Will CMT Die after Dark Explorers?

Nigel said:
Nonono. MTC plays 2 Eviolite at maximum. I know from experience that more than that ruins your consistency. Also, You can Junk Arm for a PlusPower that you just played.

And you can't Junk Arm for an Eviolite? And most ZekEels play 2 Pluspower as well, so I don't know where you are going with this.
Nigel said:
Where do you keep getting the idea that attackers in MTC will ALWAYS have an Eviolite attached? It's extremely unlikely, and it still gets 2-shotted with an eviolite attached. Heck, most MTC lists play 2 Eviolite at MAXIMUM.

MTC lists usually don't run Tyrogue. Tyrogue is for donking low HP basics such as Tynamo, which Mewtwo-EX does better.

Most good MTC decks do run Tyrogue. 2 Eviolite is the Max.
CMT wont die. Its the most fastest deck in the format. Terrakion will see more and more play depending on the darkrai ex hype.
And the more terrakion the better CMT gets. Darkrai EX needs alot of resources to do well.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
CMT wont die. Its the most fastest deck in the format. Terrakion will see more and more play depending on the darkrai ex hype.
And the more terrakion the better CMT gets. Darkrai EX needs alot of resources to do well.

A. CMT-EX, needs a perfect setup to do anything in DE. That's why it dropped to Tier 2 in Japan.
B. Dark Toolbox (Zoroark DE and Darkrai EX) is the Top Deck in Japan, Darkrai EX doesn't need that many resources.:p
C. Fighting decks are getting better at countering CMT anyways, they don't even auto-loss to it now.
Emopanda133 said:
A. CMT-EX, needs a perfect setup to do anything in DE. That's why it dropped to Tier 2 in Japan.
B. Dark Toolbox (Zoroark DE and Darkrai EX) is the Top Deck in Japan, Darkrai EX doesn't need that many resources.:p
C. Fighting decks are getting better at countering CMT anyways, they don't even auto-loss to it now.

First of all, I immediately don't trust your source as they have Zoroark and Darkrai in the same deck. Second, why in the world would CMT drop to tier 2? It is an amazing, fast, and consistent deck that should be almost as powerful after DE. It does have a not the best Darkrai matchup, but it has a pretty good Zoroark matchup.
alexmf2 said:
First of all, I immediately don't trust your source as they have Zoroark and Darkrai in the same deck. Second, why in the world would CMT drop to tier 2? It is an amazing, fast, and consistent deck that should be almost as powerful after DE. It does have a not the best Darkrai matchup, but it has a pretty good Zoroark matchup.

It has a horrible Zoroark matchup, Zoroark OHKO's Tornadus, and is resistant to Mewtwo, Tornadus EX is the only thing that saves it, and even then, Dark Toolbox runs plus power, a full bench with Zoroark out , two specials a darkness claw (not a rare set up btw) and a plus power OHKO Tornadus EX, and even if I don't have a plus power and you manage to KO one Zoroark, I have more ready to go to KO your Tornadus EX, putting you down a prize.

Dark Toolbox is Zoroark DE and Darkrai EX, it's Tier 1 in Japan.
Everyone on this thread is saying things like:
"CMT doesn't play more than 2 Eviolite"
"CMT doesn't play Tyrogue"

They have the full ability and capacity to play them. Saying that a matchup is unfavorably because they don't play these single cards is not only false, but it's also completely splitting hairs and is avoiding the real point to this thread. Dark Toolbox is likely to have a good matchup against CMT, due to it's OHKO's on Tornadus EP, 2HKO's on Tornadus EX with Darkrai EX, and spreading onto Celebis on the bench. However, this in no way means that CMT is going to die, it is still going to be the fastest deck in the format, especially with Tornadus EX only needing itself, a DCE and a stadium to do a nice 60. If you say you can get a T1 Darkrai, don't kid yourself. You would need a trainer to be reused by Junk Arm, Junk Arm itself, 3 energy, 2 Dark Patch and Darkrai EX. That would amount to 8 specific cards, and even that is much less consistent than ZPST which isn't consistent at all.
Emopanda133 said:
It has a horrible Zoroark matchup, Zoroark OHKO's Tornadus, and is resistant to Mewtwo, Tornadus EX is the only thing that saves it, and even then, Dark Toolbox runs plus power, a full bench with Zoroark out , two specials a darkness claw (not a rare set up btw) and a plus power OHKO Tornadus EX, and even if I don't have a plus power and you manage to KO one Zoroark, I have more ready to go to KO your Tornadus EX, putting you down a prize.

Dark Toolbox is Zoroark DE and Darkrai EX, it's Tier 1 in Japan.
Same for EXTC. but their tournament structure is to have to win 3 times in a row for the ''registration''. so everything is build to donk to even play in the main event. . 2 Sp Darks, 1 pluspower + darkness claw + zoroark is pretty hard to get. EXTC ko's something T1. it even doesnt have to be tornadus EX koing it.
Also, ditto TM :D
Emopanda133 said:
It has a horrible Zoroark matchup, Zoroark OHKO's Tornadus, and is resistant to Mewtwo, Tornadus EX is the only thing that saves it, and even then, Dark Toolbox runs plus power, a full bench with Zoroark out , two specials a darkness claw (not a rare set up btw) and a plus power OHKO Tornadus EX, and even if I don't have a plus power and you manage to KO one Zoroark, I have more ready to go to KO your Tornadus EX, putting you down a prize.

Dark Toolbox is Zoroark DE and Darkrai EX, it's Tier 1 in Japan.

So CMT can't get a single Gigas and Eviolite, but Zoroark, a deck that has even less space, gets 2 Sp. Darks, a Darkness Claw, a full bench, and 2 Pluspowers? Are you kidding me?

Your argument is so biased it's incredible. CMT will almost always get the first prize. It's an undeniable fact. And then it becomes a prize trade. Except your attackers are Stage 1s that need either a DCE or a Dark Patch to attack. CMT has all the advantages.

Also, try and find room for at leat 3 Sp. Darks. Can you do it with the 4 DCE and at least 9-10 regular Darks you need to play?

And Dark Toolbox does not have Darkrai. You obviously have not tested the deck even once yet. Zoroark does more damage for less energy. The reason Darkrai.dek is a deck is because it rushes Darkrais.

I don't know what people see in Zoroark. It loses to Darkrai, it's unfavorable towards MTC, and I haven't tested it against ZekEels yet but my guess would be unfavorable also. It's another prize trade, but ZekEels has basics, Zoroark doesn't.
I've tested the deck a bit and I actually like 1-2 Darkrai EX in Zororark. It's nice for setting up KO's, and it gets rid of retreats which is never bad. Plus, it adds damage to Zororarks' attack.
But it's just so hard to set up. You need 2 Dark Patch in the same turn, and it's not even that much better for the extra work. The reason Darkrai is good as it's own deck is because the deck has enough room to maximize the chances to get it out.
I can't see CMT dying, but if CMT turns out to have less than favorable match ups to Darkria/Dark Toolbox AND Zekeels*, it will have a very tough time. It'll probably have to find room for Terrakion, or more Regigigas EXes.
I haven't tested any dark decks, and I've barely tested CMT, so I'll stay out of that conversation.

*Most people now agree Zekeels has a bit of an advantage on CMT, and it's been showing at most States.
CMT only gets stronger with Tornadus EX coming into the format. Also you usually try to attack with your other attackers other than mewtwo if you can. Also Dark decks are not taking over the format. I think dark decks are way too overhyped and will definately not live up to their expectations.