Pokemon Will you admit to playing Pokemon?

Basically I have my gaming friends and I have theatre friends. The two never really collide and the only reason my gaming friends even know about theatre is because it's a job for me.

Would I say I'm ashamed? No.
Would I say that I'm open? No.

The topic never really comes up and I know some of my friends don't play video games or think they're childish, so I just don't ever talk about it with them. It's not like they wouldn't be friends with me, but the fact that it would become a joke or that someone would take me less seriously because they think all I do is play video games is something I don't have the time or energy for. Sometimes you just take what you got. I'm happy enough that I at least do have some friends to share it with.

Note: I use the term "friend" lightly.
I used to deny it, but now I realize that a lot of kids at my school love Pokémon.

If I get asked if I play Pokémon nowadays, I say yeah, and ask them if they do. If they say 'no', I say, "You don't play Pokémon? What a nerd." Then I walk away and they shut up about it...

But don't say that to the wrong person or you'll lose a couple deepseateeth and get a black sabl-eye. Not to mention they might give you an ultimate Wedgigigas...
When I was in middle school everyone played these games openly. I even remember a complete pushover P.E. teacher that would just watch a group of us playing Diamond version while we were supposed to be doing our exercises. hah!

When I was in high school this was like a tabooed subject. Everyone seemed to know that everyone else played, but nobody ever spoke about it. It was actually kind of funny; and the people you thought would least likely be playing actually were. If someone were to have asked me I probably would have only told them if I knew that they also played.

At my University last quarter, there was a group of kids that actually did a presentation on Pokemon and some of the upcoming Pokemon X/Y info. I forget what they said, but sadly they had no idea what they were talking about with X/Y, so I sat there and chuckled....

But it's interesting to see how the openness of people playing Pokemon shifts as you get older. The sad part is that a lot less people would judge if they knew that these games have a degree of critical thinking and analysis to them and it's not like Barbies Princess Castle or something.
"Hell yeah I still play pokemon!" Is my response. I don't care if people thinks it's childish, I love pokemon, got a problem with that, I don't care.
The funny thing was that a friend of mine and I were on a double date and the four of us had time to kill, so we went into a nearby Best Buy. Whilst in there, I actually gave him news on which game to buy (he was choosing between SS, HG, B, W, B2, and W2) without even caring. Our dates were more embarassed than either of us, though.
I'm on a Computer Games Tech degree and everyone in my group are obviously big gamers. There are a really good number of them that love playing Pokemon so when Pokemon X and Y come out we're all gonna compete. xD We also started a Let's Play for the original Japanese Pokemon Green together.

I'm always very honest with saying I play it. If they don't like it, then f**k 'em!
I love Pokémon, and I'm not afraid to say it. ;u;
That got me into games, and now I am planning on learning game programming, so that I could make my own games! :D
I don't really see the problem in saying you play it and I even ask other people if they play.
When I was younger I used to be really shy and stuff so if someone asked me questions like that I would automatically say no. I used to think that if I said I did play pokemon, then they would make fun of me or something. Then I realized that people's opinions about me don't really matter to me. So now if someone asks me if I play, I'll just say yes. I mean, it's just a hobby so why care what other people think about it lol
Always. Well, basically everyone that knows me knows I like this franchise so it's not much of a secret. My parents and my brother were catching up on the final season of Weeds and there was a scene where the main character told a kid she was babysitting to play with Pokemon cards and the kid said something related to "Pokemon is stupid." and everyone gasped and looked at me. :)
Yeah, I don't think many people care about what others do in their spare time anymore.
I have never been embarrassed for playing Pokémon. Most people here have played Pokémon while they were younger, and some still do (including me). My friends know and it doesn't bother anyone.
If the t-shirt doesn't give it away, I wouldn't be afraid to tell people I know that I play Pokemon. There are so many people who have lived in a world where Pokemon has always existed to them; it's a lot more accepted now than when it first came out, which is a great thing.
Honestly, if anyone were to ask me I would gladly admit it to them. Heck, I even brought back Pokemon at my school, albeit, it isn't a very big school.
I used to hide it back in High School. Now Im open to it and have talked to many people who play pokemon. I dont hide it at work either. good hand ful of people play it too
Everyone knew I was a pokemon maniac from primary school all the way up to 7th grade. Then I stopped playing for a while, because I didn't want to ask my mom to buy a DS for the new games and kinda lost interest. Then I went to college and everyone played pokemon which brought back my desire to play pokemon again, so yeah, never hid it
Of course I would "admit" to playing Pokémon, if the situation arose, that is. I have found a few friends by "admitting" that I play the video games, and I would gladly and truthfully tell anyone who asked me. Honestly, I see no shame in it. If people bully you, per se, because you play Pokémon, that shows their ignorance and their intolerance towards people they do not even know.

It was uncool in middle school. In high school, it was kinda accepted. In college, you have hoards of girls asking you to bring them to tournaments.

So yes.

Yes I do.
For me, it's been a couple of pretty painful years. Only three people (my best friends & my gf) know that I play Pokémon. In our class Pokemon used really popular, pretty much everyone would play (and I'd kick their butts in link battles, I never lost xD).

But then, all the sudden, a guy in our class says that Pokemon is stupid, it's for little kids. A few people stop playing. A lot of people stop playing. Pretty much everyone but me and my best friend (who currently lives in Oxford and has lived there for about a year) stopped playing.

So it's been a hard time for me, since everyone kinda does know that I like Pokemon, most don't know I still play it though. I've been bullied for it, and it sucks. Now that I'm going to a different school, that's great. I might actually finally admit playing Pokemon if someone asks.

Being mature is admitting that you play Pokemon if someone asks. In my case of course, I would've gotten bullied. But being immature is saying Pokemon is for little kids. Every person has their own interests. But if someone's being bullied for it, take my advice; fawk the bullies and live your life as you want. :p