Pokemon Wierdest Pokemon?

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Oh, please guys. If we're talkin' weird, Farfetch'd HAS to be the answer. Proof is in the name and the fact that it carries a leek, of ALL things, around. Seriously, a leek.
@ 6-d: you're thinking of the lamest pokemon, this is the weirdest.

prolly like..... idk, magmars pretty odd. I mean, Its like a bulbous duck human salamander thats on fire.
I am sad that no one mentioned Claydol. Honestly, it has a ton of eyes, levitates above the ground, and is constantly spinning. Is there weirder? Maybe, but this is pretty weird too :p. Claydol sounds like something out the mind of an insane person, actually.

Exeggutor is the weirdest Pokemon, I mean WHAT is it?
Paul said:

Exeggutor is the weirdest Pokemon, I mean WHAT is it?

In my opinion it looks, like a pineapple. How amazingly weird, a Pokemon based on a pineapple. That's all it is. A pineapple with legs and 3 faces.
I think the unknown are weird but even at that I am not sure they are Pokemon lol. I they are not pokemon then I say..Croagunk.
At least Croagunk is based on a frog. And what about Electabuzz??? It has got tiger-style stripes, and is human-shaped.
All Pokémon are weird, but there are a few I find weirder than others.

Voltorb and Electrode. I mean, they're living Poké Balls.

Exeggcute is weird, too. When an Exeggcute is born, it's a cluster of eggs hatching from a single egg.

Mr. Mime is weird, too, especially since it can be female.

And though Hitmonlee is my favorite Pokémon, he's an odd one as well. How does he breathe without a nose or mouth? How does he eat?
I don't know why but I think Darkrai is pretty weird. Probably because it's an emo pokemon.
Paul said:

Exeggutor is the weirdest Pokemon, I mean WHAT is it?

It's a coconut tree.

Oh, and Unown's awesome. If you're going to call it wierd, at least spell it right.

As for wierd:
Mrs. Mr. Mime
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