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Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

Would you do
Articuno EX FA
Victini EX
Victory Piece

Landy EX FA
Zapdos EX

Not sure what else youre interested in aha. Counter or LMK!
numberonewill said:
The Pikachu Mafia said:
Okay I don't need blastoise, but you're right I do need the 2x Cobalion EX. I'm not really looking to downgrade atm either since I'll be using the FA one (although I suppose if I could get a 2 for one deal on the coba EX FA I'd be interested, however he's not worth that much and I would need 3 cobalion instead of 2...) I quickly checked the prices on T&T and ebay, would you rather do something like this:


1x SR Charizard PS (misprint)


2x Cobalion EX
1x Registeel EX FA
1x Cresselia EX FA
1x Dowsing Machine
1x Scramble switch (this card could easily be dropped out of the deal if the prices are off balance)

I think that's around equal on both ends (I could be wrong, so don't hesitate to double check if you want to :s ) please lmk or counter :)

Lol my buddy ended up picking up the Charizard he needed so I have no need for it. If you still need the Loins just post a few offers and ill check them out.

Hmm well I don't think I really have anything else your interested in (except cobalion EX FA, but I'd have trouble getting a two for one on him since I don't think I have anything else that interests you.)

Thanks anyways :)
sure just let me know is that the 47 or 48?

my arcanine BK 1998 preforated near mint

your keldeo rev holo #4?

pm to confirm please

The one on the left is the misprint, it hasnt been fully acid washed.