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Wish Foundation! [Have] Saly X, Tangy X, Secret charizard...

RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X! Big Update!!! [Wants]: Rotoms, Heatran X, Tangrow

Wishirulz said:
I'll do 2 roseanne's for it if it's mint.

No thanks. Roseanne's are easy enough to come by at leagues. I'm most interested in the Infernape 4 X
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X! Big Update!!! [Wants]: Rotoms, Heatran X, Tangrowth X

i dont have that card -_-
and if you mean DGX there's no way in hell that I'm doing that for fgon ex
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X! Big Update!!! [Wants]: Rotoms, Heatran X, Tangrow

Wishirulz said:
i don't have that card -_-
and if you mean DGX there's no way in heck that I'm doing that for fgon ex

Ha! Sorry, that was fully my bad. I'm trying to do two trades at once! :s

Sorry! Yeh, I mean DGX. I wasn't expecting just that as a trade. But could you CML for the DGX for other things to throw in?
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X! Big Update!!! [Wants]: Rotoms, Heatran X, Tangrowth X

Hi I have 2 Rotom (series 9 5/17) 1 Mow Rotom...main interest would be roseanne's and rare candies (all rotom's close to mint)
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

Islam: I can't trade SF gengar and RH cyrus, but i can trade the boundary lake and exp. belt
schmawl: LMK what else you want for mow rotom
Alex: can't trade the RH cyrus, anything else you want for fan rotom?
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

My Dusknoir X and Heat Rotom for you Diagla G Lv.X?
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

I'm getting dusky for much smaller things
unless you can do dialga x for tangrowth x and heatran x (which is the current deal I'm getting)
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

Wishirulz said:
I'm getting dusky for much smaller things
unless you can do dialga x for tangrowth x and heatran x (which is the current deal I'm getting)

I can throw in 2 more Rotoms if that changes anything?
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

anything else you want for those rotoms?
like I don't value rotoms that highly I just want a full set :D
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

Wishirulz said:
anything else you want for those rotoms?
like I don't value rotoms that highly I just want a full set :D

How many expert belts do you have?

I need your Rosy Research and Expert Belts
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

I have one exp. belt left
and the rosys would be for exs or something higher
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

Wishirulz said:
I have one exp. belt left
and the rosys would be for exs or something higher

Rosanne's for exs or higher? Ok, then I can't match that. Never mind
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

well um there's prob. a deal we can think of.
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

Wishirulz said:
well um there's prob. a deal we can think of.

I only need DGX, Rosy's and Expert belt. I could do Dusknoir X, Giratina X (Pack) and 3 different Rotoms for them?
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

Wishirulz said:
rosys for rotoms?

No thanks. Rosy's are easy to get hold of at leagues. You obviously value them far higher than I do considering they'll be out of rotation soon
RE: Wishirulz: [Haves]: Dialga G X, New T/S/S [Wants]: Rotoms, Dusky X, Gardy X.

in like 8 months or so, and I'm just a collector, ps the POP ones will still be in rotation
okay so how about the exp. belt too