Pokedad tcg won against @Matias Santiago 2-0 games took place between 930 and 10pm
Hello there! I managed to defeat my opponent, Jedithious 2-0!
Thank you for the great chat and great games!
The games were played at the following times:
G1: 4:09 - 4:40 PM PST
G2: 4:41 - 5:10 PM PST
Top-placing finishers will also earn trophies or medals next to their usernames that are visible on all parts of the website. These denote your accomplishments to other members and visitors:
- Top 16: Silver Medal
- Top 8: Gold Medal
- 3rd place: Bronze Trophy
- 2nd place: Silver Trophy
- Champion: Gold Trophy
Hey @Ntanel , any update on these little badge thingies for the first few months tourneys?
No mad rush or anything, I just see you are collating results via Challonge so now might be a good time to bring it up.
I'm dropping after this, it just saves me time and with 3 losses I'm not going to get any prizes or interviews period.I won vs @Empoleon_master 2-1
Games took place between 9:10 PM EST to 9:50 PM EST.
Good games and nice deck!
The byes have never been listed as a win in Challonge. The byes are listed in their own column. Since March, when it was realized that when players were dropping it was messing up the point spread, we removed the tie-breaker point a bye would typically provide. Although, it you are getting a bye, you are most likely not on the top of the list of ranked players as byes are selected randomly from those with lower win percentages.Just a question, is there a reason why byes are not counted as wins in this tournament? My LGS does and i wasnt sure why it wasnt that way