Yanmega.... how to counter?

interesting point....serperior with reuniclus tech would destroy yanmega IF set up. and serperior alone could give yanmega problems, but ultimately it's in the same position as reshiram w/ emboar or typhlosion: it's much slower. except in this case, the basic could easily be picked off before being able to evolve, while reshiram is a tank.
Lol, Reshiram and Zekrom run laps over Yanmega. There's really nothing to discuss.

The dragons set up for 120 turn 3 at the LATEST, with no energy acceleration.

In the meantime your Yanmega sets up T2 and hits for a mere 70.

The fact that Yanmega gets OHKO by the dragons and can't return the KO is reason enough to see that the dragons are solid counters.

Not to mention you're playing a stage 2 against my 130hp BASIC pokemon. Resh and Zek recover faster, and can OHKO without getting a return KO.

What's more to discuss?
^Yanmega's a Stage 1. That changes a lot of things.

Dragons are a nice counter, and I honestly think a Vespiquen tech in something like Serperior/Reuinclus would make Yanmega cry. As long as Combee isn't KO'd, you're good to go.
right now resh/zek are the obvious choices, really...but when catcher comes out, they have a retreat cost that would cause them to have trouble keeping up with yanmega....but then again elektrik would help zekrom out a lot. and yanmega will go down a little bit in play when next set comes out.