Your Greatest Fears & Phobias

My fear of heights is terrible, I've missed out on all the good roller coasters. I'm also scared of clowns, death, and solitude/confinement.
I am extremely terrified of spiders. It's not even the big ones that get me, it's any spiders. If I see even just one baby spider, one tiny baby spider, I'll freak out. And you don't even want to know when I see a big one. Surprisingly I like the Pokémon Galvantula...
I get a little suspicious of a lot of things. For instance, when there is a very loud airplane crossing my house on a rainy day, I sometimes think it's a thunderstorm (though I'm not really afraid of them). And when I think it's an airplane...
It's a thunderstorm.

What scares me about weather is the storm patterns, such as a 5 year storm, a 10 year storm or the really big 500 year storm. No, they don't last that long, but they happen once every 20 years or so. I just don't know what causes them, but I've heard that the bigger the number, the more severe the storm. (But what relieves me is that the 500 year storm, the biggest, won't happen any time this century...).

I really dislike the fact that inconsiderate people don't care about this world and chose to pollute, unaware of the environmental crisis that would happen. That's because global warming increases the power of storms.
I have fears of metal, sand (or other gritty substances), holes (pretty much only organic looking ones like barnacles, beehives, skin pores), nail trauma (broken or bent), windows (especially at night), and the dark (when it is nighttime and especially when walking around corners/past obscured things like doors and closets).

These first three cause more uneasiness and sick feeling than of panic.

Metallophobia is the fear of metal. I have had this my entire life. I hate the smell, the taste, and the sound. Yes, I think blood is really gross because of it. I go out of my way to cover my hands when touching metal things because the lingering smell on my hands makes me sick. The sound of it, such as when people bite their eating utensils (I hate that) or scrape it together, makes me want to vomit. Imagining/describing all of this makes me cringe and get goosebumps. I try my best to obtain plastic forks and knives when I can. Eating in a group of people is horrible, and I often will carefully time when I take sips (just loud enough to try and mask the sound of people biting their forks) rather than focusing on eating. Scissors are horrible. Coin money is horrible. Swordfights are horrible. And ... the dentist.

Eremikophobia is the fear of sand. This developed later in my life when I touched bags of sand and it gave me a feeling of a gag reflex in my throat. I began to be terrified of getting sand underneath my nails, which is related to my fear of nail trauma. I have nightmares about walking through sand and getting it in my shoes or stuck to my skin. I do remember when I was a kid becoming very anxious when sand would stick to my legs when I left the water. Getting it in my mouth also made me very panicky.

Trypophobia is the fear of holes. It just makes me feel so uneasy to see them. Perfectly spaced holes do not really bother me. It's the holes that cluster and are uneven and asymmetrical that make me feel horrified. Skin pores, skin grafts, barnacles, certain fungi, corals, that horrible frog whose babies hatch out of the skin. I am not sure if this is related, but I am also very scared of dropping important things in a hole and never getting them back. This used to give me panic attacks when I would walk into an elevator over that gap. I've never experienced dropping something down there, but the very idea of doing so scared me so much. I don't panic about that anymore, but I definitely do think that every time.

The fear of nail trauma has no name. Anything happening to my nails, like them breaking or bending, will send me into an immediate panic attack.

Defenestraphobia is the fear of windows. Mine manifests itself at night. I think it was caused by me reading a lot of scary stories regarding things looking in through the window. I really avoid windows at night, but that is a problem since there is a window above the sink where I get water at night. I imagine a horrifying face popping up in the window or watching me without me being able to see it until it is right in my face. I think this is directly related to my nyctophobia and my slight fear of mirrors at night.

Nyctophobia is the fear of the dark. I have to try and calm myself when walking into my room in the dark because my heart will begin to race and I am so scared of reaching for the light and there being a hand there. Or of me walking and there being something following me in the dark. Or of something popping out of a hidden space in the dark. This is where my other fears of Jeff the Killer popping up at the end of my bed and of checking behind doors and shower curtains come from.

And finally, blenders or garbage disposals. I have been having nightmares most of my life about people putting my hands or other limbs into them and turning them on. The concept makes me so sick to my stomach.

My assorted fears are things that I do not have a specific terms for and do not elicit a panic response but more of a sick feeling.. These are things like my fear of the last thing I say to someone (for example, dying words or final goodbyes), hurting other people, baking (because of multiple negative experiences such as teasing from family and causing a fire that hurt someone, relating to the previously mentioned fear), failure, hospitals, dentists (directly caused by my metallophobia), the sound of other people coughing/sniffling (although this is less of a fear and more of misophonia where it makes me fill with intense rage), people touching me, strong smells and lights, and not being able to leave a loud place (this one does give me panic attacks).

EDIT: Oh yeah, and seeing blood go out of my body when blood is taken.

I have so many fears. The list goes on for a very long time.
Bees and wasps. Stung a lot when I was little, it carries on to now. Also dogs, trampled by on when I was 3, but that's gotten better.
I have a fear of balloons.

It sounds silly but it's always been with me ever since I was young, I couldn't attend parties or weddings because of it. I have coping techniques in place now but I still get nervy every now and again when a little kid is messing around with a balloon. I'm afraid of the noise it makes when it's popped, I don't like the noise of the plastic rubber and kids just messing with them in general. Strangely enough, I am 100% happy with the foil balloons and they don't bother me whatsoever.

Also, I'm not good with needles. I become very faint, jittery and I get very cold hands too, when I have to have shots or blood taken out of me. I'm surprised I haven't blacked out yet since I had a nurse asked me if I was alright last time because of how bad I looked at that moment.
Terridactual said:
I have a fear of balloons.

It sounds silly but it's always been with me ever since I was young, I couldn't attend parties or weddings because of it. I have coping techniques in place now but I still get nervy every now and again when a little kid is messing around with a balloon. I'm afraid of the noise it makes when it's popped, I don't like the noise of the plastic rubber and kids just messing with them in general. Strangely enough, I am 100% happy with the foil balloons and they don't bother me whatsoever.
Strangely enough, I love the sound when you rub against a plastic balloon and when a balloon pops.
I used to blow up hundreds of balloons and kept making obnoxious noises with them, my family didn't appreciate it though xD.

I have a fear of destabilization, I will literally crawl into fetal position whenever a bus goes down a hill or when the car that I'm in parks on a slated surface. This is mostly due to my objective vertigo. The things that trigger it most often are probably roller coasters and swing sets.
I hate those things with a burning passion.
Lately, it's been my tires blowing me in the middle of the road, but that's because it happened to me twice. One of those times, I didn't even know the tires were out (I thought it was the engine or something) until I saw the hubcap fly off as I was pulling into a parking lot.
Bees. BEES. Also, hornets and wasps. Actually, more the latter two. Bumblebees, which are the type where I live, make me nervous. Wasps make me stand very still until they start to move away or fly off. One actually crawled on me when I was in second grade. NOT GOOD. Hornets are the absolute worst. Especially when I see BIG ones. I'm starting to freak out just thinking about them. :(

One more: I have acrophobia. AKA, the fear of heights. One time, I took a field trip to the state capitol. My class went up to the top balcony and looked over the edge. Railings do not make anything better. Ever. I think I'll fall over the railings and die. High up open windows, no matter how small, are just as bad.
Spiders suck. I still look up the super-weird and large kinds on youtube all the time, but they suck.

Also I don't like needles in any shape or form. I can't donate blood because of it. I remember once when I doctor was doing a blood test on me, and they drew like one really small vial of blood. Like a legitimately, PUNY vial of blood, and upon leaving I had to sit down because I felt woozy and like I was going to faint. e_e
I cringe, irrationally, at the thought of any foreign object entering my eye. You see, I am as blind as a bat, and when I have to go to the optometrist for new eyeglasses, I am subjected to the pressure test, in which they insert a vibrating THING into my eye. OMG, guys, you don't understand; it is literally the most terrifying thing on earth.

I also fear strange textures and stupid people.
I have Agateophobia - Fear of Insanity (I think too much :/)
I also have Arachnophobia - Spiders, duh. (Seems to be the most common phobia)
There are certain spiders I am not scared of. i.e., really tiny ones, daddy long legs/harvestmen, jumping spiders, etc. (Not sure why I am not scared of jumping spiders. You would think I would be terrified of them considering how quickly they move. I always thought they looked kind of like crabs or something though.) However, if it is hairy, bigger than a quarter, or venomous, then I am terrified of it lol. I don't like scorpions, either. They kind of freak me out, Ironically, I'm not scared of snakes or other reptiles. I actually used to have a snake as a pet.
I have a fear of parasitical worms, I cannot be in the same room as them, even thinking about it makes me nervous
{Though my dad places cruel pranks with it}
My biggest one, heights. And like its kinda embarrassing since I go on lots of mountain hikes but when it comes to scaling a wall or even walking/driving up a particularly steep slope, I'm so afraid of falling backwards down the whole way (similar feeling with going particularly high on an escalator or stairs).

Edit: I guess that's more of a fear of falling than of heights, but heights freak me out too.

A smaller one, centipedes. I love Scolipede, but that Pokemon embodies so much of what I fear in centipedes, being really big, fast, and bite hurts like hell.
I'm scared shitless of any size or type of Spiders or Bees and some other creepy small bugs/insects. Also terrified of heights, blood, needles.