Pokemon Wierdest Pokemon?

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I think one of the weirdest Pokemon would have to be Gulpin. He's awesome, but he looks a bit odd haha. Also, yeah Wobbuffett is a bit strange but ironically I think he's probably one of my favorite characters in the show! :D
Jynx has not been mentioned and highly needs one.

dmaster out.
Besides Spiriomb being nothing by an enchanted face in a rock, I would have to say Unown. What more there to say than it is just a letter with one eye on it. Where is supposed to eat?
Another one is Quagsire. It just sits there and goes:

i would say Chimecho, it just looks like a floating bell and a scarf underneath it LOL.
Ice Arceus said:
i would say Chimecho, it just looks like a floating bell and a scarf underneath it LOL.

I think it looks more like a bloody butter knife.
Joeypals!! said:
For me, I would have to say Spiritomb. Really, what kind of pokemon lives in a rock?!?!? Along with that, it's wierd saying that it is in a very small group of pokemon that have no weaknesses (Dark and Ghost types).

you do know sableye and spiritomb do have weaknesses (forseight=weak to fighting)
I think Arceus is a little strange, simply because it has no mouth (whereas its creations do) and two weird (and, as seen so far, useless) spots under its eyes that are always the same color as its eyes. Don't get me wrong, I love every little thing about Arceus, but its face is definitely odd.

Though... I don't think I can really pick a "weirdest" Pokémon. They're all a little weird, but that's just one of the things that makes them so great, I think.
Zenith said:
All I know is that Palkia stole Togekiss's neck and they're both completely bizarre looking.

Palkia is uglier, though. I mean look at it! No one could possibly love an ugly, constipated pink and silver dragon-like metallic creature with an ultra long neck. And pearls on its arms.
Well I could love a Palkia. I love all dragon Pokemon. As far as the weirdest Pokemon goes, I'd say Misty's Psyduck. It can't use like any attacks unless it is suffering from a headache. Maybe no one else thought of Psyduck.
Gulpin...it's....just..weird.At first I just thought it was a faceless blob.
UGH. BIBAREL. Those things are so lame...Bidoof is cool, but that's just a terrible evolution.
These are weird pokemon and most have ever been seen before,thanks.
6-Dimension said:
Absol: "I'm an emo wolf-thing with an oddly shaped protrusion form my head. Hair flip!"

Absol is one of the coolest. :)

Swalot is the wierdest it looks like a pile of grape jelly.

I'll let people discuss this more as it's a cool topic.

dmaster out.
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