XBOX 360 or PS3

XBOX 360 or PS3, What do you really like?

  • XBOX 360

    Votes: 39 59.1%
  • PS3

    Votes: 27 40.9%

  • Total voters
Heavenly Spoon yes I have heard of commas but I was on my brothers computer when I wasn't supposed so I had to hurry.

Papi/Manny said:
No more heroes says high to all those who says the wii has nothing but kiddish games.

Oh I know but what I meant but mature is maybe just a Teen game I don't like games were blood goes everywhere.

Also if you read GameInformer I think in the November issue long term the Wii isn't really future proof while the PS3 and 360 were. Also even there it stated the Wii is a good console for a family with a little child in it.

The Wii has good games im not trying to say that it doesn't like Super Mario Galaxy is a very impressive but it all goes down in selection of games really.

Also Crysis is somewhat overrated in X-Play it only got a 3/5 which is decent but Super Mario Galaxy got higher even FF12 for PSP which doesn't have the best graphics in the world got higher than Crysis.
I never realized the future was about the same thing over and over again instead of revoltuionary games and game play....whoops, guess I was off.
Papi/Manny said:
I never realized the future was about the same thing over and over again instead of revoltuionary games and game play....whoops, guess I was off.

No not really. I really seem like a Nintedo Grinch but the Wii is just like a gamecube w/ an acceleromator( I think thats what it is called ).

The Wii is good but right now the only game that would actually make you want to buy a Wii is Super Mario Galaxy. I see a good future for Nintendo but right now the gameselection is just scores about an Ok.
Panda said:
Papi/Manny said:
I never realized the future was about the same thing over and over again instead of revoltuionary games and game play....whoops, guess I was off.

No not really. I really seem like a Nintedo Grinch but the Wii is just like a gamecube w/ an acceleromator( I think thats what it is called ).

The Wii is good but right now the only game that would actually make you want to buy a Wii is Super Mario Galaxy. I see a good future for Nintendo but right now the gameselection is just scores about an Ok.
So why is it selling so much then? People must want to play wii sports alot...and hello? LOZ:TP, warioware: smooth moves, the two tramua center games, MP3, MP8 (lol, confusing ain't it...), and like every classic good game ever made...hmmm, yeah, only okay....
Porygon said:
So why is it selling so much then?
Hype. Pretty much the most honest answer. Regardless of whether you like the Wii or not.
Better marketing strategy, you know, aiming at a wider public, to the point where they actually made people totally uninterested in games buy the Wii.

We all know game consoles don't sell better based on how good they are, but how much they are advertised and in which way, which is why I don't use sales as an argument.
Better marketing strategy, you know, aiming at a wider public, to the point where they actually made people totally uninterested in games buy the Wii.

We all know game consoles don't sell better based on how good they are, but how much they are advertised and in which way, which is why I don't use sales as an argument.
Exactly. And that's helped to generate hype. It's not responsible for all of it though, I would even say not the majority of it. BUT Nintendo is marketing the Wii so well it would have been a good seller even without the social hype - but because of that it's become more of a phenomenon really.
Hmm...well I guess I couldn't say which I like better considering I don't have either _-_

Why would you post here then? It is just spam. :/ ~Amt
Porygon said:
So why is it selling so much then?
Hype. Pretty much the most honest answer. Regardless of whether you like the Wii or not.
And why is it hyped? Because maybe its the new way to have fun? Sorry if nintendo knows how to pull gaming into the future and mainstream at the same time.
There's a difference between power and goodness, player-friendliness, possibilities, innovation, diversity and of course the fun factor are, to me, way more important.
And why is it hyped? Because maybe its the new way to have fun?
Yep. That's pretty much exactly it. New doesn't always mean better in every aspect but the Wii does have it's strong points. I just get a little annoyed by people who act as evangelists for the Wii saying it's a humongous leap when in reality I don't believe it's what it's often made out to be.

Also Halo 3 had a ton of hype surrounding it. It didn't really do anything revolutionary, nor did it get as much acclaim as other games this year. Hype does not always equate to something being astounding. Furby and Tickle Me Elmo? What was up with those things???
^Umm, they were cute. And cutness sells. They were also enjoyable and fun. Sounds like traits of the wii to me...Face it. Nintendo hit all aspects of the world market in one system and everybody loves it now. Its for kids, teens, 20 year olds with no lives, parents to spend some time with thier kids, boys, girls, old people, and pretty much everything in between. Its the system that goes through age, race, everything. I might be so bold to say that this thing may help bring about world peace.
Halo 3 is good not good enough to but a 360 just for that game but there is many main titles that or only for 360 or PS3.