Yak's Fakes - Movember Samurott!

RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

I don't get Heracross's Megahorn. It is worded weird.
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

Yeah, I accidentally left some of the previous attack before I pasted over it. Fixed now though.

Two more.


http://yakobthered.deviantart.com/gallery/ Comments welcomed.
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

I would like it if you used some art other than from the anime. YOu could ask around the forums, I'm sure people would let you use their art. it's obviously not the biggest problem. but I think some more variation would be nice. Other than that, though, I love them! THe ideas are clever, and I'm glad that you are actually devoted to doing this. Keep it up, k? :D
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

Thanks! Thing is, the whole point of this series was to have Ash's Pokémon using moves that they know in the anime. As such, I'm keeping the anime style for this set.

After that though, I'm sure I'll broaden my horizons, so keep on checking back. ;P

Today's first, Totodile!

http://yakobthered.deviantart.com/gallery for the rest.
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

EDIT: Phanpy and Donphan.

Easily one of my favourites.


EDIT: This was meant to be an edit, not a new post. Oops.
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

Wait. Is Lapras supposed to be active when using Ferry? It wasn't stated.
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

Hmm, well caught. It should be, yes. I'll add that in. For now, have Mankey and Primeape.

Keep that feedback coming, here or @ http://yakobthered.deviantart.com/gallery !

EDIT: Lapras fixed.
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

Thanks all. Yup, Mankey looks so smug with Ash's hat. That was a great episode.

And there is a Chikorita, I just forgot to add it to the list.

For that reason, I went back to my original Post and listed all the Pokemon in order of set number, not dex number. Check it out, you can see how many I've done and who I haven't got around to yet.

Oh, and I did another card, Aipom!

EDIT: Squirtle.

EDIT2: Gligar and Gliscor.

Comments always welcomed, here or at http://yakobthered.deviantart.com/gallery .
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

All love for Sceppy :D These are some of your best cards, good work Yakob :)
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

Sceptile is very, strong, almost overpowered. But not overpowered. But man, 100 for 3? That's a fast win... and then constant 110? With 120 hp? That's a heavy hitter.
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

Beedrill GE/Jumpluff hits harder for one.

I'd whine about the lack of gimmicky fun with attack and power effects and whatnot, but this is anime pokemon after all... <_<
RE: Ash's Pokemon - Fake card set

Yay comments! Mehptile isn't OP, Pikachu is OP. Welcome to the anime. :D

What do you mean by gimmicky, Zy? I tried to make these as faithful to the anime as possible. I'll do quirky and downright odd when I've finished this set. But still, you should see the attack I have in mind for Gible.. hehehe.

Anyway, here's Corphish. It's nothing special, but I've got more interesting ones to come, probably tomorrow though.
