Tangrowth is a diabolically broken card when paired with Sceptile. Why has no one noticed this?
Without Sceptile, it's still very good: for 4 energies, do a solid 60 AND remove 3 damage counters AND prevent retreating...every turn. Pair that with leftovers and you're removing 40 damage each turn. Pair that with Dawn Stadium that will be coming out soon and you're removing 50 damage each turn when you attach an energy! On top of all this, Sceptile DOUBLES all grass energies, making Tangrowth's attack cost a mere 2 energies. On top of all of this, it has 2, that's right, only 2 retreat. Even Magmortar and Electivire have 3 retreat.
So my question is this: Why is Tangrowth so underrated, and is there something I'm not realizing that easily counters Tangtile?
I've lost against this deck SEVERAL times while using a FIRE deck (Magmortar even). How can this deck be stopped? Also, I thought of Cessation but the deck runs Pachirisu as well.
I ask this question because it was pretty humiliating to lose to a deck even with weakness on my side. Oh yeah, did I mention both Tangrowth and Sceptile have water resistance?
Without Sceptile, it's still very good: for 4 energies, do a solid 60 AND remove 3 damage counters AND prevent retreating...every turn. Pair that with leftovers and you're removing 40 damage each turn. Pair that with Dawn Stadium that will be coming out soon and you're removing 50 damage each turn when you attach an energy! On top of all this, Sceptile DOUBLES all grass energies, making Tangrowth's attack cost a mere 2 energies. On top of all of this, it has 2, that's right, only 2 retreat. Even Magmortar and Electivire have 3 retreat.
So my question is this: Why is Tangrowth so underrated, and is there something I'm not realizing that easily counters Tangtile?
I've lost against this deck SEVERAL times while using a FIRE deck (Magmortar even). How can this deck be stopped? Also, I thought of Cessation but the deck runs Pachirisu as well.
I ask this question because it was pretty humiliating to lose to a deck even with weakness on my side. Oh yeah, did I mention both Tangrowth and Sceptile have water resistance?