• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff and other primes W Luxray X * HUGE Update*

AR Charizard RH
LA Uxie Promo

Gengar X?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff and other primes W Luxray X * HUGE Update*

No, not that high on my list.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff and other primes W Luxray X * HUGE Update*

I'd prefer not to trade it for trade bait ATM. Anything beside Luxray GL Lv.X?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff and other primes W Luxray X * HUGE Update*

Do you have any playmats for trade?? I just REALLLYY NEEEED the luxray
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

BUMP!!! Come on doesn't any one want to trade with me?? I need cards foks and I know that some of you have them... :p
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

Do you still want Absol G X and Machamp X? I'm interested in your 1-1 Entei & Raikou Legend. LMK if we can work something out, thanks!
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

Sorry those cards aren't that high on my want list, my bro and dad wanted those cards, and ERL is worth more to me what do you have from my want list though?? I am always open to fair offers, or tell me what you want from my list and we can work form there.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

Donphan Prime (Mint English)
Sableye Stormfront (Mint English non-wc)
DCE (Base Set, Near Mint (no creases?))
Blastoise UL x2

For Promocroak

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

Thanks for posting, and yes, but I sent a mesage Via PM, plz look at it.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Jumpluff W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

how about My:
1x Rh E-gain
2x RH warp energy
2x SP radar (maybe 1x RH)

for your:
1x Charizard AR (RH prefered)
1x Uxie (LP or RH)
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Promocroak!! W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

Bump #2!! Still waiting for a response from Azelf Master.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Promocroak!! W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

Uxie Promo
Charizard RH
RH Warp Energy
RH Energy Gain
RH SP Radar
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Promocroak!! W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

do you have any spiritombs??
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Promocroak!! W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

Do you have anything else form my want list??
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Gengar X, Promocroak!! W Uxie X will trade heavy for this!!!

What do you have that you ARE willing to trade??