Finished WWXVII Wolf Chat

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RE: Phase 3

If kecleon is the prober then he should die. raichu knows something obviously but cant figure out what.

Track her tonight?
RE: Phase 3

If any of the town don't call GLaDOS, would it be a bad idea to call the role?
RE: Phase 3

I am unfamiliar with portal. Is it obvious glados is behind the kill? do not mention it even if it is. let the town form their own conclusions.
RE: Phase 3

I'm quite familiar with portal, there really isn't any other antagonist that uses neurotoxin to kill test subjects in testing chambers. (and glados is relatively well-known for it)
But ok.
RE: Phase 3

Yeah, the whole testing chamber thing pretty much points to glados, although I bet somoene will come up with some obscure villain who fits the same description and ends up causing a bit of confusion
RE: Phase 3

We can either kill:

RaichuGirl, who would leave no info about what she knows about Agent K;

Kecleon-X, a confirmed dangerous indie who might be plotting our (read as: my) demise. He may have deathproof abilities;

Hegafire0, suspected triplevoter.

Though there is risk involved in attacking somepony who has proven themselves lynchproof, it is possible he is either one-shot deathproof or just lynchproof, and if Astra is right about K-X's role then we need to eliminate him ASAP. Astra can you cp your other role? I want to see it before we have ST submit. But at this point I think we should kill Kecleon-X and send TheGuy to do it because we want him dead sort of and I am pretty sure Kecleon-X -isn't- Superman, lol.

Any objections?
RE: Phase 3

I agree, if Kecleon-X really is the indie we're suspecting him to be, we should eliminate him as soon as possible. We can't risk getting vanilla-ized, or killed, or whatever his ability might be.

Additionally, I have seen a role before, incidentally named the Alien, that can probe one player a night, which basically does nothing besides making them counted as "Probed". The win condition is if all of the living players have been probed by him at some point. So, we could be dealing with a role similar to this, which is harmless, or it could be something more menacing. But I still think he should be the one we go after tonight.
RE: Phase 3

If he were harmless he would not require a safe claim.
RE: Phase 3

OH uh it might be like Teal's role from Kecleon-X's game, where he basically was a cult leader and had to probe 50%+1 of the living town to win.
RE: Phase 3

Again, that does not require a safe claim.
RE: Phase 3

Yes and have theguy do it.
RE: Phase 3

Deadline is tomorrow. Have you all submitted? (I did so yesterday.)
RE: Phase 3

Okay. Let us get into the habit of posting when we submit so there is no confusion.

Hopefully we all wake up tomorrow; now that Kecleon-X has been outed and marked for death, there's no telling when he will trigger his alien probey powers (if he has any).
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