Why is Arceus having success at BR's

banuffin said:
Cloggerdude - his trainer lock started on T2 at best? Then he's not playing Vilegar correctly. Vilegar should have a lock right off the bat, especially if you're playing Spritibomb AR and Gastly SF. You're bound to start with one of them at least most of the time and lock the entire game once Vileplume is setup.

I actually misspoke; he did have a ghastly on turn one and got the trainer lock up. What I meant to say was that he got Vileplume up on turn two. Now that I think back on the match, he actually had the trainer lock up the entire game, as I never bothered with attacking his Plume.

That being said, I did start with two Arceus and a Pokemon collector, so the trainer lock really wasn't that big of a deal. I drew into an Omniscient lvl. X, which also helped the cause as well. As I mentioned before, I've got a feeling that the result could/will be much different in future games.
I am confused about one thing. People keep saying Omni Arceus can use any arceus on the bench for Weakness. Which I want to clarify, unless I am wrong is not true.

If you have fire Arceus on the bench but Omni is on top of a Water arceus, then that attack counts as a water attack, not fire.

The color is whatever Omniscient Arceus is on top of, not the attack it is using. Right?
The point is leveling up into whatever arceus hits for weakness, and usually using either dark or fire arceus's attacks.
Rikko145 said:
Who let you guys out of the psycho ward again? All Arceus are in easy OHKO range of anything in an SP deck. Some have 90 HP. *Flash Bite* Remove Lost will murder you. Garchomp takes out key types. Any stadium will cripple you. I've said my peace.
Wow, great insult kid. All Arceus are in KO range? Ok. You Flash bite and Remove lost. Oh wait. I can use a fire arceus and OHKO? By T2/3? Pfft. Garchomp takes out key types? Thankfully I run 3 Colourless Arceus and 2 Fire Arceus, searchable by Collector, Beginning Door, and Call(T1/2). Garchomp needs A LOT more to search out. AND NEEDS MORE RESOURCES. AND You have to have a stadium. While having Power spray as a dead card. Remember, Colourless Arceus takes out any free targets and needs less resources to do it. Dialga/Garchomp will almost ALWAYS need a turn or 2. I know how the deck works. I even got 2nd in the pokebeach tourney for fun. So don't insult the deck till you play a good one. Arceus IS TECHED to have a decent match against DialgaChomp.

banuffin said:
Cloggerdude - his trainer lock started on T2 at best? Then he's not playing Vilegar correctly. Vilegar should have a lock right off the bat, especially if you're playing Spritibomb AR and Gastly SF. You're bound to start with one of them at least most of the time and lock the entire game once Vileplume is setup.

Here's the thing - I see the points everybody's making. amisheskimoninja wrote a fantastic Arceus article that really emphasizes how a cunning player can use Arceus's type advantage to it's full potential. Rikko's got a good point, especially because it is easy for Garchomp to pull off 3-4 Dragon Rushes in a row. I have a Sablelock deck that I threw together that was able to do so against my Arceus build. The big advantage that Luxchomp/Dialgachomp has over Arceus, which Arceus cannot return, is great sniping ability. Garchomp can bench snipe any non-leveled Arceus that has an attack that Omniscient Arceus could use to OHKO Garchomp or Dialga (usually Fire and Dark Arceus), turn after turn.

That said, I do play Arceus because it's so much fun. At the end of the day, I don't see it making a Tier 1 splash (at least not until SPs get rotated out), but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

Garchomp will be the only card that will be able to do something (except Luxray vs a Water Arceus or maybe Dark Arceus) Colourless Arceus CAN SNIPE TOO you know. It can pull off snipes every turn if need be. Otherwise, it can use other attacks to keep energy in play. POWER SPRAY IS USELESS too you know. So theres 2-4 dead cards right there. Luxray can't go for cheap KOs, only Garchomp can. Arceus have minimum 70 HP. AND NEED more resources than that. I've played the matchup. At Regionals (including vs the world champion), Battle Roads, and small tourneys. I don't see how Arceus is bad vs SP.


I don't see how 'omg Garchomp snipes all the easy pokes'. You know that Colourless Arceus can snipe too? for weakness? Every turn? Especially after a Ripple swell? I'll gladly play someone on RS in 2/3 match to prove my point. But then again, some of you guys can just insult Arceus with theorymon when I HAVE PROVEN IT HAS DONE WELL.
I'm not saying Arceus is bad against SP, or that it's an auto-loss to Garchomp. And I'll be the first to admit that my own build is probably inferior to every other pro-Arceus player this thread. In the end, I just figure it's going to be a game of speed to see who can get the earliest upper-hand and keep the opponent off balance long enough to seal the game.

And no, you cannot snipe *for weakness * every turn. Even if you manage to survive lost-zoning 9 energy by your third sky spear (and assuming you can keep the necessary cards in play long enough to pull that off), weakness doesn't factor into bench damage. Sky Spear is basically a less-efficient version of Dragon Rush.
Of course I know that. Arceus snipes easy prizes and Garchomp is weak to colourless arceus. You know there's DCE, right? Koing chomps is easy.
You've got DCE in your list? I couldn't find room for it. My energy list has mostly call, grass, and fire (for the meteor blast setup) with a couple of rainbow + energy exchange teched in for when I need to use the {W} or {D} Arceus' attacks.
I use Omnicient and Psychic Bolt Arceus. Focus on snipes and efficient ways using other attacks.
Silly Kyle
LucarioFroslass is boss.

Reason why Arceus is being good, is the pilot.
Ke^in Chao tops 32at national 09 w/ AMU in a machamp/Gengar area.
Lucario Froslass is good.



You are a nerd, who only believes who ever tells him whats good and whats bad, and thinks whoever talks to him is a good player. You have no opinion for yourself what so ever, so please Get off this terribad forum.

Everyone else that hates on decks with no backup. Please think before speaking and test before saying something wrong. It WILL prove you wrong.

Wow. Is this what it has come down to. What in the world is wrong with everyone who posted in this thread. Is proving someone wrong THAT important. Many people on Pokebeach have said "My new _______ is beast, nothing can beat it" yet I don't see them getting attacked as much as when Rikko mentions a word. Seriously people, seriously?

P.S. Arceus may be good but it loses hard to Gengar Prime/ Mew Prime (throws a chair, te he he he)
Spencer(2nd at Nats) was thinking of playing it at worlds, it actually did really well. He decided not to though
YourP1MP said:
Wow. Is this what it has come down to. What in the world is wrong with everyone who posted in this thread. Is proving someone wrong THAT important. Many people on Pokebeach have said "My new _______ is beast, nothing can beat it" yet I don't see them getting attacked as much as when Rikko mentions a word. Seriously people, seriously?

P.S. Arceus may be good but it loses hard to Gengar Prime/ Mew Prime (throws a chair, te he he he)

The thing with Rikko is that he posted that Arceus can't hold a candle to SP. I for one, argued against that (in detail), claiming that it wasn't an Auto-loss as he said. Rikkio,on the other hand, just kept posting that DialgaChomp will always have the best hand/draws and anyone that thinks otherwise is a noob(basically) in numerous post. Many different people had their own opinions on Arceus, (good and bad), but Rikko was the only one to out right claim and agree that its a joke. Others(including myself) just wanted him to justify his claims instead of basically saying,"No,no,no, DialgaChomp will always win, now and forever". Now, I will agree that others calling him a bad player is a bit harsh(I don't know him personally),but I will call him somewhat bias towards DialgaChomp, as evident not only in this thread, but in is own DialgaChomp Thread.

As for Gengar/Mew Prime:
Depending on how many energy you allow Mew/Gengar to build up, the tuffer the match. I would just snipe the Gastly/Haunter/Mew Prime with energy while playing around Hunter by retuning unwanted Arceus to my hand({F},{L},etc.). If anything in the next set scares Arceus is Machamp Prime. Not for the Machamp itself, but for the fact that Machamp SF could be teched in so easily.
It is a very fund deck to play, really tricky.

But I am interested in the people using the Psychic Bolt lv. X. I often use my DCE and Call Energy for Sky Spear fodder but how do you get your energy back in play? Palmer > Ripple Swell > go for another KO next turn? Seems to leave you open with a chunk of your energy gone. I don't know, sure the Meteor Storm one is flippy but when you have Lucario GL down and are trumping their weakness it doesn't matter if it is heads or tails most of the time, still you can do constant damage on a Pokemon with no weakness and 120 HP, I guess it is preference though.
To me, the Psychic Bolt Arceus is better against DialgaChomp(and SP in general). If you manage to attach an Expert belt on to it, your OHKO-ing anything SP throws at you regardless of weakness.

As for the Meteor Blast Arceus, it can be a little too reliant on the coin flip with or without Lucario GL in play, especially if Dialga G Lv.X is out.
Arceus is basically a toolbox deck that lost practically nothing in the rotation. You can't net deck an Arceus deck because as i said, it is a toolbox deck that is anti-meta, so you have to play it to adapt your format. Seems good for BR's but they are just BR's. If arceus starts to perform in cities, then we'll talk, but right now it's just nothing...
I like the hate about "Arceus is bad! Arceus is good!" Give reason why Arceus, with 12 setup supporters, 4 of which almost assure you setting up, will lose to LuxChomp. It's fast, it's stronger, it has sniping, and Luxray's got nothing on you. Kill benched Garchomps before they hit you, and hit those active ones for the simplest KO. DialgaChomp? Much more difficult. You're forced to level up only Colorless Arceus, and fire type has to stay off the field, not to mention early game slowing of you. Bench your Dialga with 3 SP metals and they'll hurt a lot. Too bad the deck sucks at placing lots of damage safely against something that will OHKO you. ^_^ Play it well, and Arceus is godly, dealing more damage than anything else as a basic Pokemon Lv.X, OHKOing everything in possile decks [with weakness], and having the option of hitting the bench for kills.

Theorymon paragraphs are fun. :3
