XBOX 360 or PS3

XBOX 360 or PS3, What do you really like?

  • XBOX 360

    Votes: 39 59.1%
  • PS3

    Votes: 27 40.9%

  • Total voters
Papi/Manny said:
Yeah, I mean who likes to actually shot the heads off of a zombie instead of pressing a button, right???? LMAO. And you've obviously never seen prime 3 on the wii.

I have Metriod Prime 3 :F

And yes I have played Guitar Hero 3 its pretty fun.
LOL, and why is that? MP3 definately may fail when compared to multiplayer, but metriod has never been about multiplayer. Its like trying to compare apples to a sponge: It just can't be done. Graphics? Honestly, Halo 3's graphics are not amazing compared to MP3. Sure, they are better, but not by much. And seirously, game play goes to MP3. And when did 360 win system of the year???
Competitions like that are pathetic, usually the system is rated on different criteria, and of course it beats the Wii graphic-wise, and it had more sales because it was released a lot earlier than the Wii. Of course it had more games because it has been out longer. Innovation, which is seriously the only thing I care about (that and good games of course), is usually not even taken into consideration, as graphical improvement and memory space are often seen as innovation, to me, that's just improvement.

What I can't stand if there wasn't enough research. I once read a comparison between the 3 systems, and it said that the Wii had no Internet capabilities, I really wonder what WiiConnect24 is then...

And do you guys even know how powerful Microsoft is?
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Competitions like that are pathetic, usually the system is rated on different criteria, and of course it beats the Wii graphic-wise, and it had more sales because it was released a lot earlier than the Wii. Of course it had more games because it has been out longer. Innovation, which is seriously the only thing I care about (that and good games of course), is usually not even taken into consideration, as graphical improvement and memory space are often seen as innovation, to me, that's just improvement.

What I can't stand if there wasn't enough research. I once read a comparison between the 3 systems, and it said that the Wii had no Internet capabilities, I really wonder what WiiConnect24 is then...

And do you guys even know how powerful Microsoft is?

You can get on the Internet with Wii though.
I have an xbox 360, it stands at the top for video game systems. Then the wii beacsue its insanley fun, then ps3 cuz its boring and has nothing new.

XBox has mainly sports and FPS (which I hate)
PS3 has Final Fantasy
PS3 has KH

Though over all I love the Wii since it has a wider variety of games.
360 really doesn't have many sports games. But usually sports games get more publicity. I wouldn't say PS3 is boring I personally own it and its great I just prefer 360 because of its graphics. PS3 currently doesn't have any of those games that you listed Mew the Source of all.

Wii games are loads of fun I just don't like how the graphics aren't that good.
I really don't think two games will make PS3 better. PS3 is good but I think its goes to far whens saying it better than 360. I think it goes down to opinion Like 360 is diverse in its game. Wii is mainly RPG's and PS3 is mainly Sports and some RPG's.
^Wii sports, mario strikers, tramua center, WW:SM, MP8, BBA, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch all say hi.
RPG thats a Role Playing Game I have Tramua Center under the knife. Isn't that a RPG I was just saying a majority of the games are RPG's.

Also 6 games out of about 50+ Wii games isn't a bunch if you go by proportions.
I prefer XBOX 360 because:

2.Graphics of the games
3.Microsoft Live!
5.In the Philippines it is 2000 pesos a year or something(Dollar RATE:42 pesos=1 dollar)
6.Has a lot of good ACTION GAMES
7.A lot faster than the PS3
8.Last but not least,HALO 3 VETO VETO VETO! (LOL)
Boracay_Jason said:
I prefer XBOX 360 because:

HAZE, GoW, Wipeout, Gran Turismo, Eyetoy (from PS2), Singstar,..... You have absolutely no point in that one. One freaking game doesn't make a system good.
2.Graphics of the games ... is worse
3.Microsoft Live!
You mean Live!? Yes that is a good invention, but somehow Sony made a better copy of it for PS3. PS Store, Home,...
Now you're going to say PSs doesn't have FF?
5.In the Philippines it is 2000 pesos a year or something(Dollar RATE:42 pesos=1 dollar)
No idea what you're talking about
6.Has a lot of good ACTION GAMES
Look at comment for 1
7.A lot faster than the PS3
Is that true?
8.Last but not least,HALO 3 VETO VETO VETO! (LOL)
Darn you

Panda said:
RPG thats a Role Playing Game I have Tramua Center under the knife. Isn't that a RPG I was just saying a majority of the games are RPG's.

Also 6 games out of about 50+ Wii games isn't a bunch if you go by proportions.
LOL, r u serious? I've been playing RPGs since before you were born (I'm going to assume you're 13ish, right?). And if you really want to be anal about this, Madden 08, boogie, wii play, battalion war 2, tiger woods 08, godzilla: unleashed, brunswick pro bowling, plus a bunch of 3rd party games....
i like wii the best but.....if i had to choose between the PS3 and Xbox 360.....i would choose Xbox 360 because of Halo 3