Xbox 360 or Wii?

What gaming console is better

  • Nintendo Wii

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 10 31.3%

  • Total voters


Aspiring Trainer
Which one is better I really like the wii it sounds cool its cheap and well, different but i would like to hear others opinions on them.
Theres already a discussion on this under 360 vs. PS3. The thread hasn't died yet also.
Well since on one is posting I might as well give this thread a quick final verdict.

Really the Wii and the 360 are two very different systems and you really can't say which one is better because of that huge difference. When it comes down to the end it depends one what type of gamer you are.

If your a just a normal gamer/new to games or just want a good time go and Interactive-play, personal "Mii's", forecast, and Internet go for the Wii.

If your a serious gamer and you want next-gen graphics, media player, the largest online community( out of the 3 platforms ), HD DVD capabilties, Gamer Stats go for the 360
My opinion is just like Panda's.

But also, the Wii can connc't to other players too but the network is not as big as the 360's.
yea we have the other thread umm, but its close dude i have both, would have a ps3 too if it wasnt so bad. Well overall the games in the wii are better, but dude xbox live is incredible......its really depends in your taste, actually this thread can bring up totally different stuff then the other as the other brings up the ps3 which honestly aint nothing like the other 2.....

Graphics go to the 360 obviously but the wii is more fun. Downloadable games is close, cause xbox has live and arcade games which is incredible. But the Wii VC library has much better games.....ugh its close, if you cant get live dude its a different story though....
Game's wise on Wii it doesn't have too many great titles. There having problems to get 3rd party devolopers to make some quality games. If you have seen any games shows recently the " Best Graphics Award " is gone.

X-Play's explanation for this at their Video Game Awards was that almost all good games already have outstanding graphics. And if a game has outstanding graphics it cannot go on the Wii.
Wii just PWNs all other ocnsoles... Adn you can get battle revoloution on teh wii :p
Wii is WAY better than 360. It's more popular, you don't sit on the couch and play, it's more fun!!
Fire Pokemon Master said:
Wii just PWNs all other ocnsoles... Adn you can get battle revoloution on teh wii :p

At this point I feel that I should step in. Popularness wise the 360 has sold more consoles. PBR wise well it really isn't one of the Wii's strong titles.

Also to add in the "Popularness" department the PS3 is already catching up.

So to Dudeman's statement
Dudeman said:
Wii is WAY better than 360. It's more popular

Its just a personal opinion.
Just get the Wii60. It's the perfect blend of gaming and both systems complement themselves. There really is no comparison between them. They're their own different systems with different limitations and capabilities, no match.

dmaster out.
echobreach said:
panda, these r supposed to be opinions! The wii is better

But now can you back it? And also do you own both system so we can for sure now you have a biased opinion?
I'd have to say that if you have a Wii and the Component Cables, it looks much better. It may not be HD worthy, but 480p is nothing to scoff at. ://

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
I'd have to say that if you have a Wii and the Component Cables, it looks much better. It may not be HD worthy, but 480p is nothing to scoff at. ://

dmaster out.

Very true im signing off but later i'll talk about games wise how the 360 might be better for you.
Now the Games are a different story. It's almost a fact that the Xbox 360 is more geared toward Hard-core gamers, and their games follow suit, while the opposite is true for the Wii and casual gamers. There is a vast difference in terms of games for both systems.

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
Now the Games are a different story. It's almost a fact that the Xbox 360 is more geared toward Hard-core gamers, and their games follow suit, while the opposite is true for the Wii and casual gamers. There is a vast difference in terms of games for both systems.

dmaster out.

Wow you did the work for me. Really you can see my post were I put the final verdict. It just depends what type of gamer you are.
Pretty much, but if you want a blend or if you fall in the middle, get both!

dmaster out.
I personally prefer the wii, and I do think it is anew revoloution in gaming, whereas the 360 is jiust a better version of what we have already. However, the 360 is more popular, and it all depends what games you want to play. Some games suit wii better, some 360, so it depends what games you like.
Wii= Gamecube w/ accelaromator in control. Not so revolutionary. Also what you just said has be repeated about four times now.