wtf? tcg is going backwards???

No, flavor text would be actually be a nice return. To me flavor text adds to the pokemon's nature along with it's moves. What I mean is for example Magikarp, it has Splash, wow, and flavor text 'This pokemon is the weakest pokemon in existance...'. Compared to Gyarados. Moves are Bubblebeam and Dragon Rage. Flavor text "This pokemon is capable of destroying whole cities in a rage." See, it ups the quality of the card and sometimes explains where the moves come from.

It'll attract more collectors, as collecting cards with flavor text would be much like completing a Pokedex. You get the stats of the pokemon (length/weight), its description and you can even battle with it. It's the closest thing to real-life pokemon.
(TYranitarFReak) stop complaining. No matter how much you cry about it there will be no change to the new cards. Flavor text is going to be included in the new card whether you like it or not. I have nothing against it and neither should you, it's not like they'll be talking up half the card with it, it will only be a sentence or 2 on the Pokemon that's all.
I do not agree with tcg to add flavor text and lv of the pokemon, i feel like its going backwards too. But what to do? It is confirmed.
Hey, flavor texts aren't bad ideas, as long as they made it sound "funny" or interesting. Like Magic. You take a card, for instance, like Goblin Cannon. Oh, that was cool ;)
Lord9511 said:
Hey, flavor texts aren't bad ideas, as long as they made it sound "funny" or interesting. Like Magic. You take a card, for instance, like Goblin Cannon. Oh, that was cool ;)

this is pokemon tcg!
not magic: the gatherings or yu-gi-oh or whatever!
Ok listen, now you're just being stupid... The Pokemon TCG was out BEFORE Magic and Yu-gi-oh. It had flavor text BEFORE Magic and Yu-gi-oh. Just because they removed it for the E-reader cards doesn't mean that we're going backwards at all and it doesn't mean we're turning into Magic or Yu-gi-oh. Stop acting like a baby, it's embarassing to read... seriously, just accept it and grow up.
^ To who are you talking to?

If you are talking to me, just know that I stated there...if they made something funny with the flavor texts. like Magic, they make a flavor text sound really interesting. Like that Goblin Meat Cannon. It'd be good if a Pikachu had an interesting quote or text from the anime or just a random saying.
Tyranitar freak probably.

I really don't see why there's a problem. The flavour text doesn't take up space, doesn't interfere with gameplay... it's just an addition, and even if it were pointless there wouldn't be much to rant about as you could simply ignore it. Alot of people were sorry to see the flavour text go, so I don't think tcg is going backwards, I think it's correcting its mistakes.
i think bringing back the flavor is a great idea. it brings in the crowd and gives excitement to the game. it is not backwards they are just mixing what people used to like with what people like today.
RE:  wtf? tcg is going backwards???

(TYranitarFReak) said:
tell u what :

i've NEVER liked the flavor text, either now, the past or the future~!
I think we know that already, but there's nothing you can do about it, try to except it already
oh, and don't be selfish, there are people who like the flavor text...
RE:  wtf? tcg is going backwards???

(TYranitarFReak) said:
tell u what :

i've NEVER liked the flavor text, either now, the past or the future~!
We don't care. They'll make it look cool this time, not that ugly golden box.

And the Flavor Text is NOT going backward, it's becoming more like the video games, which was what it was supposed to be like in the first place. You get a card, learn it's stats, power it up, evolve it, and then fight. You enjoy reading the information about a Pokémon when you catch it in the games, don't you? So why don't you like it here?
(TYranitarFReak) said:
tell u what :

i've NEVER liked the flavor text, either now, the past or the future~!

And what? Is it going to change anything? Of course, you can express your oppinions, that's good, but you could at least describe WHY you don't like the flavor text. Like, I wouldn't like if the text was boring, but if it had something that could make us interested on it, I'd like it for sure.
(TYranitarFReak) said:
tell u what :

i've NEVER liked the flavor text, either now, the past or the future~!
So... quit? Ignore them? Wait four or so years for gen 5? Mate, it's your prob, no one cares, you are entitled to your opinion, we are to ours. Majority seems to be: Meh, it's decided... no point in complaining. Majority rules. Instead of complaining here, which will result in nothing, why not write a letter or start a petition(Which few will sign imo)? Nothing will result of you expressing your opinion here, is there a point to angering people?

-Excellion Raichu
Er... Sorry for minimodding Mods and Admins... I felt it needed to be said in a long way.