Why that username?

Ready for the oddest reason guys?
The day I registered for Pokebeach.com I was drinking Kool-Aid and watching a random episode of Family Guy.
Actually it was this episode
I lol'ed so hard, I used that catchphrase as my username
Now why isn't there an H between the O and Y?
Thats because my nickname is Criss as opposed to Christian. Notice there is no H in Criss.
Also I was born in 1988 so yeah :p
I am Choccy417 because hat is my username for everything and it is a video about dancing, singing chocolate eggs.
CCloud came from a combination of Castform and Cloud. I don't know why I chose Castform, because he's not my favorite Pokemon. .-. Cloud, just because, well, Castform is a cloud. :]

As for Outrage. I have no idea where it came from. I must've been high when I asked for a name change.
this will be my in-ring name once i start training to be a wrestler, yet i´ve been known as AK since college...my name has a meaning but..
Hmm. my name is self explanatory
Well, you see I like lickilicky, and I am just some Guy on the forums, who you may have seen, or may not, so... Lickilicky_Guy
Because my old username was Shaymin of the Heart and it need to be shorter, the SotH thing reminded me of a sloth.

And the old name Shaymin of the Heart because Shaymin is my favorite pokemon and it goes with my favorite song.
Old username used to be PokeLen. Poke as in short for Pokemon. Len is to keep my true name hidden :O (although I failed)

Then changed it to Lenny because it sounds cooler :]
Mines a long story, but the short version is that its a variation of "Enshida" which is the Japanese name of Scott from Pokemon Emerald.
Totally random, but I just picked up on it. I'm usually Shiun Enshidia, but...I geuss it was a little long and I wanted some variety.