Active You Laugh, You Lose - Post Something Funny!

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

These are all from Stephen Colbert:

There's nothing I hate more than indecisiveness. No, wait....yes, I hate that.

Forty-eight hours later and I think the Four Loko is finally starting to wear off.

The technology to see through people's clothing has been around for decades - as long as you had 12 cereal box tops and $6.95 shipping.

Times are so tough that IHOP is now I-OP. The house part was foreclosed on.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Can't get the whole picture here so just go here:

It is just so sad...
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

^Haha wooowwww

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

sad but hilarious at the same time aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha
Okay, mine turn to post something,
*crosses fingers*
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

I don't get the tooth one.
the second diglett one is funny though; it's one of those things you expect but is still great
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Lol at the very end of this:
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

^I lost. Lol. I'm looking for good pics to put here.