Your deck building weaknesses.

I never seem to be able to build an absolute rogue deck that works well. Everything that I had created that worked well is either a high tier deck, or a deck that uses a high tier Pokemon.
I am having trouble with Gallade4/Alakazam4. I really love the combo but I just can't seem to pull it off, really sucks. If anyone can give me any pointers PM me please as I would really like some help (Not asking for a list). I also have trouble with Stage 2 decks, I can't seem to find the right balance of cards, I either end up with it being too slow or I have too much draw and deck out.
I'm not good at building popular decks. If it's Tier 2 or higher, I can't build it. You should have seen my Machamp deck :p.
I'm trying so hard currently to tweak my Luxape just right....something must be eluding me.
i'm really good at deckbuilding, but i'm not that good with playing the deck xD

the main problem with deckbuilding for me is inspiration, as i never get an idea to build a deck on.
I Played SP for ages and it did alright, got 22nd in U.K. nats with it.

After RR came out I went to Gengar, but found it hard to choose what to put in it, I just couldn't decide. So now my weakness is building any deck that evolves.
Decks that use attacks to discard energy. I've always had trouble with most fire pokemon that discard. The only deck like that I ever ran decently was Delcatty/Magneton/Blaziken PK.
Simple decks. I tried making T2 banette once and wound up with 23 Pokemon. I like techign things in to decks to make each game different, or playing decks with multiple options. I just don't like Kingdra D: Beedrill I cna deal with, just because of how much recovery you have to be able to put in without screwing consistancey.
I can't build a good Rayquaza C deck. I want to use it so badly, but I can't get the list right. I also forget key cards in many of my decks, and have to find cards to replace them. By the time I remember them, I can't figure out what to remove.
imacharizard333 said:
I can't build a good Rayquaza C deck. I want to use it so badly, but I can't get the list right. I also forget key cards in many of my decks, and have to find cards to replace them. By the time I remember them, I can't figure out what to remove.

3 different kinds of energy on Ray C Lv.X is somewhat slow. Sure, you have SP Energy, but that has to be taken out by a draw. You can only take out basic energy with Ray, so it maybe slower if a nesessary energy can't be taken out. Just remember: NO CLAYDOL!
I build a fun deck and once I play it, I found out that I dont use a lot of Pokemon that go past stage one. I also pull out soem rare candies when building, but dont need them. Its just kinda funny to me. Makes me rebuild the whole thing.
I can't build a deck that focuses on discarding energy for their attacks, like Blaziken and Infernape .-.