Pokemon Wierdest Pokemon?

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Mommy, I lol'ed my pants...
Me and my bro were thinking about what the wierdest pokemon was, so I'll post it here so I can watch people fight about it! :D

What do you think is the wierdest Pokemon ever? I think Ditto if it counts because it can turn into any pokemon, but if it has to be wierd in it's own DNA then we agreed on Unown. What do you think?
It would have to be nosepass. What kind of pathetic idea is a pokemon that looks like a nose. Probopass looks like mr.potato head kinda.
For me, I would have to say Spiritomb. Really, what kind of pokemon lives in a rock?!?!? Along with that, it's wierd saying that it is in a very small group of pokemon that have no weaknesses (Dark and Ghost types).
I think the wierdest Pokemon has to be Shaymin. I mean, it's a bush. It's the Chia Pet of Pokemon. And to top it off, it has an alternate form that looks nothing like it and that all of a sudden learned to fly, for no good reason.
Babasai said:
I think the wierdest Pokemon has to be Shaymin. I mean, it's a bush. It's the Chia Pet of Pokemon. And to top it off, it has an alternate form that looks nothing like it and that all of a sudden learned to fly, for no good reason.

Its not a bush! Its a hedge hog thing. Im not sure what the sky form is...but still.

Okay, heres another odd pokemon; Togekiss. What is it?
shadoworganoid said:
Its not a bush! Its a hedge hog thing. Im not sure what the sky form is...but still.

Okay, heres another odd pokemon; Togekiss. What is it?

Hedge, bush, same thing :p.

As for what Togekiss is... well, you might as well ask the same question about its entire evolutionary line. They're all white and round... maybe they're eggs?
All I know is that Palkia stole Togekiss's neck and they're both completely bizarre looking.

Palkia is uglier, though. I mean look at it! No one could possibly love an ugly, constipated pink and silver dragon-like metallic creature with an ultra long neck. And pearls on its arms.
Babasai said:
Hedge, bush, same thing :p.

As for what Togekiss is... well, you might as well ask the same question about its entire evolutionary line. They're all white and round... maybe they're eggs?

I said Hedge-HOG! Not hedge BUSH.

Babasai said:
Hedge, bush, same thing :p.

As for what Togekiss is... well, you might as well ask the same question about its entire evolutionary line. They're all white and round... maybe they're eggs?

Thats EXACTLY what they are, eggs. Lol.

As for weirdest pokemon:

hatedisc said:
Dragonite! I mean, what is it supposed to be?! =0

negatively hating of the disc,

A dragon?

Anyway I think


but Female Wobbuffet is seriously wrong. I thought my game was broken when I first saw it. I mean, look:


Why has it got LIPSTICK?
Female Wobbuffet is lol. Dunsparce is awesome though, so YOU FAIL GOOD SIR.

Also it took me like eleven tries to spell 'Wobbuffet' correctly.
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