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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

Lv X is rarer than Primes.. you usually get 2-3 Lv X's per box, but you get 5-6 Primes per box.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

Ok, fair enough, 80Baby I was wondering whether you value rares and RHs in the lot higher than commons, and uncommons.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

Would you do 3 call energy for my entei suicune top legend my alph lithograph two? I can throw in a skarmory ex too.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

No, for two reasons, one the Calls may be going to someone else, and two, you plainly don't have much I want, sorry. :(
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

How many cards for the ERL top?? Can I trade you 50 rares + 2 LV Xs for the top half of ERL??
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly


Could you see my list for your Kingdra Prime?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

@ snorlax dude
no sorry I am only looking for metacards and you don't have any I'm looking for.
I will get them togher, but first I have to run them through my dad to see if he wants to keep any of them, and can you throw in 2x Gliscor LA??
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

CML for:

4x of each piece of the Cyrus TGI engine.
1x Garchomp C LV. X (tin or pack?)
4x Broken Time Space (BTS) (non RH)
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

Is that all you want?? Im's sooo sorry but I really only put those there so people wouldn't offer them, the Garchomp C X is tin, I am REALLY interested in your Uxie X, and Luxray X; I will trade ALMOST anything for them! I can do
1x BTS (maybe 2x)
Xx Pieces of the Cyrus Engine (what do you need)
1x Garchomp C X
CML for others you may need and ask for things not on the list

1x Uxie X
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

Yea I can
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Kingdra, Tyranitar Prime, and others W Luxray X really badly

um..pretty much..i literally have every set from dp-ud..and a Ton of extras..the only reason i even want the chomp and tgis is bc someone apparently stole my sablelock deck at a battleroads last week...i currently have like...8 meta decks just for fun and boredoms sake..if you have any world champion cards i'll trade for those (though obviously not for those 2 x's)..i think your list says you need toxicroak g?...
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Entei & Rakiou Legends and other primes W Luxray X really badly

@ mlouden03
Do you need any replacements cards for your sabalock list?? I have almost everything for that deck since I ran it last season. What worlds card do you want??
@ 80baby
Ok I will give you the confirmation/dinial PM tonight after consulting my dad.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Entei & Rakiou Legends and other primes W Luxray X really badly

@wiiman um..pretty much everything..although I also have world championship proxies for a bunch of stuff while testing it..PM me a list of what you have and we'll go from there..honestly though it may have to wait til the first/second weekend of pre-releases as I'm holding out slight hope someone turned it into the tournament organizer of a Battle road i went to and I'm going to be seeing him again then...
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Entei & Rakiou Legends and other primes W Luxray X *Update*

Can you check my list for these?

1x Unown Q
2x Crobat G
1-1x Blaziken FB Lv. X
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Entei & Rakiou Legends and other primes W Luxray X *Update*

Cml for call energy please.