's situational.

I decided to throw together an Arceus deck tonight for testing and it absolutely annihilated my friend's VileGar deck. He's probably the best VileGar player I've seen, so it kind of surprised both of us when I won 5-0. He even got the trainer lock up on his second turn.

Now, I'm not saying that Arceus will always annihilate a VileGar deck; not by a long shot. I suspect (and will confirm later on) that the matches will be much closer now that he knows what to expect.

If I were going to a Cities tournament, I'd be packing my Luxchomp deck hands down, but I'm really considering trying out Arceus for a couple of the BR's I'm going to. We'll see what happens.
Cloggerdude - his trainer lock started on T2 at best? Then he's not playing Vilegar correctly. Vilegar should have a lock right off the bat, especially if you're playing Spritibomb AR and Gastly SF. You're bound to start with one of them at least most of the time and lock the entire game once Vileplume is setup.

Here's the thing - I see the points everybody's making. amisheskimoninja wrote a fantastic Arceus article that really emphasizes how a cunning player can use Arceus's type advantage to it's full potential. Rikko's got a good point, especially because it is easy for Garchomp to pull off 3-4 Dragon Rushes in a row. I have a Sablelock deck that I threw together that was able to do so against my Arceus build. The big advantage that Luxchomp/Dialgachomp has over Arceus, which Arceus cannot return, is great sniping ability. Garchomp can bench snipe any non-leveled Arceus that has an attack that Omniscient Arceus could use to OHKO Garchomp or Dialga (usually Fire and Dark Arceus), turn after turn.

That said, I do play Arceus because it's so much fun. At the end of the day, I don't see it making a Tier 1 splash (at least not until SPs get rotated out), but it's enjoyable nonetheless.
It has the Sky Spear arceus. If you can get a turn 1-2 ripple swell with ultimate zone, you can snipe for 3-4 turns.