Why that username?

My username used to be "chill_glacia," but I really started to dislike it. "Chill" because of my IRL serious and rather "evil" nature (well, maybe chill isn't the best word), and that I love winter and the cold. "Glacia" from my obsession with Glaceon.

I changed it to Miyuki when I became completely sick of my previous username. I lack originality, what can I say? ;P
I chose mine because I would be happy if it snowed all the time and it's still random.
It's just I don't get cold and I don't do well in temperature above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
Vergere is a character from my favorite book. Another I was considering was Pedric Cuf, because it would have been really funny (it's an alias used by another character from the same series), but I chose Vergere because it's less obvious that I got it from a book, and because it can't be abbreviated easily.
Knuckles is my favorite character from the Sonic comics and ChaosKnuckles is his most powerful form.
I'm Meaty because back in the 4th grade my P.E. teacher called me that and I've liked the nickname ever since.
I can't believe that I read through all those.
I like Dragons. Nine is a number I've always ran into. It's kinda creepy.
Poke = Pokemon
Champ = Champ (duh)

My dream is to be the very best, so my username says that I am...
Well Echosong is my favortie cat from the Warriors books and other then that I think it sounds cool.:p
Because I have conquered Lv.100 teams with one Lv.100 Darkrai. Now I'm coming for all of you!!!(Sinister laugh)!!! Kidding. I also like the way it sounds(Darkrai master triple 7).
I was a (and still is), big fan of Shaymin, so I made my name Shaymin of the skies. Kinda' long I know.

A couple months later, whenever the User-name changes were ending I figured I'd go ahead and change my name to SotS, since that's what people abbreviated my name to everytime they said anything to me. xD
Just pronounce my name and you will see why I picked Lou Cypher. Inspired by a scene in Constantine where the devil is addressed to with "Hello Lou"
Delta because I usually spend my time on the computers, plus I know more about Pc's more than my Teachers anyway so yeah...
Hmm, let's see. First username was pkmaster342. Pokemon Master Random Number that sounds cool. n00b name for a n00b person. Finally got it changed to d master342. delta Master Random Number that suprisingly still sounds cool. Yeah, obsessed with deltas, what can I say?

dmaster out.
Echosong said:
Well Echosong is my favortie cat from the Warriors books and other then that I think it sounds cool.:p

I love Warriors!!! My favorite cat though is probably Lionheart, who would of been the best ThunderClan leader if he hadn't died. [And lol for a second I forgot who Echosong was so I checked my Long Shadows book, thinking she was like in River, Shadow, or WindClan, and then I'm like: Oh yeah! She's in Firestar's Quest! (Wasn't she the SkyClan medicine cat?)] Wow I realized how dorky and weird these books can sound, as awesome as they are.
dude pokemaster stop bragging so you won 2 citys big whoop your not as amazing as you think you are.

back on topic: it might be considered innapropriate. maybe. i would have to check