RE: Phase 2
Hey, remember when Porygon-X said someone had a heavier vote weight yesterday? Let's see if we can't pinpoint who it is.
Here is everyone who was on Wailord_2's wagon:
Glace = Wailord_2
Astra = Wailord_2
Dark Void = Wailord_2
doublenikesocks = Wailord_2
Machamp the Champion = Wailord_2
sillykyle = Wailord_2
TheGuy = Wailord_2
MDL = Wailord_2
Lemonnade = Wailord_2
Hegafire0 = Wailord_2
Haunted Water
Before Haunted Water voted, Porygon-X said Wailord_2 had twelve votes. There were only ten people on his wagon, which would mean we either have two vote weights of two or one vote weight of three. I'm thinking it's the latter. Now, let's take away all the players we know it isn't:
Glace = Wailord_2
Astra = Wailord_2
Dark Void = Wailord_2
doublenikesocks = Wailord_2
Machamp the Champion = Wailord_2
sillykyle = Wailord_2
TheGuy = Wailord_2
MDL = Wailord_2
Lemonnade = Wailord_2
Hegafire0 = Wailord_2
Haunted Water
which leaves us with
Glace = Wailord_2
Dark Void = Wailord_2
doublenikesocks = Wailord_2
Machamp the Champion = Wailord_2
MDL = Wailord_2
Hegafire0 = Wailord_2
Now let's look at who was on camoclone's wagon yesterday:
2) Hegafire0 = camoclone
6) Lenny = camoclone
8) Dark Void = camoclone
10) Machamp the Champion = camoclone
13) Shocker = camoclone
14) Kecleon-X = camoclone
17) Glace = camoclone
21) DNA = camoclone
23) Cinesra = camoclone
27) doublenikesocks = camoclone
raichu girl
Now, from both these lists, keep only the players who were on both wagons and are not scum:
2) Hegafire0 = camoclone
8) Dark Void = camoclone
10) Machamp the Champion = camoclone
17) Glace = camoclone
27) doublenikesocks = camoclone
Unfortunately it's the same six players, so we can't do anything further than this. It wasn't the same person who cast a vote first (in case that's the trigger), so I don't think there's anything like that going on. It is interesting to note that MDL is on this list, since he's been very vocal in the town so far. Let's remember to watch these six players to see if my hypothesis about vote weights is correct.
Here's my suggested course of action for tonight:
PMJ: Do nothing. Haunted Water will be unable to vote tomorrow, and he will die at the end of day 3.
sillykyle: Get us a safe claim.
TheGuy: Do nothing.
Now for the hard part. There are two players tonight that I would love to see dead tomorrow: Blui and Glace. Glace because he's a seer; Blui because I think he's the priest. Here's what we could do:
1. Hook Glace and kill Blui. Town gets no report, possible doctor is dead since the odds of there being two doctors and one of them also targeting Blui out of nowhere is like zero. This was my original plan. It's safe. However, we can also...
2. Hook Blui and kill Glace. This way, the town definitely gets no report, and our presumed doctor becomes unable to protect for the rest of the game since we can just keep hooking him. The risk here comes from us making the assumption that Blui is town doctor. If he's not, and the actual doctor protects Glace, not only do we miss out on a kill, but the town will get to hear Glace's report (I'm assuming it's gonna be me since I had it out for him a bit today; if it's me then I am boned), the doctor will still be alive, and worst of all, we'll have no idea who he is.
Therefore I am suggesting we go with option number one: Hook Glace and kill Blui. Having said that...
Sir Taco: Track Glace again. If Blui isn't the priest, the real priest will definitely be protecting Glace tonight since it's his night to investigate. I want to know who it is. Perform tonight's kill and kill Blui. Let's hope he's Superman.
Actually, you know what? As long as Astra is alive, we can actually leave Glace alive for the entire game and just hook him every other night, rendering him useless. The town will find his lack of reports highly suspicious. Combine this with his blasé attitude towards other players and we might actually be able to get him lynched. (If it comes to that then I will get that wagon rolling since it will make me appear consistent.)
Any questions?