Spoink! said:People shouldn't "play for me," though. It annoys me when people play so fast that you don't know what's going on or they assume that you'll use a certain attack.
the aura is with me8 said:What did he do?
thefleeee said:...he walks over looks in my hand and goes "Donphan Prime is a horrible card"
Meaty said:And I do think it's funny when a kid asks what type(s) your deck is, that first impression tells you they aren't a very good player haha. Same with when you ask them what their deck is and rather than the pokemon/strategy, they say "it's fire and water" or something like that. I see how it's annoying though, one time I played this kid and he said "Oh, your deck is dark and psychic" and I guess it was since I ran Dusknoir, Reuniclus, DCL, both LA and AR Spiritomb, Uxie, Azelf, Unown Q and Sableye (I had like 27 pokemon lol, but that deck worked well), but he was annoying since he kept thinking he knew what the deck did, like "Oh, I know why you're using that Reuniclus. It's really good against Exeggutor!" I just say "Yup...." and then I beat him by taking a ton of prizes with DCL without him even seeing it coming.
I do that too often in my earlier days of TCG, but to make up for it... I read upside-down.Pokefan4000 said:I absolutely hate it when people don't know what cards do. I was playing a Wormadam Rush deck around 5 months ago and everybody this one day who I battled had to look at every one of my Pokemon. Every single one (Well, besides Uxie, that is). And these just weren't little kids either, nononono...most of them were older than me. And they didn't know what my cards did. That just drives me crazy.
Tyraniking said:Pretty much everything n00bs do annoys me. One particular time I got quite upset. I played a Judge, and so he 'shuffled' his hand into his deck, but really he just inserted each card randomly in his deck and continued to draw four cards. I told him I had the right to cut, because he didn't even shuffle, but then he DENNIED IT and told me I didn't have to cut. So everyone around me got out of their games and told me he didn't have to cut, pretty much siding with him. So FINALLY he allowed me to cut after I had to defend my thoughts about the situation.
Also, one time some random Pokedad came up to 'organize' my stuff...Control freaks these days...
That's a psychological technique. I can either tell you the correct move to make it seem like I want you to do it, so you do an incorrect move or I can tell you the incorrect move and if you think I'm doing the former, you'll make that incorrect move. ;DSpoink! said:People shouldn't "play for me," though. It annoys me when people play so fast that you don't know what's going on or they assume that you'll use a certain attack.