The results for round two, thus far, have been updated!
Remember to visit the bracket's webpage to confirm the results.
Remember to visit the bracket's webpage to confirm the results.
Winners must report the results of their matches via a comment to this thread, per this activity's news story's instructions:
Winners must report the results of their matches via a comment to this thread, per this activity's news story's instructions:
Yet to report (Round three ends on Wednesday @ 11:59 PM ET):
@CESit (Xabalanque) [GMT-5] vs. @saiyiuchan001 [GMT+8]
@DooPeDee (x-Z-IE-R-O-x) [GMT-8] vs. @Scourge188 [GMT-6]
@PMJ* (PMJ1234567890) [GMT-6] vs. @Chi-Town Master (Machamp-101) [GMT-6]
@Kevin Kozak (Bowlinkev) [GMT-5] vs. @Vulpix Yolk (VulpixYolk) [GMT-6]
@bdov777 [GMT-7] vs. @Danglesmcjangles* (fatbubba147) [GMT-5]
@Coolpilot* [GMT-8] vs. @AndreBernacchi [GMT-3]
@mingming187* [GMT-5] vs. @Empoleon_master (Emp-649-kmg) [GMT-5]
@TheAnticipationEevee (AbsolutelyEevee) [GMT-8] vs. @Fangng [GMT-10]
Remember, each round ends every five days (May 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 & June 4) at 11:59 PM U.S. Eastern Time (ET).
If there are any issues, contact @Ntanel.
If there are any issues, contact @Ntanel.
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