Your Pokemon Pet Peeves. Post popostrously peevish posts!!!

Do peoples' abbreviations bother you?

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Ugh, there's this REALLY REALLY REALLY annoying kid at the league I go to who goes around EVERY week asking almost everyone if they have an Arceus for trade in the video games, and he ALWAYS asks me EVERY week if I have one and by now he should know I don't bring my games very often, so I was battling someone and once again, he asked me if I had an Arceus for trade and I said no. (which I tell him every week) the deck I was using had the Japanese blue Arceus sleeves on them and he GRABBED THE TOP CARD OF MY DECK just to look at my sleeve, and I had to scream and yank it back out of his hand to get it back!
(At league)
- People who don't pay attention to your turn (talking or whatever) and then ask what you did
- Decks without sleeves (especially nice cards)
- When the person I'm playing talks to other people the whole game
the aura is with me8 said:
Ugh, there's this REALLY REALLY REALLY annoying kid at the league I go to who goes around EVERY week asking almost everyone if they have an Arceus for trade in the video games, and he ALWAYS asks me EVERY week if I have one and by now he should know I don't bring my games very often, so I was battling someone and once again, he asked me if I had an Arceus for trade and I said no. (which I tell him every week) the deck I was using had the Japanese blue Arceus sleeves on them and he GRABBED THE TOP CARD OF MY DECK just to look at my sleeve, and I had to scream and yank it back out of his hand to get it back!

You need to confront him straight up and tell him to leave you alone. Don't be afraid to be blunt!
When people take really really long to do a move. I faced someone at nats who was about to win but just decided to play like 8 cards instead of attacking for the win so that I can go practise to try and make cut.
Rikko145 said:
You need to confront him straight up and tell him to leave you alone. Don't be afraid to be blunt!

He's like less than 10 years old, so it's not like there's that much I can do, I've told him to leave me alone before and he doesn't listen.
the aura is with me8 said:
He's like less than 10 years old, so it's not like there's that much I can do, I've told him to leave me alone before and he doesn't listen.

Maybe talk to his Parents in Private?
The-Kaiser said:
Maybe talk to his Parents in Private?

I don't have the slightest idea what his parents look like. (also I doubt they would be sitting around league all night instead of walking around Wal-mart grocery shopping) (our league is inside a McDonalds inside a Wal-mart)
the aura is with me8 said:
I don't have the slightest idea what his parents look like. (also I doubt they would be sitting around league all night instead of walking around Wal-mart grocery shopping) (our league is inside a McDonalds inside a Wal-mart)

Awesome i wish the Walmart i used to work at allowed one in when it had a McDonalds in it :)
i hate when people lie, cheat, and are rude and dont talk back to you! it really bothers me!
Latley my one of my league leaders has been really mean, deceiptful and lieing to me! I am one of the most loyal league members, (I buy packs almost every week and I'm as nice as I can possibly be) so I don't know why she's been treating me like dirt, (normally she's nice but last Thursday she made me rip myself off in a trade) and treats everyone else at league like gold! I'd go into more detail but it's a VERY long story. (though I have never been mean or rude to her)
Agreed, phenom. It's a game, and if it's not worth playing right, then it's not worth playing. Good contribution.
the aura is with me8 said:
Latley my one of my league leaders has been really mean, deceiptful and lieing to me! I am one of the most loyal league members, (I buy packs almost every week and I'm as nice as I can possibly be) so I don't know why she's been treating me like dirt, (normally she's nice but last Thursday she made me rip myself off in a trade) and treats everyone else at league like gold! I'd go into more detail but it's a VERY long story. (though I have never been mean or rude to her)

You should probably ask her whats the deal yo!? or maybe she was having avery bad and used you as a punching bag that day =\
I know everyone has bad days but, she said very mean things to me on Saturday at the EP prerelease, (nothing vulgar, but still rude) for example, when people pull something good at a PR, they get excited, it's only natural, but when I pulled a reverse holo Catcher, she just happened to be picking up the rubber bands and pack wrappers, so I was bouncing up and down in my seat (not litterally) and showing one of my friends, so she told me something among the lines of "Stop acting up and organise your cards by type!" And I was fine organising them my own way! Also I didn't see her telling anyone else to stop getting excited! Also she KNOWS how bad I wanted to get an EP booster box and I had just enough money to get one, but when I went up to the table to ask if they had a spare one to sell, she told there was none left and my friend saw one of our other league leaders with a sealed box in his hands! Honestly, if she doesn't stop being mean to me I WILL report her to P!P!
the aura is with me8 said:
I know everyone has bad days but, she said very mean things to me on Saturday at the EP prerelease, (nothing vulgar, but still rude) for example, when people pull something good at a PR, they get excited, it's only natural, but when I pulled a reverse holo Catcher, she just happened to be picking up the rubber bands and pack wrappers, so I was bouncing up and down in my seat (not litterally) and showing one of my friends, so she told me something among the lines of "Stop acting up and organise your cards by type!" And I was fine organising them my own way! Also I didn't see her telling anyone else to stop getting excited! Also she KNOWS how bad I wanted to get an EP booster box and I had just enough money to get one, but when I went up to the table to ask if they had a spare one to sell, she told there was none left and my friend saw one of our other league leaders with a sealed box in his hands! Honestly, if she doesn't stop being mean to me I WILL report her to P!P!

oh in that case do it ASAP people like that dont Deserve a break
Javier8100 said:
When people take really really long to do a move. I faced someone at nats who was about to win but just decided to play like 8 cards instead of attacking for the win so that I can go practise to try and make cut.
I disagree with this. Every time I play a card in tournament play, I look at my opponent's setup, then look at my hand. Then I play the card face down and look at my hand again without the card in it, then finally play the card. Otherwise, too many misplays happen. While I do take like 10-15 seconds to play each card, it's not an outrageous amount of time. If it helps me play better, why not do it?
No but he takes like 5 minutes just to end his turn and attack to win. He kept humming to himself and even told me on purpose he would take long..
Okay well that's a little extreme. I'll admit that. That's just being a bad winner when you're obviously going to lose and he knows it and he has the win and he drags the turn out. But if the person plays at the same pace for the whole game I don't have an issue with it.
you can always scoop up your cards if they are slowrolling. I call judges if they're ahead on prizes but don't have the win though
the aura is with me8 said:
Latley my one of my league leaders has been really mean, deceiptful and lieing to me! I am one of the most loyal league members, (I buy packs almost every week and I'm as nice as I can possibly be) so I don't know why she's been treating me like dirt, (normally she's nice but last Thursday she made me rip myself off in a trade) and treats everyone else at league like gold! I'd go into more detail but it's a VERY long story. (though I have never been mean or rude to her)

Ugh, speaking of league leaders, my league leader has absolutely no competitive knowledge, so you can never REALLY trust his word on a ruling. Worse than that, he made a huge deal because someone dropped their league card somewhere, and said that if anyone didn't have a name on theirs, he wouldn't mark the games. Luckily, someone was nice enough to lend me a pen.

He also complains about any archetype. I try and always play rogue, and even I understand the point of playing an archetype. But it's like he doesn't even get it. He thinks it's cheap and unoriginal. Well of course any metagame deck will be cheap compared to random noobness >_>

He has issues with donk decks. It's understandable, but he almost gets mad if someone runs a donk deck.

If you play two games in a row and forget to mark them down, he'll make it just one match. I mean, not even a warning like "You need to come here every match and report it, but for now I'll mark it as two games." He just marks it off as one right away. For a while, I just decided not to report any matches.
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