Pokemon Will you admit to playing Pokemon?

I've been called childish by some of the "gangster" people at my school. The area I live in and my friends has however been pretty Pokemon friendly. They stopped playing at Diamond and Pearl but they still play R/S/E and the older games. I also play with them using a link cable or on Pokemon Showdown. I myself play the newer games and will probably continue to do so. Some of my closest friends has even opened booster boxes with me and bought some themselves.

I have always told people that I play Pokemon proudly. They can either accept it or not. Frankly, I don't give a damn.
Jay said:
It was uncool in middle school. In high school, it was kinda accepted. In college, you have hoards of girls asking you to bring them to tournaments.
Now stop turning them down.
I think the saddest thing is that these days kids seem to act like enjoying Pokemon is a sign of still being a child. There are kids that pretty much act like they have to be grown up and bully children or even scoff at those older than them that play it and deem them "immature". Kids should enjoy their childhood, not act like they're "mature" adults at age 12 c'B otherwise they're going to grow up that way.

I am only saying this because I was at a family party the other day and one child we know seems to have grown to the conclusion that he's "mature" and in charge, bossing the other kids around (twas sad to see, he was acting like a cranky old man :'C ) and not like, the literal telling em what to do, he was being a rule stuff, yeesh. Moment this kid saw me drawing though he came up to me and watched, but left the moment he asked if I liked Pokemon and I said yes. He didn't just flat out leave, he insulted me for it too. :'C Are kids these days really so gung-ho over being "mature"?

I say people shouldn't let others dictate their interests c'B if people insult you for what you love, then are they really, truly - friends?
Nah, If they ask me, I always end up explaining them why should they fear Magikarp
Always and i always admit it the same way, flash an adorable picture of ninetales with a vulpix and say "this justifies it."
As a kid/young teenager, anyone that liked Pokemon or openly liked video games A LOT was ridiculed by pretty much everyone- so my fandom went dormant for highschool mostly. Now Im 27, been playing again since right before D/P's launch and have no issue telling people I like it- Im a fan for life and they can piss off if they have an issue with it.
Everyone at school knew I played Pokémon, some of them did as well. Loads did in Year 7, when be got to year 11, it was just true fans. I still play now, a few people that were in my college class last year played as well. A lot of people played as children, if you give them the chance they'd play again.
Yeah, I would tell people I play Pokemon. I'm in Year 8 now, and when I play the TCG in the library :)P) sometimes some Year 7s would come in and be like, 'y u play pokemon? so childish game'. They don't bother me any more.
Yeah, at our school we had a library people did Yu-gi-oh, not Pokémon. I never played Pokémon, just collected . Anyone use Twitter here ?
Yeah, I have bigots at my school (not now i am graduated) and I don't mind telling people I play, but we have alot of people saying mean things about people who play and I don't like all the drama, but I do admit I play.
I don't see why its something to hide. Pokemon has been around for so long that everyone knows what it is, and its first fans are now adults. So there's a great chance that a lot of adults still play the games. If you're worried that people will tease you for calling it a kids game, they're wrong. I've been playing it since red and blue first arrived over in english-speaking countries and I'm 24 now. Nothing to be ashamed of. Chances are, if someone's asking if you play it, they do too. You might be able to guage by thier tone if they're interested or just looking to tease you.
Yes. I don't go out of my way to mention it (I don't go out of my way to mention anything), but if the subject is brought up then I'm open about the fact that I play it. I played it a few times in school, actually. I'm not afraid to say that I like Pokemon because I don't consider it a valid reason to judge someone. The only information about myself I would want to keep secret would be information that I think someone would be justified in thinking badly of me for.

We'd have discussions in the breakroom about everything Pokemon related at my previous workplace.
I am fairly open about my love of Pokemon, theater, and pretty much everything else. I play sports and hang out with some of the 'popular kids,' but I also have a fair share of more cultured friends. I actually have some good stories about this.

One day before Biology a bunch of guys I wasn't really friends with were battling each other on their DS's, and I was like, sweet. But one of the more douchey guys went over and started giving them crap. So, the next day I brought in my DS and started playing with them, and jokingly giving the jock crap about liking sports.

Oddly enough, the one place I feel less comfortable with my love of Pokemon is Gamestop. Like, when I go in to download my Keldeo or Meloetta, the guy at the counter is always grinning and yells really loudly "You downloading your pokemon?" I usually then hurry my way out of there.
Well of course I will admit it! I will not let other people's judgements let me stop doing what I love. I have seen it happen, and I don't like it when many people who try to be cool stop liking Pokemon. I promised myself that I will never stop liking Pokemon and that is final. If people ask me if I play Pokemon, I would say: "Yes of course! And you should play it too (I will give a lot of reasons as to why they should play it)!" Anyway, there are no need for lies, because one lie leads to another.
I have no problem admitting to liking Pokemon. It's no different from liking any other video game or franchise, and if someone wants to judge me for what media I enjoy, then that's their problem, not mine! Pokemon has been a source of so much enjoyment for me for so many years, it would be a disservice to my favorite franchise to hide my love for it.
I have been playing since generation 1 and I only ever used to tell my close friends or people who I definitely knew that were into Pokemon too. However over the last year I am more open about it now and I don't care who knows.

I finally do not care what people think about me. I just wish I had thought this way a long time ago, then maybe I would of been happier.. I grew up with a lot of judgmental people around unfortunately, so I was afraid to do the things I enjoy.. my whole family look down on me because I liked it except from my Mum :( .. she is really nice to me about it actually. Whenever we are out and she spots some Pokemon thing she will tell me :) .. Some people laugh at me for liking it but Pokemon makes me happy and that is all that matters :)