wii versus playstation3 and xbox360

who would win? wii or the playstation3 and the xbox360?

  • wii duh!

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • playstation3 and xbox360 is much, much better!

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I am not going to take a hour and read everyones post.

However, I will say this and I'll say it only once.

The PS3 is more advanced in terms of technology then both the Xbox and the Wii.

I myself have the Xbox because it was cheaper and has backwards compatibility. And at the time there were more games. lol
The Wii is a good consol but it is more aimed at family settings. I still want a wii cause it has good games.


Agree with me or not, but for "facts", thats how it looks.

Now, did I say the Wii is bad? No. The Wii is awesome. All three are awesome.
shadoworganoid said:
I am not going to take a hour and read everyones post.

However, I will say this and I'll say it only once.

The PS3 is more advanced in terms of technology then both the Xbox and the Wii.
hmm, i would like you to prove this please.

do not count the blu ray portion of it as it is null when comparing hardware.
PS3 is the most advanced and the best. It has the stuff wii lacks, and the free online play that Xbox 360 also lacks.
you guys have yet to provide anything as to why the ps3 is the "most advanced"

what xbox 360 live service lacks, it makes up for in incredible servers and DLC.

the wii is nowhere near the same console as the xbox 360 and ps3 so there really is no way to judge it to the others as its completely different. i dont understand why people continue to treat it as such. it is its own system and nintendo sees this and always comes up with the best in its field.
This thread makes me sad.

The Wii is not in last guys -_-

All systems have their pro's and cons. PS3 has high price, but great games (if you look), and free (good) wifi. XBOX has best and most FPS. It also has a few RTS games. It has lightening fast servers. Wii has amazing games, and unique controls. They are all in first for best consol. They are all different guys -_-.

It's like saying "which one is better: American Lit, British Lit, and Japanese Lit."
It's all opinion. But where I stand Wii>Xbox360>PS3. "OMG PS3's AWESOME!!!" Why, because of graphics? Seriously, that's all people seem to care about...
r3skyline said:
you guys have yet to provide anything as to why the ps3 is the "most advanced"

what xbox 360 live service lacks, it makes up for in incredible servers and DLC.

the wii is nowhere near the same console as the xbox 360 and ps3 so there really is no way to judge it to the others as its completely different. i don't understand why people continue to treat it as such. it is its own system and nintendo sees this and always comes up with the best in its field.

We have blueray, slightly better graphics, vidzone, free online, home, Soon to have better games than Xbox 360
actually when they'd compare graphics xbox360 always had the better graphics I think I saw the article comparing the 2 systems graphics on IGN
starforce is correct, the console xbox 360 video card is in fact greater than the ps3's. THE ONLY thing that makes the 360 look bad in comparison is the fact that the textures have to be compressed so much that the images are then made to look bad.

BRd actually is the only reason why ps3 graphics look better.

kashmaster - blu ray does not count towards the initial hardware spec when comparing because the other consoles are used for what they were designed for. gaming.

ps3 just rips pc games and rides them for sales. free online is a joke until a game is released where ppl will actually want to use it. home is in the same situation.

soon to have better games? care to elaborate before making assumptions?
Isnt the PS3 graphics card a 7900GT or something equivalent to that? Pretty sure the new Radeon 5970 chews that up and spits it out.

I dont know the details behind the PS3's cell processor. I've seen it used for solving complex mathematical formulas but as far as comparing it to desktop CPU's I cant say for certain which has the better specs. All I know is that the cell CPU is PS3 exclusive, thus I will be unable to use it for the tasks that I want to use a high-end CPU for, such as gaming. I'll stick to my desktop 4.0GHz quad-core CPU's, which I still cant get to break a sweat.

Regardless, if I myself could have every game I ever wanted to play on the PC, I'd do it. Unfortunately some games are console-exclusive (Rock Band), or the developers release a half-baked PC version with half the content and no support (Burnout Paradise, Modern Warfare 2 to name a few). This thrusts me into the console wars, and I simply want the best bang for the buck, the "better of two evils" to say the least (since Wii doesnt have most of the games I'm looking for, so it's 360 vs PS3 in my case). 360 delivers a vast majority of the modern day AAA gaming titles which simultaneously exist on the PS3, and I have yet to see a 360 game that I'm interested that was programmed worse than it's PS3 counterpart. It has always been the other way around, Sony systems are just harder to program for. That's not to say that PS3 and Wii arent good systems or that they dont have good games, but I'm not that desperate to shell out wads of cash for a system for the sole purpose of playing only a handful of games, of which I'm not guaranteed of their replay value. I made that mistake with the original Xbox and the Gamecube, and I'm not about to make it in this generation. I can just easily wait for the next generation of game consoles, which hopefully will have backwards compatibility, and if I'm impressed by the lineup then I'll play the games I missed out on in the future. It's not like these games are going to dissappear, if anything they'll more than likely get cheaper over time, and I should expect to see ever better performance since they're running on more powerful consoles.
r3skyline said:
starforce is correct, the console xbox 360 video card is in fact greater than the ps3's. THE ONLY thing that makes the 360 look bad in comparison is the fact that the textures have to be compressed so much that the images are then made to look bad.

BRd actually is the only reason why ps3 graphics look better.

kashmaster - blu ray does not count towards the initial hardware spec when comparing because the other consoles are used for what they were designed for. gaming.

ps3 just rips pc games and rides them for sales. free online is a joke until a game is released where ppl will actually want to use it. home is in the same situation.

soon to have better games? care to elaborate before making assumptions?

I just know that the textures and graphics look more rich and realistic on the PS3

Blueray is something that is a part of the PS3 so it deserves a mention. It is such a difference compared to normal DVD honestly.

The online game play is pretty good, admittedly it isn't as good as Xbox cause we don't pay for it.

PS3 has always had better games. List:

Metal Gear Solid 4
Littlt big Planet
Gran turismo 5
God of War 3
Killzone 2
Ratchet and Clank
Final Fantasy

There is much more, I just can't remember. The only game that you guys have that isn't surpassed by these games but is in the same league is Gears of War and a couple of others.

Then like I said there is vidzone (free music videos)

All that memory :D

The new movie store

You have to realise that the PS3 has been out 18 months less than the 360, It is a much more powerful system which requires more work and care.

Lets compare

XBOX Elite 120 GB is in my country 200 pounds

PS3 160 GB 250

you pay 50 pound more for blueray if your still going to be ignorant to the fact that ps3 is more superior
so because the ps3 has blu ray and crappy online play (where it should really count anyway), it is superior?

i keep explaining to you guys that the ONLY reason why the ps3 has supposedly better graphics is because the textures are UNCOMPRESSED!!!

games is opinion, you can never base a debate off of opinion. you'll lose every time.
Again, you guys are proving that the only reason anyone thinks PS3 is better is because of graphics. Why should graphics matter so much? Some ancient games with terrible graphics are still fun as heck.
I own an xbox 360 and a wii. I hope i will get a ps3 for christmas. I think that the 360 is better then wii for the game choice and the graphics. I like the 360 more because you can do more things on xbox live then on the wii when you are online. I agree with many that the wii has better party games. But it matters on who you are. Anyone can like their own system. I would choose a system in my own opinion not someone else's.
Xbox 360 has the best online, but hey, Wii (and DS, for that matter) have free online. You have to pay for Xbox 360, but it's usually worth it.
Wii has games that never cease to become boring (Smash Bros., Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime) and they provide all of the fun that you could ever want. Heck I would take Wii Sports alone over having a 360 or PS3
Starforce Lv.X said:
actually when they'd compare graphics xbox360 always had the better graphics I think I saw the article comparing the 2 systems graphics on IGN

Who is "they"???
IGN is crap. Dont always beleive or listen to those game reveiw people. They are after all, normal human beings like you and I and so what they say is just their opinion.
It takes a "trained" eye to notice the small differences in the Graphics. Also, the TV itself plays and HUGE role too.
High def TV's have different stats; 1080 being the highest resolution. The only reason they look the same side by side is because the TV is not advanced enough to keep up with the PS3. The PS3 has better performance then the TV's we play it on!

Meaty said:
Again, you guys are proving that the only reason anyone thinks PS3 is better is because of graphics. Why should graphics matter so much? Some ancient games with terrible graphics are still fun as heck.

Why shouldnt they? Graphics are a big deal. The whole point of new games is too have it seem real. And old RPG graphics wont cut it sorry.
The PS3 has 8 computer proccessorer on it compaired to the 360's 2.
I could run my house by means of the PS3. Timers, clocks, TV's, radio's. ECT.

My friend modded his PS3 to play Xbox 360 games. It can be done.
And who has ever heard of a "red ring of death" on teh PS3??? Not I.

Look, I hate to say it, but for those of you who think PS3<Xbox, are very poorly informed/educated.
-Your picking "favorites" based on the game selection. The technology and programs, software/firmware in the PS3 are more advanced then the Xbox.

IGN and other game things make reviews based on popularity. Not scientific tech facts.
shadoworganoid said:
Who is "they"???
IGN is crud. don't always beleive or listen to those game reveiw people. They are after all, normal human beings like you and I and so what they say is just their opinion.
It takes a "trained" eye to notice the small differences in the Graphics. Also, the TV itself plays and HUGE role too.
High def TV's have different stats; 1080 being the highest resolution. The only reason they look the same side by side is because the TV is not advanced enough to keep up with the PS3. The PS3 has better performance then the TV's we play it on!

Meaty said:
Again, you guys are proving that the only reason anyone thinks PS3 is better is because of graphics. Why should graphics matter so much? Some ancient games with terrible graphics are still fun as heck.

Why shouldnt they? Graphics are a big deal. The whole point of new games is too have it seem real. And old RPG graphics wont cut it sorry.
The PS3 has 8 computer proccessorer on it compaired to the 360's 2.
I could run my house by means of the PS3. Timers, clocks, TV's, radio's. ECT.

My friend modded his PS3 to play Xbox 360 games. It can be done.
And who has ever heard of a "red ring of death" on the PS3??? Not I.

Look, I hate to say it, but for those of you who think PS3<Xbox, are very poorly informed/educated.
-Your picking "favorites" based on the game selection. The technology and programs, software/firmware in the PS3 are more advanced then the Xbox.

IGN and other game things make reviews based on popularity. Not scientific tech facts.
i honestly dont even know how to respond to this post without being banned for a few days.... o_O