wii versus playstation3 and xbox360

who would win? wii or the playstation3 and the xbox360?

  • wii duh!

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • playstation3 and xbox360 is much, much better!

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Honestly, gameplay is still more important than graphics. It's like judging someone entirely on looks, and not personality. And how is this a matter of being "poorly informed"? It just matters on opinions. And I was talking about games like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for N64. The game's graphics are horrible, but many people say it's one of the greatest games of all time. And I'm pretty sure modding your PS3 to play Xbox360 games is illegal in several ways...
a lot of people who say wii sucks is because they only give one sided reviews. they only care about first person shooter games which the ps3 and xbox360 are known for. the wii features a variety of games, from first person, sports, party games and turn based games. (lol pokemon reference XD)
kashmaster said:
Can you guys tell me why Xbox 360 is better than the PS3?

IN my opinion it isn't... The 360 doesn't have free wi-fi and the ps3 has the playstation network... But if you want a pocket computer you should get either the Ds-i or iPod touch..'.'
iphone > ipod touch. ipod touch is cool, but is really only great for the music/video. the appz is overrated when the majority of them require some type of online connection to be really good.

xbox 360 is better than the ps3 because of its online play. microsofts servers are top of the line and really great. ps3 however...ugh...ive encountered so many probs its ridiculous....
So is that the only reason? You have encountered problems, ok thats your problem then. Most of the time PSN is fine. Maybe you have bad wireless, I don't know but if thats the only reason 360 is better than PS3 then all I have to say is... 'No comment'
r3skyline said:
and not to mention impossible...
Thats not true. It can be done, it is very difficult and involves lots of skill when hacking and such. You could of course just download an emulator but still. Lol.
Seth1789110 said:
Thats not true. It can be done, it is very difficult and involves lots of skill when hacking and such. You could of course just download an emulator but still. Lol.
no, it really cant. and if you dont know the reason why, then you have absolutely no experience with reverse engineering. your talking to someone who has their degree in computer science just so ya know.

kashmaster, countless others who have had their systems brick because of bad updates, and freezing online play and bad connections can back me up. geez, just search the ps3 forums and you'll see it all for yourself.

bad wireless? no, i dont think so.
shadoworganoid said:
Graphics are a big deal. The whole point of new games is too have it seem real. And old RPG graphics wont cut it sorry.

I thought the whole point of new games was to have fun with them.
cristian_flores said:
a lot of people who say wii sucks is because they only give one sided reviews. they only care about first person shooter games which the ps3 and xbox360 are known for. the wii features a variety of games, from first person, sports, party games and turn based games. (lol pokemon reference XD)

Thank you. Everyone says Wii "sucks" because it's not meant for violent rated M shooting games sadly played by 5 year olds due to parents ignoring the ESRB too badly. You can have fun in video games not involving shooting things, y'know.
r3skyline said:
iphone > ipod touch. ipod touch is cool, but is really only great for the music/video. the appz is overrated when the majority of them require some type of online connection to be really good.

xbox 360 is better than the ps3 because of its online play. microsofts servers are top of the line and really great. ps3 however...ugh...ive encountered so many probs its ridiculous...

Online play is not a fair reason. If PS3 fans cant use Blue Ray as a good reason, online gameing cant either. Has it ever occured ot you that many people might not play Online? I play online very little because all the people online are A-Holes. They curse left and right, and insult you if you lose.
But if you want to talk about online gaming, the PS3 is still no worse. It has FREE online. Xbox costs lots of money. Next month I will need to renew my live account and to do so I will be spending like 50 dollars for another years worth.

About these "problems" you mentioned, well, its free. You get what you pay for. I expect Xbox Live to be better quality for the amount of money we spend on it. But for casual gamers, free live is perfectly fine, even with a few problems here and there.

I thought the whole point of new games was to have fun with them.

True. But if thats the case, why not just play the cheaper Wii?
Its got fun games and the graphics are very poor in comparison with the PS3.

Why do companies make new TV's?
-To improve picture quality.

If the Graphics didnt matter, why do people have big fancey LCD or Plasma TV's for movies and games?
-To show they have money? I dont think so. Why buy it if you arent going to use it.

The Xbox 360 is nearly pointless if it had equal to or less quality graphics then the old Xbox.
Microsoft made a new system to improve on the old system.
Xbox gained:
-Better graphics
-Better games
-other cool functions

This is no different for the PS3.
The PS2 had good quality and graphics.
But now it has:
-Amazing Graphics
-Free live
-Few, but good games
-Blue Ray (xbox doesnt)
shadoworganoid said:
True. But if thats the case, why not just play the cheaper Wii?
Its got fun games and the graphics are very poor in comparison with the PS3.

Because it doesnt have the vast majority of games that I have fun playing.
shadoworganoid said:
Online play is not a fair reason. If PS3 fans cant use Blue Ray as a good reason, online gameing cant either. Has it ever occured ot you that many people might not play Online? I play online very little because all the people online are A-Holes. They curse left and right, and insult you if you lose.
But if you want to talk about online gaming, the PS3 is still no worse. It has FREE online. Xbox costs lots of money. Next month I will need to renew my live account and to do so I will be spending like 50 dollars for another years worth.

About these "problems" you mentioned, well, its free. You get what you pay for. I expect Xbox Live to be better quality for the amount of money we spend on it. But for casual gamers, free live is perfectly fine, even with a few problems here and there.

I thought the whole point of new games was to have fun with them.

True. But if thats the case, why not just play the cheaper Wii?
Its got fun games and the graphics are very poor in comparison with the PS3.

Why do companies make new TV's?
-To improve picture quality.

If the Graphics didnt matter, why do people have big fancey LCD or Plasma TV's for movies and games?
-To show they have money? I don't think so. Why buy it if you arent going to use it.

The Xbox 360 is nearly pointless if it had equal to or less quality graphics then the old Xbox.
Microsoft made a new system to improve on the old system.
Xbox gained:
-Better graphics
-Better games
-other cool functions

This is no different for the PS3.
The PS2 had good quality and graphics.
But now it has:
-Amazing Graphics
-Free live
-Few, but good games
-Blue Ray (xbox doesnt)

wait...online play cant be a feature? lolwut?

blu ray cant be a feature because its just an architect of it. its purpose was ONLY for programmer to be free and have uncompressed audio and texture files. the benefit of doubling as a blu ray PLAYER is just an extra but not really part of the gaming aspect which is what ppl are discussing, and which is why it cannot be part of the debate/argument.

the amount of ppl that dont play online is not even that significant to warrant it as an excuse.

do ppl not understand how and why the ps3 supposedly has better graphics than the xbox 360 ???
r3skyline said:
do ppl not understand how and why the ps3 supposedly has better graphics than the xbox 360 ???

Most people dont understand that PS3 has better specs.

There was more money invested into creating the PS3. Which in turn means better stuff;

-8 Proccesors.
-Better cooling system.
-Strong plate reinforcment. (drop it, it wont ruin the components inside)
-Blue Ray (a nice little addition for the money)

You get the picture.

The PS3 Has more money invested into it and thus has better quality components that make it up.

So going back to you comment, HOW? Better parts. Higher quality parts = higher quality graphics.

You get what you pay for.

And discution isnt "what system is better for gaming?"
The discution is about what "system" is better.

Take away the games, and the PS3 is better 10 times over.
I think PS3 is equal gamewise. Uncharted 2 is masing, LBP is great, and warhawk is a great 3ps. More cost efficient, and a lot more. PS3>X-box.
shadoworganoid said:
Most people don't understand that PS3 has better specs.

There was more money invested into creating the PS3. Which in turn means better stuff;

-8 Proccesors.
-Better cooling system.
-Strong plate reinforcment. (drop it, it wont ruin the components inside)
-Blue Ray (a nice little addition for the money)

You get the picture.

The PS3 Has more money invested into it and thus has better quality components that make it up.

So going back to you comment, HOW? Better parts. Higher quality parts = higher quality graphics.

You get what you pay for.

And discution isnt "what system is better for gaming?"
The discution is about what "system" is better.

Take away the games, and the PS3 is better 10 times over.
perhaps you should learn what the specs really do for each system before responding. it really sounds like you dont know.

for those who believe the ps3s specs are better...think again...

xbox 360


oh, and here is something...

i have a core i7 cpu....do my games run better because of it? no. why? because they werent designed to be ran across all the cores. it cost too much money to implement that.

just because something is multicore/has more cores than something else, definitely does not make it better.

the cache and power is what makes it good.

ps3 better 10x over? hmm...sensin a bit of a fanboy attitude in that comment.
This is how I see it.

Wii: Nintendo knows what it wants from it's games, unfortunately I don't believe the 3rd Party support is 'there'.
PS3/360: With 360 and PS3 having many of the same games I figured I'd put these two in the same note. I feel in comparison, that the PS3 has a better lineup of exclusives (Uncharted, R&C, God of War, Little Big Planet etc.), though the 360 has some nice games as well (Halo, Left for Dead, Forza).

Winner: PS3

Wii: There is none, let's be serious here, yes you can download random games, but it's mediocre (They JUST started adding demos).
PS3: Hey, it's free, not much to complain about.
360: Yes you have to pay, but you will always be able to find a game.

Winner: 360

Extra Features (DVD etc.)
Wii: Does this have any extra features? No seriously.
PS3: Blu-Ray, then basically the same stuff as 360
360: DVD, the basically the same as PS3

Winner: PS3/360

Wii: $200
PS3: $299/350 (Keep in mind, this is plus Blu-Ray player)
360: 200/300/400 (This of course, includes a DVD player)

If you're a gamer, you'd go for the PS3 OR 360 depending on what you want (Action vs FPS), it's basically the same thing. If you are someone who would rather just have a casual experience then a full on gaming one, chose the Wii. IMHO, the PS3 is best system as I don't care about a full online experience as long as it works and can keep track of friends.
For me it comes down to which system has games I want to play.
Basically same for me... I just don't like any games on PS3 that aren't on other systems really and not quite enough on Xbox360 to buy it.