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Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

hey you have quite a few of my wants, perhaps we can work out some sort of trade

BINX has
ND- rev holo R #12 arcanine x 3
Burger King 1998- preforated card arcanine
FRLG- R arcanine w minun stamp from trainer deck
Tomy figure- growlithe
ND- rev growlithe 11

Binx wants
vault- kyurem
white kyurem ex
keldeo rev (is it 47 or 48?)
3 x flygon
2 x NV terrakion
3 x dusknoir
2 x ditto
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

Pokepuzzle said:
I'll add in Sableye RH and Absol prime if you throw in a Virizion FA?

that would balance the 2 dollar difference in the blaine's arcanine vs. wigglytuff ex.

Pokepuzzle said:
are you still interested?

I am but I have to hold on to the Virizion,, was there anything else?

Binx345 said:
hey you have quite a few of my wants, perhaps we can work out some sort of trade

BINX has
ND- rev holo R #12 arcanine x 3
Burger King 1998- preforated card arcanine
FRLG- R arcanine w minun stamp from trainer deck
Tomy figure- growlithe
ND- rev growlithe 11

Binx wants
vault- kyurem
white kyurem ex
keldeo rev (is it 47 or 48?)
3 x flygon
2 x NV terrakion
3 x dusknoir
2 x ditto

what does the burger king card look like? i cant find it on the net, the other cards i have, and im not into figures. but im interested in the Ultra & Secret rares you have from BCR.
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

Do you have Raikou EX Reg/FA or Shaymin EX FA unlisted?

RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

I can replace with some thing else

Overall offer:


Absol Prime
Junk Hunt Sableye RH
Blaine's Arcanine


Wigglytuff ex
Giratina ex OR 2x Gold Potion
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

It looks like this. In 1998 there were smooth BK cards and preforated cards of all 151 pokemon.


Im not going to trade those UR for your UR, sorry.

but how about my arcanine for 1 of these:

BC flygon (regular, reverse or promo)
BC rev keldeo (47 or 48---but I need to know which it is)
BC ditto (reg or rev)
BC dusknoir (reg or rev)
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

Binx345 said:
It looks like this. In 1998 there were smooth BK cards and preforated cards of all 151 pokemon.


Im not going to trade those UR for your UR, sorry.

but how about my arcanine for 1 of these:

BC flygon (regular, reverse or promo)
BC rev keldeo (47 or 48---but I need to know which it is)
BC ditto (reg or rev)
BC dusknoir (reg or rev)

I dont need that Arcanine, I only want TCG Cards. Thanks though.

Pokepuzzle said:
any update dude? :) :)

Im sorry, what were our negotiations again?
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

Skyla FA
Promos (elgyem and beheeyum) (spelling... lol)
3 x Terrakion NVI
RH max potion
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

DK why u wanted it posted.. but thats exactly what we agreed on. Continue pming to confirm.
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

Just because all of the trades are supposed to go through a thread. That's the only reason why, okay I'll PM you.
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

Do you need the JPN VHS Arcanine Promo?

I have an extra. Here's a picture: http://www.google.com/search?q=arcanine+japanese+promo+video&hl=en&rlz=1C1CHPS_enUS461US461&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1440&bih=785&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=nE8LUYq9Lca3ywHB0YCgCA#imgrc=HoXyfOZBDrAFCM%3A%3BobweBqC2Ouok5M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.pokemon-2u.com%252FJPromo%252FVid%252FVF059Arcanine.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.pokemon-2u.com%252FJPromo%252FVid%252FVideoSet2.htm%3B177%3B250

I'm interested in unused codes and bulk.
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

I am interested in the promo. Do you have any other Arcanine's? or Scythers and/or Scizors?
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back.

yes I still have BK 1998 card arcanine (preforated version)

would trade for maybe BC flygon, dusknoir, rev keldeo 48, scizor, stoutland, crustle or promo empoleon (1 for 1 of those)
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Plasma Storm In,

Hey I will post here and PM you tomorrow, because I have been going through some old cards (all mint or near mint) and may have some more arcanine cards I can trade.
RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Plasma Storm In,

Whoa, all that PS goodness! You must have a gotten a box or several boxes of it!

Binx has
BK 1998 preforated arcanine
mint base japanese arcanine
mint base eng arcanine
mint base 2 english arcanine
please check my thread

BINX wants (most wanted at top, least wanted at bottom)
shiny blastoise
PS lugia EX
PS black kyurem EX
PS FA articuno EX
PS FA white kyurem EX
BC FA white kyurem EX
BC white kyurem EX
keldeo 47 rev
keldeo 48 rev
5 x PS magnezone
3 x BC or promo flygon
BC ditto x 2