Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

I sent Celever a message about my opponent not responding to my PM. I'm posting here just in case Celever doesn't see it in time. I will send my decklist in now as well.
Round 1 - Winner: Me
Game 1 7:33 PM EST - Winner: Me
Game 2 7:47 PM EST - Winner: Brunorpin
Game 3 8:10 PM EST - Winner: Me
Round 1
Itzyatzee beat RedWater 2-1, with the third game going to me for connection issues.
Sorry about the connection! Good luck in the rest of the tourney!
Round 1

Jbcheshire beat mespritguy 2-1
Games played today 6 - 6:45pm central.

Very close. I thought he had me beat. Good luck rest of the way
Yeah, I completely forgot about this because work decided to schedule me like mad. I'm assuming I've already been dropped since I never submitted a list or contacted my opponent.
- ProZlockie (Request and no communication/deck list)
- Neeks (No communication/deck list)
- Master Golurk (No communication/deck list)
- Sidog9 (No communication/deck list)
- Raigetsu (No show)

Activity Wins:
- meagseevee gets the activity win over Master Golurk
- Gengar master gets the activity win over Sidog9
- punchayobuns94 gets the activity win over Raigetsu

Yet To Submit Deck Lists:
- redwater
- wojtek.b
- Seiven
- lukkul
- andrew smith*
- homeofmew
- Edmarcio
- Mike Moskowitz

These participants must submit their deck lists before their match in Round 2. Should they fail to do so, they will be dropped.
Round 2
I'd like to apologise for the late update, but I had IRL emergencies I've had to attend to, as you can probably tell by my mass reply of over 50 PMs to do with this tournament. :p Thank you for understanding, to make up for it, Round 2 deadline will be one day later than what is stated in the OP. This will apply to all deadline from now on, because your TO is unreliable apparently. :x

And check the results of Round 1 here to make sure there are no discrepancies please!
Itzyatzee beat Ntanel 2-0.
Games played from about 12:05-12:25 EST.
Great games! I was lucky with the turn 1 donk on the second game. Good luck on the rest of the tournament!

jbcheshire defeated Frosstoise 2-1
played 9:30am - 10am central today.

The last game could have went either way... Great Games!!! good luck the rest of the tourney!