Why that username?

Flygon Jedi Master

May get back into the TCG
Some of you have really freaky unexplained usernames, that aren't actual words or anything. I was kind of wondering why everyone chose their names and stuff. Why that name? Were you thinking about other names at the time? What were they?

My name is pretty self explanatory. My favorite Pokémon is Flygon, and I kind of like Star Wars too. I thought up the name pretty quickly, as I couldn't think of something cool sounding that combined Flygon and Star Wars. I thought about the name "Sith Lord Flygon" as well, and I might have changed it if I still could. Later on in the "Rename the user above you game", some one suggested my name to be; "Flygon-Jinn", which I thought was pretty cool, but I decided to stick with Flygon Jedi Master, FJM.
LOL i picked Dr.empoleon only cause i went to the Doctor that day and got shots. So im like Pokemon and doctor.... DR.EMPOLEON!!!! and yeah so i changed my name to dr.empoleon from my old name.
I used to go by 'Poke_Fan_12'.

It was cliché and common.

I was at my computer thinking of what to change it to.
And the name was track 6 of a Relaxation CD (Not mine) on the table.

This was in 2004/05 mind you.
I picked the name dusknoir999 because I like dusknoir, and on some online games, my name is stormtrooper999.
I hope so. :)

And actually, The Fallen One is what he's called by most people. His real name is Entinikar. I tend to coin a lot of words with this book. :D
I was EspeonShock because I liked lightning bolts and Espeon. then, I accidentally shortened it to ESP once on another forum, so I kept it like that.
Angel - Would normally be Angel of Mercy/Death, but hey, there's kids around. I really like angels, though, especially in games. (Tales of Symphonia, anyone?) No, I'm still an atheist.
667 - Me > Devil (nothing personal, mr. Devil)
I chose Arcterra because of the stage on Metroid Prime Hunters, Arcterra Gateway. T'was my favourite one, and in Latin or French my name would mean "arch of land."
I have a sort of weird name, I guess, I wish I could change it...

Ampha= Ampharos, 'cause I like Ampharos
Pwn= Ampharos is pwnage
77= I like the number

@ Arcterra: that's interesting, I thought it was a mix of Arceus and Torterra, Lol.
Ummm , I honestly have no clue why I have this, then later I thought of some reasons, but they are not why I chose this name...
Will I always liked the name pokekid from the games and a couple of girls at my school gave me the nick-name brandon so I combined the two.
imacharizard: Because I'm a Charizard... and capitals suck! *But imacharizard, you're using them RIGHT NOW!*
333: Because... 3+Awesome. 33+Double Awesome. 333+Incredible Awesomeness!
me,the most stupid reason EVUR,
inf=stupid Infernape
mach=stupid Machamp,easy as it goes