Why is Arceus having success at BR's

Im loving all this love for Arceus. A bunch of people basically turned the cheek when Pokegym published my Arceus article. They all said that they didnt like the list because it didn't "work" for them, but like a bunch of others have already said, it is a totally metagame reliant deck. Kinda like HoPe where it receives so much hate, but works with the people who actually have the balls to play it to the extent of it becoming autopilot.
@ konter - I'd just sorted through the deck for edits and forgot to shuffle properly. All of my energies were on the bottom.
-_- dont make excuses. Just because you didnt draw into energy doesnt make his/her win any less of an accomplishment. And not shuffling properly is your problem, not anyone else's. So just admit defeat and accept the fact that arceus is better than your giving it credit for (not that its great, but its not THAT bad.)
Oh, no. I can't draw into my energy. There's no way I can do anything without drawing my energy D: No matter how many times I copycat or PONT for 'em, I can't get my energy.

So...the point is arceus is bad?

@ LucarioXFroslass

Copycat? Really? A good DialgaChomp won't run any hand shuffling cards. It's a deck that needs a big hand, which just shows how much you know about the matchup. What konter didn't mention is that I played it again two seconds later and whipped it 6-0, even after he started with Call, Collector, a and he Ripple Swelled.

And my point still stands. Omg, I lost a whole one game. I beat that same one at league more times than I can count.

@minimidget - We were a whole 2 and a half minutes into the game. The fact that he got a god start and I got crap and couldn't even topdeck anything makes it a fluke. I challenged him to try to do it twice. Ha, nope.
Actually, he got a bad setup first game to. And he didnt start with collector second game. I saw his hand. And im pretty sure about three times you decided to do things you couldbt do at a tournament. Like put an energy back in your deck you got with cyrus so you could get another card with set up. On another note, he got a dgx out third turn with three special metal on it durin the first game. He is just a sore loser
LIAR. I didn't put an energy back! He started with a Ripple Swell Arceus both games, and he had call and Collector both times, because both times he used Collector then Bebe's Search.
Really the Dialgachomp match up isn't that hard with Arceus I don't understand why you say Arceus can't hold up against it, you make it sound like Arceus auto-loses to Dialgachomp. Machamp on the other hand is a different story as it absolutely curb stomps Arceus.
piplup234 said:
Spencer(2nd at Nats) was thinking of playing it at worlds, it actually did really well. He decided not to though

Anyways, my sarcasm was a little hard to identify, so sorry. I must have forgotten all about ripple swell right then. I admit that DialgaChomp is a pretty difficult matchup, but problem is, if you know what to do, you beat it. Please give all the reason why DialgaChomp will beat a GOOD arceus list and how Arceus will not have the appropriate response 50% of the time right then and there.

Ooh, and at worlds, my Arceus list beat a properly played KingChamp.
And, and, and PLOX with T1 Dusknoir and later game Manectric. I never got ripple swell out :3

Having taken our BRs last night 7-0 with Arceus, I don't buy anything involving Arceus being poor against SP. The cleanest wins I had all night were VS SP.

Hitting SP's x2 weakness is the key. Using expert belt with Omni LV. X can produce very effective and productive OHKO's on SP. They bring up a Crobat, pop it with electric arceus's lightning switch with expert belt for the OHKO and run away, or use grass arceus's leaf refresh via omni Lv.X for 100 and healing.
There's nothing for Garchomp to heal if its all OHKO's.

It's a very technical deck, if it's losing in your area, its probably because of the player and the build.
A win is a win is a win is a win. No excuses for starts. All decks have them. Good and bad. You can't base a deck being bad off one match. Arceus has proved itself, in many more ways than one. It's a good deck, case closed.

dmaster out.
lol I remember the hate on PBChat about me running up and claiming Arceus is good. Dunno if you were there, though. Is it so unnatural for a Pokemon deck with OHKO potential to be good?

I'd say it's always unnatural, especially when it first came out, it just couldn't stand up to some things. Now it can with the majority of the field being SP. The meta changes and people need to always be ready for it and admit some decks are good and some go down.

dmaster out.