Will CMT Die after Dark Explorers?


Soccer Mom
A friend of mine said that CMT wouldn't be good anymore after DE but I don't believe him.
Is this true?
Well, it does get worse in my opinion. Dark Toolbox certainly gives it problems, especially with the resistance.
I think that dark decks will beat CMT and then terrakion will beat eels and some dark decks if they dont use tornadus ex it will be mostly those four decks and CMT might have trouble but it will still be pretty good terrakion is good against them all unless they use tornadus ex/shaymin ex
CMT as it is now will lose some playability, but the formula of Celebi w/ big colorless basics will stay.
With Tornadus-EX CMT can swing for 100 damage on T1. I doubt it'll decrease in playability too much.
EliGagerNorris said:
Well, it does get worse in my opinion. Dark Toolbox certainly gives it problems, especially with the resistance.

I don't think it will, because you can OHKO Zoroark with Tornadus EX
Tornadus Ex will be a great addition to CMT once Dark Explorers hits. It will, however, make mewtwo a less viable option due to the supposed influx of dark decks. You may see people only running 1-2 Mewtwo w/ 2-3 Tornadus EX and 2-3 Regigigas Ex.
I think it will stay equally good or get better because CMT has a fair matchup against everything which means it has a strong chance against the new decks that will come out.
CMT: The ReshiPhlosion of the 2012 format.

But actually, it's 50-50 or better vs. everything, and new decks shouldn't faze it that much. Relatively the same thing with ZekEels too.
iisnumber12 said:
I think it will stay equally good or get better because CMT has a fair matchup against everything which means it has a strong chance against the new decks that will come out.

Darkrai-EX resists Mewtwo-EX. Darkrai-EX with a Darkness Claw attached can OHKO Tornadus. While I do see your point about it having a fair matchup against everything (early KOs = a good thing), I think that, because of Darkrai, MTC will not be played anymore.
Nigel said:
Darkrai-EX resists Mewtwo-EX. Darkrai-EX with a Darkness Claw attached can OHKO Tornadus. While I do see your point about it having a fair matchup against everything (early KOs = a good thing), I think that, because of Darkrai, MTC will not be played anymore.

Darkrai EX is a bad attacker.It gets OHKOed by Terrakion and does a lousy amount of damage for an EX. It is totally outclassed by the other EXs and Tornadus can Set it up for a KO by Mewtwo.
iisnumber12 said:
Darkrai EX is a bad attacker.It gets OHKOed by Terrakion and does a lousy amount of damage for an EX. It is totally outclassed by the other EXs and Tornadus can Set it up for a KO by Mewtwo.

Infinity said:
Also, Darkrai is mainly used for his ability.
You use Zoroark to attack.


Darkrai is amazing. 90 hits all the perfect numbers, Eelektriks, Tornadus + Thundurus with Darkness Claw (or one snipe), Zekrom after a Bolt Strike, 2HKO all EXs. Babies and Tynamos have nowhere to hide from the snipe, and it also sets up other pokemon for OHKOs.

Darkrai.dek and Dark Toolbox/Zoroark Rush are completely different. I don't even think that Darkrai would be good in Dark Toolbox, it does less damage than Zoroark for more energy. The reason it's amazing in Darkrai.dek is because it rushes Darkrai to get quick KOs with the main damage as well as the snipe from Dark Patch. It's kinda like ZPST vs. ZekEels. One has an amazing early game and keeps the pace going throughout the rest of the game, and the other has a lousy early game but a great mid to late game.

Honestly, the free retreat is just a bonus. I don't see it in any deck used just for the free retreat. No deck would have the room for Dark energy.

Also, Tornadus EX covers the Terrakion problem.
iisnumber12 said:
Darkrai EX is a bad attacker.It gets OHKOed by Terrakion and does a lousy amount of damage for an EX. It is totally outclassed by the other EXs and Tornadus can Set it up for a KO by Mewtwo.

Even if you don't agree with Darkrai-EX as an attacker, Zoroark can still OHKO Tornadus with a Darkness Claw.
Back to the topic, MTC will get a little worse. It's undeniable, especially if Darkrai.dek can manage the turn 1 relatively commonly.

Nigel said:
*Zekrom BW

Wait, what!? I thought we were talking about Zoroark vs. MTC?
Infinity said:
Still, you have to get the t1 darkness patch, if not, you're screwed.

100 or 90 + 30 even on the second turn is pretty devastating if you can keep it up consistently. But I agree, it's pretty important to at least get the turn 1 Tornadus EX if you can't manage Darkrai.
alexmf2 said:
Back to the topic, MTC will get a little worse. It's undeniable, especially if Darkrai.dek can manage the turn 1 relatively commonly.

Wait, what!? I thought we were talking about Zoroark vs. MTC?

We were, but Zekrom/Eels is going to be played. A lot. Therefore, I don't think Tornadus-EX is going to be played in MTC since it's 2 free prizes for Zekrom/Eels. Sure, you could say to not drop the Tornadus in that game. What if you start with Tornadus-EX? MTC doesn't play SSU/Seeker. What if they drop Tornadus because it's the only attacker that is not KO'd or prized? Not all MTC lists play Super Rod. Even then, it could be the only attacker they would drop since MTC plays Dual Ball instead of Collector.