Will Absol G Lv.X be useful?


Aspiring Trainer
I have 2 that have been sitting in my binder since I pulled them because I never found a good use for them.

But since Lost World is coming out I wonder if a 2-2 line could be an efficient way to lost zone your opponents Pokemon
If you ask me, Absol G X won't be good because of the power, but be cause he can easily OHKO Gengar Prime.

I think it would be great in possibly Gengar Prime decks or Mew Prime decks as it can send your Pokémon to the Lost Zone. ~JS
Depends on what deck do you use. A deck of Absol and Garchomp can be seriously powerful. Its poke power is extremely bad, unless if you want to run a Chatot G. Lostgar does not need it as it can easily send pokemons into the lost zone.
I am going to be using in my LostGar deck, for one it is good against mirror match, and its power is good. It also has free retreat.
Like some people already said it's not good for a lost zone deck were you main absol g but it will be an awesome
1-1 tech in any sp/ semi sp decks vs lostgar and other gengar variants.

I'd personally keep them, gets the OHKO on any Gengar in the format, also can make an interesting Lost World rogue, you could even try it with Umbreon UD. I'd hold on to them, in less someone makes you a really good offer.
Yeah I'm planning on putting a 2-1 line in my lostgar deck, may move down to 1-1 but I think 2-2 is overkill.

Hold onto them, and if they become popular, and you think you only need 1, you can trade the other one well.
I like Absol G LV.X as a straight LostWorld Gengar Prime counter, hey maybe that hyping of LuxSol will come true a year and a half later, who knows, but it's a nice thought :)
Well I could definitely seeing LuxSol/SolRay becoming big because it's faster than Luxchomp with two one energy attackers, both hitting for weakness on popular cards. Plus Absol's power can be really disrupting, and you could make it more disruption based, using the extra spots you gain from all the cut energy.
^Yeah, you could possibly pair it with Chatot G to make it even more disruptive.
I like this LuxSol idea... -goes off to make decklist-
^People will only bother countering it if it becomes meta. If it stays Rogue, it will have trouble with any Machamp/Donphan decks, but will be deadly to a good number of other decks.
Absol is a great counter if your deck is in need of a boost (and a big one at that) against this specific deck. It can turn the matchup completely in your favor, since if you get it out with a Special Dark Energy on it, you can just keep on OHKO'ing those LostGars, since they will never KO it.
I just wanted to point out that not only can absol GX OHKO gengar and mew, it can also throw away pesky pokemon from your hand so they don't get lost zoned. Pair that with Dialga and you should have a pretty easy matchup against mewgar.
Gonna be fair though, at least in my area the "play" with LostGar is a 1-1-2 Tech line of Machamp SF, and it works fantastically to get rid of those SPs, it's very difficult to deal with, especially w/ Mesprit power locking for a couple of turns too, but the matchup seems to be close about 60-40 LostGar's favor, which is better than almost every other deck.
I don't see why absol isn't tech'd in luxchomp now for vilegar. Darkness Slugger (60) and a discard from hand(useless trainer/supporter anyone?) and with lucario gl in play it hits for 120, enough for a ko.
^Fainting Spell.

Then again, Absols second attack knocks out a Pokemon at the end of their next turn, which bypasses Fainting Spell.
Gengar has a free retreat, so they'll just retreat out of it. That makes Doom News a waste of Energy.