XBOX 360 or PS3

XBOX 360 or PS3, What do you really like?

  • XBOX 360

    Votes: 39 59.1%
  • PS3

    Votes: 27 40.9%

  • Total voters
Dr. Ooler :F said:

Anyway. Yes, Halo is cool and I believe it is your favourite game or favourite console game or just it seems better then any PS3/2/1 game, BUT (!!!) does ONE (1) game make a whole system, which doesn't play HD DVD or blu-ray and has it's "system meltdowns" better then system, which has blu-ray player and doesn't have (so many) software problems? Does it? No. Yes, it'd be better (maybeee...) if all PS games would suck. BUT THEY DON'T. Gran Turismo, God of War (2), Singstar, Buzz, Eye Toy, Eye of Judgment, Wipe Out,... One game can not beat all of those. :F PS3 > XB360

Funny how the wii was sellin on the longest time with just wii sports....And gl getting games exclusively on a low selling system...

Ooler 360 plays HD but it comes separate so if you don't want it your not forced to pay extra on something you might not use. Like how PS3 cost more because of Blu-Ray and comes with it and you can't choose to not have it. It s a cool add-on but to tell you the truth I use HD more than the Blu-Ray player.
Panda said:

Ooler 360 plays HD but it comes separate so if you don't want it your not forced to pay extra on something you might not use. Like how PS3 cost more because of Blu-Ray and comes with it and you can't choose to not have it. It s a cool add-on but to tell you the truth I use HD more than the Blu-Ray player.

True. But, you know what does that mean? That means PS3 will be able to have blu-ray games (means MUCH BIGGER ... means ... MUCH BETTER), while XB will never be able to have HD DVD games. Why? Because if they make a HD DVD game and most of people doesn't have HD DVD player with XB, most of people will not be able to play that game. What does that mean? Less or even no profit for MS. What does that mean? They aren't even going to try make a game on HD DVD. While every PS3 has blu-ray player and maybe in future all games will be that big.


Dr. Ooler :F said:
While every PS3 has blu-ray player and maybe in future all games will be that big.
Future, you mean the next console generation? Yeah, people will really want to buy a PS3 then :O

I'm not pro-microsoftic on this, but, well, just wanted to point that out.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Dr. Ooler :F said:
While every PS3 has blu-ray player and maybe in future all games will be that big.
Future, you mean the next console generation? Yeah, people will really want to buy a PS3 then :O

I'm not pro-microsoftic on this, but, well, just wanted to point that out.

No, I didn't mean next gaming gen. I meant before next gen. In next gen, I believe MS will add HD DVD player to XB###. That sure would be smarter thing to do than (I have no idea when to use than and when then, so I use than randomly - maybe totally wrong :F) leave next-gen console without next-gen discs. But before next gen (let's say ... next few years), Sony will be able to make better quality games and MS will not.

XboX 360 FAILS. Face it.

I heard something like HD DVD > blu-ray. <-- Lies. You want proof? Here you go:

First let me tell for the title of movies that use blu-ray and that use HD DVD. 330 for HD DVD and 360 for Blu-ray by the end of 2007. Not big difference, but still ... blu-ray wins.


Want more proof for next years? Here you go:
CNET said:
Major studios currently offering Blu-ray movies include Sony Pictures (including MGM/Columbia TriStar), Disney (including Touchstone and Miramax), Fox, Warner, and Lions Gate.

CNET said:
Major studios currently offering HD DVD movies include Paramount, Universal, Warner, and DreamWorks Animation.

5 (blu-ray) + MGM + Columbia TriStar + Touchstone + Miramax > 4 (HD DVD)

Let me quote myself for the end of post.

Dr. Ooler:F said:

Dr. Ooler :F said:
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Dr. Ooler :F said:
While every PS3 has blu-ray player and maybe in future all games will be that big.
Future, you mean the next console generation? Yeah, people will really want to buy a PS3 then :O

I'm not pro-microsoftic on this, but, well, just wanted to point that out.

No, I didn't mean next gaming gen. I meant before next gen. In next gen, I believe MS will add HD DVD player to XB###. That sure would be smarter thing to do than (I have no idea when to use than and when then, so I use than randomly - maybe totally wrong :F) leave next-gen console without next-gen discs. But before next gen (let's say ... next few years), Sony will be able to make better quality games and MS will not.
There were about 5 years in between the releases of the 6th gen consoles and the 7th gen consoles, 1 year has passed, so that means sony still have 4 years, maybe 5, before the PS3 will have to have had a mayor breakthrough, or it will have to be able to compete with the consoles of that generation, and whilst it might still be up-to-standard as far as software goes, its game-play will probably be out-dated. Sorry, but there are no "a few years" in the gaming industry.
c-m said:
Sorry, but there are no "a few years" in the gaming industry.
Not true. There are. Look at PS2 for example. First it cost around $400. But now? Around $120. And when do you think there were sold more PS2s? When it costs like PS3 now or after price was below $300? I am sure after. And look now, PS2 is best console ever (most pieces were sold). Okay, not ever, because Wii will probably beat it, but it is until then. So, I believe that if when price of PS3 will fall below $250, XB360 will suck as much as XB sucked in previous gen. It's only a question of time. :F Why would people rather buy PS3 then XB360?

$428 for PS3 (cheapest) and $399.99 for XB360 (the middle one). Now choose. Mhm... I believe it's better to give 28 more bucks for a good blu-ray player + gaming console then 28 less for a gaming console without any HD player.

I'm sorry to say, but ...
XboX 360 FAILS

I know X360 fails, I'm just trying to point out that PS3 does too...

Yes, PS3 will probably end up like the PS2, still selling even when the PS4 is out, but PS2 actually had decent sales, whilst PS3 is already experiencing mayor sales-drops, PS2 was a winner, PS3 isn't.
And, yes, PS3 will beat the PS4 in sales if Sony will still be following the same trend... which I seriously hope they won't.
I bet they won't. I actually totally agree with your post. I agree with every single word in 2nd paragraph (I can't agree to "PS fails as well", that would be like I don't like Sony).

But I believe they won't continue that way. Look, they already included sixaxis (it knows where you moved your Dualshock). They just need someone to copy from. Now that Wii is out, they'll copy it. :F Mhm... Sony isn't as perfect as you might think if you read my posts only. :F

As HD gaming goes so far no PS3 game has reached its max potential. Because it is harder to create a game for the PS3 and those HD capabilities might be its downfall hopefully not.

When I was purchasing the PS3 they promised breath-taking graphics and so far there definitely next-gen but didn't meet my expectations. BUT Little Big Planet, Haze, and The new FF game look to be amazing games graphic wise.

My final verdict is PS3 is definitely a buy but you must be patient especially if you are a 360 gamer because itss sort of hard to adjust but it has great potential to dominate the market in my point of view.
Most definitely PS3. Blu-Ray has not hit yet full force due to being slightly ahead of the curve. It's the same thing that happened with the Dreamcast (cd based games starter anyone?) Sony is taking a HUGE gamble that blu is going to be the wave of the future. It should be: way more room to put data and a better laser to read with. Not to mention the multi-core processor is already practically standard in pc's. It's only natural that game consoles follow suit. Now, to put that processor to use. Research. The Cell is being used via the net connection of the PS3 to try to break up a protein that could give clues to better treatments for things like cancer. Even the big industrial computers have been proven to not be able to currently keep up with the power that chip has. Now put the new DualShock that is upcoming with the Sixaxxis ability (tuned up to get rid of existing kinks found since release) and you have a wonderful controller. Use this with something like Heavenly Sword with the intense graphics, mucho sound clips thanks to Blu, and you have a match made in heaven. Then when you get tired of gaming, pop in your fave blu movie and grab the popcorn for a show. (BluRay rocks. I work for a company that makes dvds and bluray.)

Now: Hexxbox. (I HATE XBOX) The 360 is what is has been called: The Xbox 1.5. There are no real graphic upgrades and only a select few games from the Hexx original will even play on the 360. You have to check with MS before buying a game to see if you can play it or not. What's that about? I want to play any game that the system has. It is supposed to be backwards compatible. This is only MS 2nd console. There is no reason for there not to be full compatiblity. The media type did not change like from the N64 to the GC for example. Now. Red ring of death. You have money invested and time/heart/soul and the machine becomes a very expensive paper-weight. Not for my hard earned dollars.

I'm still waiting to hear if anyone ever figured out how to put Red Hat (Linux) on the 360 yet. I've not heard for sure. *looks to her medallion of a linux penguin with a bazooka pointed at Master Chief's helmet saying "Frag this Master Chief!"*
I think the PS3 is better but I don't like the blue ray idea and only rich people can buy blue rays.
LadyWolf said:
Most definitely PS3. Blu-Ray has not hit yet full force due to being slightly ahead of the curve. It's the same thing that happened with the Dreamcast (cd based games starter anyone?) Sony is taking a HUGE gamble that blu is going to be the wave of the future. It should be: way more room to put data and a better laser to read with. Not to mention the multi-core processor is already practically standard in pc's. It's only natural that game consoles follow suit. Now, to put that processor to use. Research. The Cell is being used via the net connection of the PS3 to try to break up a protein that could give clues to better treatments for things like cancer. Even the big industrial computers have been proven to not be able to currently keep up with the power that chip has. Now put the new DualShock that is upcoming with the Sixaxxis ability (tuned up to get rid of existing kinks found since release) and you have a wonderful controller. Use this with something like Heavenly Sword with the intense graphics, mucho sound clips thanks to Blu, and you have a match made in heaven. Then when you get tired of gaming, pop in your fave blu movie and grab the popcorn for a show. (BluRay rocks. I work for a company that makes dvds and bluray.)

Now: Hexxbox. (I HATE XBOX) The 360 is what is has been called: The Xbox 1.5. There are no real graphic upgrades and only a select few games from the Hexx original will even play on the 360. You have to check with MS before buying a game to see if you can play it or not. What's that about? I want to play any game that the system has. It is supposed to be backwards compatible. This is only MS 2nd console. There is no reason for there not to be full compatiblity. The media type did not change like from the N64 to the GC for example. Now. Red ring of death. You have money invested and time/heart/soul and the machine becomes a very expensive paper-weight. Not for my hard earned dollars.

I'm still waiting to hear if anyone ever figured out how to put Red Hat (Linux) on the 360 yet. I've not heard for sure. *looks to her medallion of a linux penguin with a bazooka pointed at Master Chief's helmet saying "Frag this Master Chief!"*

Finally some post that explains the situation. :F Everything above is true. :F PS3>XboX360. Maybe Heavenly Sword isn't the best example, because I heard it's not THAT good, but let's say Lair. You control dragon with sixaxis. And the graphic is awfully good. :F Now let's see games.

PS3 > XboX360 (left games are PS3's, right XBs)
Driving games:
/<Halo (PS3 doesn't have any good FPS, waiting for Haze)
FF>/ (XB doesn't have any good RPG)
God of War>XB
/<Viva Pinata
Tekken > Dead or Alive
Street Fighter > Dead or Alive

Anything I forgot? And, yes it's true XB has some better games. But not many.


lol, this is still going on?? I didn't realize that the race for 2nd place was this important.
xbox360 in my opinion is better... i do not want to start anny fights... but you can play live on thexbox360
i think that this guy is right, though I did hear that the Xbox360 overheats quickly:)[/size][/font]
Umm, isn't the point of video games having fun? And isn't sales a good represenation of how many people are having fun? I didn't realize that graphics=fun ever....but okay.
Panda said:
Wii is just #1 in units sold not in technology.

Lies. Wii isn't #1 in units sold. XB360 is. If we count only next-gen + Wii (we can not say Wii is next-gen, Wii graphics = PS2 graphics). XB still has few biggest number in units sold. :F

Papi/Manni said:
Umm, isn't the point of video games having fun? And isn't sales a good represenation of how many people are having fun? I didn't realize that graphics=fun ever....but okay.
The first sentence is true. The second proves that XB is better. The third is obviously sarcasm (graphic, doesn't mean any fun).

But in how many units of some gaming system were sold in one day, let's say it is like that: Wii>PS3>XboX360

(we can not say Wii is next-gen, Wii graphics = PS2 graphics)
As much as I'm not a Wii fanboy I gotta say that's some pretty bold statement you got there. (The Wii is more powerful than the Xbox 1, so it's at least slightly past last gen. )

But Xbox is my favorite right now, I'd pretty much think it was the clear best but the physical console itself has proven to be a mess with the overheating issues amoung other things. Also man is that thing noisy. If it weren't for things like that Xbox would be the best thing ever, but for now it's just pretty great.

~Still waiting for my 360 to come back in the mail after being repaired for red-ringing.~~~